The Flight That Disappeared
The Flight That Disappeared
| 01 September 1961 (USA)
The Flight That Disappeared Trailers

A cross-country airliner, whose passengers include a nuclear physicist, a rocket expert, and a mathematical genius, is drawn beyond radar range by an unknown, unbreakable force.

AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Mike Cloud TV regularly questioned the ethics of building bigger and more deadly weapons during the 50s and 60s. The Twlight Zone seemed to tackle this subject best. This movie could have benefited greatly from a rewrite from Rod Serling.Though released in 1961, the film has more of a mid-50s feel to it. The acting is B level but adequate. The message has a "preacher" feel to it but makes it's point. At first the movie looked like the entire story was a dream of one passenger but events following the plane landing proved that it actually happened.Growing up in the 50s and 60s, we all lived with possibility of nuclear destruction. The US and USSR were in a contest to build and test larger and larger bombs. The year after the release of this film, the Cuban Missle Crisis brought us unbelievably close to nuclear war. Some forward writers tried to warn us of the dangers. The Flight That Disappeared isn't the best of this genre but it's far from the worst.
movie reviews This stupidity of trite left wing morality and the cold war is a dog. As others have stated it gets kind of interesting about an hour into it when you get caught up in where the plane is going....until we find out and get the usual Hollywood morality lesson 101.The acting is terrible and wooden but that is due to the director---the rocket scientist and the physicist are halfway watchable. The pilot and copilot and flight engineer in the room sized cockpit are remarkable mainly for their toupees (hair pieces) which get ruffled in odd directions from time to time apparently unnoticed by director camera man and everyone else making this thing.The story's moronic use of time and existence could be swallowed but not the lead heavy ABC morality lesson --- AVOID is all I can tell you.I only stayed with it as it is a chore to find something else on Netflix streaming and didn't have the energy to do it.... After we learn where the plane is it is really painful to watch this out.. Trust me unplug it early and save an hour of your life for something better.DO NOT RECOMMEND AVOID....
utgard14 Little-known film about a cross-country flight that is transported to another dimension where time stands still. There are some scientists on board the flight that are responsible for building a new kind of nuclear weapon. They are put on trial in this other dimension by people from the future. It's a talky movie about ideas and Cold War fears that gets a little heavy-handed at times. The "logic" of the prosecutor is riddled with holes. The first half-hour is pretty dull before it slowly starts to pick up. Still, it's nearly an hour into the film before the trial starts. All of the characters are as exciting as cardboard. There are no big actors associated with this, though I did recognize a few faces. It's an interesting idea for a movie or even an episode of the Twilight Zone. I could see Rod Serling doing a lot with it. It's a slog to get through the buildup but the last 20-30 minutes is worth watching.
kalibeans As I write this review the rating stands at 4.6, which is way too low for this film. The acting is adequate, the story line well flushed out. Very interesting premise for a movie. What seems to be routine flight to D.C. ends up in a place where time is suspended. Plenty of time is spent introducing the characters and setting up the storyline. 3 scientists, each in their own way a part of the team to produce a "super bomb" are aboard. The plane climbs incredibly and without reason. When everyone is apparently in a state of suspended animation, these 3 are made to stand trial by future human beings whose existence may not happen if the bomb is created. It all sounds fantastical, and it is - but the film is very well put together. A bit too heavy on the moral judgements perhaps, but you must remember the time in which this film was made. Every American feared a nuclear attack from Russia. It really is a gem of a little movie and well worth the time invested to watch. I'm glad I ignored the rating and went with my instinct that this could be a good film and watched it - I was right.