The Five-Year Engagement
The Five-Year Engagement
R | 27 April 2012 (USA)
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Exactly one year after Tom meets Violet, he surprises her with a wedding ring. By all accounts, Tom and Violet are destined for their happily ever after. However, this engaged couple just keep getting tripped up on the long walk down the aisle.

Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
merelyaninnuendo The Five-Year EngagementThere are few scattered but good ideas and they are depicted with all the conviction but these kind of movies work on actors and it is quite clear that weren't able to pull it off.
sesht When one thinks 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' and 'Get him to the Greek', one thinks comedy, of the raunchy and the mature kind, definitely R-rated, which will also be smart.Well, we get all that in Stoller's 'engagement' here, but its also dark as well as cynical, nee, realistic, about the compromises we do to stay in a relationship, and why everyone loves playing the martyr.I'd actually watched this in a packed showing the same week it released, and feel since then that this had not got the attention it deserved, and might fade away into DVD-obscurity without making a decent buck now at least. Its frequently dark, which means it shows us what we really are, underneath all the facades, though it does take frequent detours into territory that can be considered borderline difficult-to-watch (drifter-speak) and some mildly funny scenes that go on for too long (under the assumption that the jokes are good, while in fact they're just passable, but the stretching making the whole thing kinda...excruciating).The casting's spot on, with the leads perfect in their roles, with just the right amount of chemistry to match one another step for step, and the supporting cast including Pratt and Brie getting meaty roles, along with Rhys Ifans and Chris Parnell. Kaling, Hart, Jackie Weaver and Mimi Kennedy get and not in there enough, with Dakota Johnson being on for longer than necessary, though that's not necessarily a completely bad thing. All in all, this one deserved a larger audience, and there's a moral in there somewhere as well.
Thomas Drufke I gotta say, Emily Blunt always has tremendous chemistry with whoever she works with. I still think her and Matt Damon in The Adjustment Bureau are one of the best movie couples in terms of chemistry on screen (regardless if you liked the movie or not). Who doesn't love Jason Segel anyway? Add some Chris Pratt with the beautiful Allison Brie and you have a well rounded cast. The first 45 minutes are great, the next 40 dragged for a bit and the last 40 minutes wrapped things up well.It's well written thanks to Segel, and Stoller did a good job directing. And I think the acting is superb, with the standout being Chris Pratt. I laughed out loud at his first kitchen scene with Segel. Pratt is a future star and I'm really looking forward to his take on a superhero (Star lord). You had to know right when Rhys Ifans walks on screen that he would be the guy that kinda screws things up for the couple. I enjoyed this movies realistic take on romance. Similar to 500 Days of Summer and Your Sister's Sister it gives you a different taste of the typical romantic tale. Not every relationship is perfect and I don't like movies that tell you that. But this couple really had me rooting for them throughout the movie.My only real complaint is that cant you find a way to wait to start your new job and get married? I know that's the whole premise of the movie is that long gap in between getting engaged and getting married but come on. Just have a small wedding one quick weekend. Isn't that more worth it then waiting years upon years. Quick note, I found it interesting how even with the title being Five Year Engagement they never use the 'One year later' screen or anything. We are just led to assume that the times have changed.A fun movie nonetheless, and the chemistry between the whole cast is a definite highlight.8.1/10
g-bodyl The Five-Year Engagement is a much better film than people give it credit for. While it may be overlong especially for a romantic comedy, I feel like this movie goes by fast and was almost disappointed when the film was over. I liked the film because it does not rely on gross-out gags, but it relies on charisma and it's heart to tell the story. While some things may seem conventional, it works because you come to relate to each character in the film.Nicholas Stoller's film is about a couple named Tom and Violet. They recently get engaged and are due to be married. But there are many mishaps along the way that continually delay their marriage which will eventually strain their relationship.The acting is very good mainly because of the two leads. Jason Segel is a smart, charming actor who can be really funny at times. Emily Blunt is also a charismatic, attractive actress who shows great chemistry with Segel. I also must mention Chris Pratt and Alison Brie because they had some scene-stealing moments together.Overall, this is a lovely romantic film that is just sweet. In terms of recent romantic comedies, this ranks with the best. It may be a bit long and some scenes featured choppy editing, but those didn't stop this movie from being good and charming, not also to mention charming. I rate this film 9/10.
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