Creature with the Atom Brain
Creature with the Atom Brain
NR | 01 July 1955 (USA)
Creature with the Atom Brain Trailers

Murders, with victims dying from spines broken by brute strength, erupt in the city and the killers, when encountered, walk away unharmed by police bullets which strike them. A police doctor's investigation of the deaths leads to the discovery of an army of dead criminal musclemen restored to life, remotely controlled by a vengeful former crime boss and a former Nazi scientist, from the latter's laboratory hidden in the suburbs.

SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
mark.waltz Some science fiction films are so bad that they're good; this one is so boring that is just plain bad. Infecting human corpses and other living men into doing their nefarious deeds by brutally murdering those responsible for the breakup of a crime ring years before. The murders may be gruesome, but the explanatory scenes in between are sleep inducing. Made at the height of the atom film craze, this lacks serious suspense and continues to rely on annoying clichés that go back 20 years.Hideously bad acting by the bad guys giving orders to the walking dead, this adds more idiotic clichés by giving leading man Richard Denning a typically boring domestic situation. The only scene I found amusing was when Denning's boss, turned into a monster by the evil scientists, destroys Denning's cloying little girl's dolly, giving me laughs for all the wrong reasons. While the swarm of approaching zombie like atom men march together, they remind me of an army of For Johnson's, but without the unintentional laughs and camp value of "Plan Nine From Outer Space". If the first 69 minutes of this turkey didn't make me gag, the final scene sure did.
LeonLouisRicci This just Misses being an Unadulterated Classic like say, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), it is nonetheless, at times, a Great Looking, Sleekly Designed, Bizarro Story that Anticipated things it never Anticipated.Like the Enduring and Endless Trend of Zombie Movies. Cold War Mind Control Experiments and its Fascination to this Day. Manchurian Candidates doing the Bidding of those at the Controls. Go here. Go there. Kill Him. Come home.It is a Fantastic Film Filled to the Brim with Unforgettable Stuff. Its Creep Factor High and Fun Enough for Fans and those Slumming for Something Unusual. It is Stuck in the Mid-Fifties and Women are Sex Objects and Kitchen Dwellers. Bend over Honey (with a lingering shot of the Backside), and Whip that Cake Batter (while ignoring the Zombie in the Living Room).This is more than Your Rank-and-File Fifties B-Movie Schlock. There are some Very Violent Scenes (notice the squibs not usually found in this type of thing), a Cool Mad Lab, Children in Peril (Psychologically), and much more to Recommend. Unintentionally Influential and Made for Double Features and Drive-Ins, this one is in the Upper-Atmosphere of Atomic Paranoia Movies and is so much more Entertaining than it would seem at First Glance.
Scott LeBrun "Creature with the Atom Brain" is fun for what it is, a quick and amusing B picture with a cool premise courtesy of Curt Siodmak. It's agreeably performed, has a good mixture of talk and action, features some decent makeup effects, and it builds to an interesting climax. It hits the ground running and runs just over 69 minutes.The story has a vengeance crazed mobster named Frank Buchanan (Michael Granger) hooking up with a mad German scientist, Wilhelm Steigg (Gregory Gaye) who is able to reanimate dead bodies using atomic energy. Granger sends these zombies after his enemies while police lab doctor Chet Walker (Richard Denning) and the cops try to solve the gruesome crimes.Zombies and gangsters prove to be a diverting mix, and director Edward L. Cahn, a prolific director of movies such as this, guides it all with efficiency. The handsome Denning is an engaging hero, while fine supporting performances are supplied by Granger, Gaye, S. John Launer as Chets' colleague "Uncle" Dave Harris, and Angela Stevens and Linda Bennett as his family. It's enjoyable trivia that this was one of the first movies to use squibs to indicate gunshot wounds, and the aforementioned finale with the cops taking on the zombies is a hoot. In fact, the movie does have a not-entirely-serious tone to it that makes it quite irresistible, especially the part where pipe smoker Chet is encouraged to try the "special blend" that another character offers!All in all, this is a charming diversion from the golden age of science fiction and it's over before you know it.Seven out of 10.
MartinHafer This is a pretty weird sci-fi/cop film, but because it is well written and carried off very well, it works. However, with such a strange plot, it could have easily just been a grade-z film.The film begins with a robbery and murder. How the perpetrator was able to so easily snap the neck of the victim stumps the cops as well as the strange glowing trail left following the attack. A short time later, another man is killed in a similar manner. With the second murder, a pattern has emerged. Both men had testified years earlier in a trial of a mobster--who has since been deported to Europe. When a third man, also involved with this trial, is killed, it's certain why the killings are occurring--but how?! The police have a crazy idea that dead men are being reanimated using atomic power--making them robotic zombies!! As I said, it sure sounds like a plot that COULD have made for a dumb film.Here are some of the reasons for the film working. First and foremost, the idea works because the writing is crisp and works well. Second, while the actors in the film are mostly unknowns (with only Richard Denning being recognizable to only a few discerning viewers), they did a great job--and the director did a good job eliciting good performances from all, though I must admit that the little girl in the film was a bit of a weak point--not terrible but not particularly good. Another minor problem is that the reanimated folks talk just like robots BUT no one seems to notice this!! After all, this is a dead giveaway that something is amiss, but time and again none of the living seem to notice! Overall, this is a great film for lovers of 1950s sci-fi/horror/cop films. The rest may just find it all a bit silly, but if you give it a chance you might be surprised to see it's pretty good. It sure ain't Shakespeare...but it is entertaining.