The Genius Club
The Genius Club
PG | 27 October 2006 (USA)
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What if you had one night to solve the world’s problems? For seven geniuses, they have no choice. A terrorist culls together a scientist, a seminary student, a pro baseball player, a professor, a casino owner, a painter, and a pizza delivery guy to attempt to solve the world’s problems in one night.

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
mikesheraton Genius Club is the most emotionally moving film I have ever seen. It delves deeply into one of the worst human fears, losing the ability to move and function, but it's never forced or manipulative, and there's no heavy-handed message or moral. It's just a fascinating story that's beautifully told, especially as you get to know the characters.The acting is as good as you will ever see. Tom Sizemore deftly handles all the emotional and physical challenges of his role, and Stephen Baldwin demonstrates convincingly that he is an actor, not just a comedian. Baldwin is perhaps a bit too nerdy at first, but he captures perfectly all the hope, fear, exhilaration, and anguish that a pizza boy in that situation must be experiencing. Genius CLub is based on actual world events, and, to me at least, real events are always more powerful than even the best fiction.I like escapist fare as much as the next guy, but once in a while, everyone should see a movie that you will remember and think about for a very long time. Genius Club deserves to be at the top of your list of movies to see.
americanpastorfifth Usually when a film gets made about world issues, the resulting movie tends to be overtly sensational and at best remotely connected to what really happened.Instead what we have is a well argued thesis on the possibly solving the world's problems. Amazing concept. Brilliant and courageous all the way. While there are some very intense scenes, the director takes a somewhat unexpected approach on the subject. All of the world's problems take place pretty early on in the movie, with the bulk of the story centering on the geniuses and their characters - wonderful storytelling.Some people may find themselves disappointed by this epic if they go in expecting the normal Hollywood fare. In a perfect society, this would have won the Oscar, not another Eastwood or Spielberg picture
melissa_bell This film was ignored by critics when it was first released, and to this day, I have absolutely no idea why.One critic from LA Weekly apparently got the message and knew it was a great movie.Perhaps its because it discussed God too much. This is the most important question to mankind, don't you think? I'm not going to go too much into the story as many others have, but the performance of Stephen Baldwin was fantastic. Never knew he could act like this - not sure why his performance wasn't singled out, which just further goes to show the naivety of the critics.Genius Club is worthy of your time, and I am not surprised that people are finally discovering it and realising that its not the failure that critics would have you believe.
kayreffner The movie was directed fairly well and all he actors were very good at their roles, however i thought the ending was a twist and wasn't easily expected because of how the movie was going. Most of the movie was predictable but it's the kind of predictable that you want to keep watching because of how the movie flows and brings you into it. I think this movie is great for emotional people. like i said it brings you into the story and the ending credits are pretty cool also. I heard a few people cry at parts of this movies and many people clapped.I think most people will enjoy watching it but only emotional people could really connect to it.This movie really shows the importance of faith and support. If u have a strong family backing n have full faith in yourself then nothing's impossible. It gives u that extra bit of encouragement when u just need to go and push your limits a little more.-kykyd
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