The Fast and the Fierce
The Fast and the Fierce
NR | 04 April 2017 (USA)
The Fast and the Fierce Trailers

When terrorists plant a bomb on a commercial flight, the passengers aboard the plane must fight to keep the plane in the air and all the passengers alive: the bomb is rigged to detonate whenever the plane dips below 500 feet.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "The Fast and the Fierce" is definitely one of the worst titles The Asylum has put out so far. Especially since the title cashes in on "The Fast and the Furious", but it has absolutely nothing to do with that movie or genre.This movie was actually entertaining enough for what it turned out to be, go figure.There was some good enough acting throughout the movie, which was also a surprise for a movie such as this. It was especially nice to see Dominique Swain in the movie.The CGI in "The Fast and the Fierce" was questionable at times. But of course, that was to be expected by a movie from The Asylum.I managed to sit through the movie in all of its mundane entirety, and I can honestly say that I will not be returning to it a second time around.
Michael Ledo This is an Asylum production. Director Ron Thornton passed while making it or shorty there after. The mock buster title has nothing to do with the race car on the cover nor does it have "B" actors having stunt doubles drive fast cars with CG effects so they can violate every law of physics.Benji (Zach Steffey) is one of few people who has access to the "Genesis 7" code which will...well we never know that plot point but we know it is important. He is coerced by Harriet (Monique Parent) into giving her the code. If he doesn't his wife Donna (Mimi Davila), who is in a plane, will die and he will also be paid $10 million dollars which to me would have been a deal closer. Harriet is a bad impersonation of Elle Driver. The plane will become uncontrollable if it does certain try to land. Donna befriends Kurt (Jason Tobias) and calls him Justin for much of the film.The film has one dramatic riff that it plays over and over. Not to give too much away, but what is a Middle Eastern-American is the hero and in the end a guy with a skin head apologizes for his views. The acting was horrible as I managed to breathe through my mouth for much of the feature. It also had lines like, "As useful as a Pogo stick in quicksand" and "Trickier then trying to get a mule to mate with a sheepdog." These lines would have worked better in "Airplane IV." There are no Volcanoes, meteors, or ice storms to throw this into an Asylum, "so bad it is good" category, but it tries.Guide: 1 F-word. No sex or nudity.
behnam-az84 The scenario is unbelievably worthless. nothing makes sense at all. there is a huge paradox according to the level of technology that is presented in the movie and the tricks and actions characters use to reach their purpose. They use a Technology to locate anyone in any place in the word while they are blind to a tracer device in the nest. they escape an Atomic submarine and its missiles and torpedoes by moving aside simply using their driving skills!! one of them used his hands to change the direction of a lunched torpedo.I mean I can accept that in a world where there is Iron-man he, using his incredible suite, can change the course of a lunched nuke. But common? changing one almost with bare hands and showing some muscles is dumb. two people out of nowhere jump in a plane and steal the most valuable asset of the enemy which is a baby! and that hacking war over controlling the submarine was a real shame as well. I Knew I shouldn't have expect a brilliant movie but never Imagined it in this level. even some cheep Bollywood movies do better than this.
adam-1509 Definitely a 1 out of 10 as you can't give a big fat zero. All the other reviewers seem to have summed up the film in it's entirety, well except the first review, but as that is from someone who 'stars' in the film then it's not really surprising is it......... Watch it if you want to waste 90 minutes of your life!!