R | 16 September 2016 (USA)
ARQ Trailers

Two old friends living in a dystopic future become trapped in a mysterious time loop — one that may have something to do with an ongoing battle between an omnipotent corporation and a ragtag band of rebels.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Wizard-8 "ARQ" seems to have been inspired by several big budget Hollywood time loop movies in recent years, such as "Edge of Tomorrow", "Retroactive" and even "Groundhog Day". However, given that this particular go-around was made by Canadians, the budget is much, much lower, and 99% of the movie takes place in a few particular rooms of a house. Despite the extreme budget limitations, the movie still manages to work, thanks to an intelligent and clever script. I admit that the first part of the movie is quite confusing (and it almost got me to turn off the movie), but eventually any questions that we have do get answered... for the most part. Like most time loop movies, there are some details that are vague or head-scratching. But all the same, you get the general idea of what's going on, and who wants what. And the movie is directed in a compelling manner that keeps you interested even when certain details repeat themselves. The movie manages to breath new life into the time loop genre, and is one of the best Netflix exclusive movies made to date.
Mauseum This is my first review after being on this site since it was created, so bare with me!The movie starts off alright with quick references and the usual back and forth between characters in a loop movie. I was surprised with the pace and changes we are presented with and it's done quite well, especially for basically a debut film for the director. The acting is solid enough and I like the subtlety of the external story (raging war between two factions left for control of the world etc), there could have been so much subplot information which could have easily just made the movie a mess. Unfortunately as the movie proceeds you do start to question the choices made by the lead characters but it's not the major plot hole.The thing I could not get past is that the loop only exists within a certain radius of the machine, so therefore everything outside of the loop continues as normal. Would this not mean that the war has been raging for an unknown amount of time and Sonny would have called in for extraction of the ARK probably thousands of times? Wouldn't the dudes at Torus be like "Yo dudes, Sonny keeps calling in for extraction like every 3 hours, shouldn't we send the Droideker and see what's up?"Overall, I didn't mind this film and it's certainly not the worst film you'll ever watch, but too many questions are left unanswered and the major plot hole is annoying. Cheers.
Jimminy_Beeswax Good films miraculously made on shoestring budgets are to be applauded... "Arq" is not one of those amazing low budget films that miraculously turn out to be good due to exceptional writing & acting. "Arq" drones on and on, an endless "Groundhog Day" where the viewer eventually wishes it to be over with. By the time "Arq" is done, it is nearly impossible to care about any of the characters. For the second half of the film, I had to keep convincing myself that the ending might just be worth the effort spent forcing myself to continue watching it. (It really wasn't.) "Arq" is one of those films you should put on if you're doing household chores & you like having some noise in the background.
kosmasp Time loop movie. Does it make sense overall or rather are there holes? There probably are some, but upon first viewing I couldn't find big ones that would take the fun out of watching the movie. So if you are into Science Fiction and movies with a tight idea, than this is one to watch and enjoy.Twists and turns are coming accordingly of course and some are very neat and sweet indeed. The acting is OK for a genre movie and the characters are "acting" appropriately. There is action, there is tension and everything is playing at one location. So while it may seem easy (logistically speaking, also wardrobe), it isn't easy to keep the tension high for the viewer and making it fresh every time around. The movie achieves that on a tight budget