Love's Kitchen
Love's Kitchen
PG-13 | 24 June 2011 (USA)
Love's Kitchen Trailers

Rob Haley, an up-and-coming chef and restaurateur in London, is grief-stricken when he loses his wife. With encouragement from his infamous friend and real life TV Chef Gordon Ramsay, Rob decides to spice up his life by turning a run-down country pub into a gourmet restaurant. His food catches the eye - and taste buds - of beautiful American food critic Kate Templeton and they soon both write a recipe for love that leaves both their hearts - and their stomachs - in full.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Theo Robertson It wasn't until I consulted Wikipedia that I found out how much commercial contempt that LOVE'S KITCHEN received from the British public . In the five cinema's it was shown in it made a grand taking of one hundred and twenty one pounds sterling ( £121 ) which means a grand total of seventeen people paid to watch it . Putting it in to perspective about you're twice as likely to know someone who attended the opening than you have of knowing someone who became a lottery millionaire that week One suspects that this exceptional low grossing opening led to a large amount of bandwagonism by the British newspaper critics . They all without exception put the boot in to the film as if their professional careers depended upon slating the film . As someone who has nothing to lose by stating their opinion online I can only state that it's not a good film but is nowhere as bad as made out The problem lies in that it's maybe trying a bit too hard and does become very predictable . The audience are asked to empathise why the trauma of Rob Haley played by Dougray Scott who losing his wife in a car crash has to now bring up his young daughter while trying to expand a business in a small town populated by nearly famous British character actors . In it's efforts to be sweet it ends up being rather sickly and like so many British movies it has a feel and look of something that gets broadcast on Sunday evenings on ITV . As a romantic comedy it's not much better or worse than other British films within the genre and wonders perhaps if its failure is mainly down to the public appetite for this type of British film had like the gangster film been done to death
Amy Adler Rob (Dougray Scott) is a London chef who is definitely haute cuisine. One of his motivations to do superior work is a bad review he got from a restaurant critic. One day, his lovely wife dies in a traffic accident leaving him a widower with a young daughter. Needing to change his life, he decides to move to the country, where a rundown old inn has housing for his family and a large pub. Not everyone is happy to have him in the neighborhood, some folks like their bucolic setting as peaceful as possible. Since the pub business begins very slowly, this isn't a great problem. Also, there is a beautiful woman named Kate (Claire Forlani) who lives with her parents nearby. This lady has been unlucky in love herself and, although she is the object of affection for a snooty gentleman resident, she shies away from attachments. Yet, Rob and Kate begin to like the looks of each other, especially when Kate's efforts to drum up business for Rob turns out well. There are a few secrets afoot, however, which may damage the future of their romance. Will it be so? This is a nice film for the ever-thirsty romance fans, like me. Scott and Forlani are fan favorites and the rest of the cast, which includes Simon Callow, are delightful as well. The sets, costumes, script, photography and surefooted direction combine to make a flick that is most enjoyable. Therefore, romance fans, get out of the kitchen, get some nice takeout and watch this in total bliss.
TxMike We watched this on Netflix streaming movies. Filmed in England, Forlani plays an American character of British parents.Dougray Scott (villian in M.I. 2) is chef Rob Haley with a thriving business in London. Very early in the movie his wife, who has a habit of driving too fast while on the cell phone, dies in a crash. Rob loses his will to be an excellent chef, and his restaurant gets a very negative review.Three years after his wife's death he re-looks at a pub for sale in the countryside. Along with his young daughter gets re-vitalized and buys the place, fixes it up to be his new restaurant.Claire Forlani as Kate Templeton happens to be a restaurant critic. In fact Rob eventually finds out it was she who wrote that negative review. But in the grand scheme of things it helped him realize he had to do better.The road towards romance is predictably rocky, and not all situations and dialog make good sense, but overall it is an enjoyable, entertaining movie. But a very light weight one.I never liked the loud, angry Gordon Ramsay on his TV show, but here he makes a small cameo as Himself to provide some comic relief. Most of the comic relief is provided by Simon Callow who is a food critic that has a penchant for drinking way too much before he ever samples the food and the live taped shows suffer for it. Until his producer finds a novel solution in the form of a bodyguard who monitors his intake of liquids!
rightwingisevil The screenplay is a lukewarm work just like all the actors in this movie, very loose, not quite convincing. The female food critic looked pretty forced and not convincing at all. The editing of this movie was also not quite good since there are several transit scenes just felt incomplete and abrupt.The major problem of this movie is that the main character who played the role as an ingenious chef, again, very unconvincing, showing shortage of any superior cooking technique and basic sanitary alertness. Arranging and putting the final touch of the decoration for the food presentation, he combed his hairs, wiped his neck with the same hand that touched the food, yuck! Ever heard of cross-contamination? I was worried that he might pick his nose and scratch his crotch or his behind, then touch the food again. This is the major reason that I don't like any food that obviously was handled and touched by hands, especially if there were some obvious arrangement of the food on the plate, some greens or flowers? Nowadays, it seems every food, especially the food at outrageous prices, would be arranged by hands, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese...lot of so-called "cuisine" are using hands to touch, arrange, re-arrange the looks on the plates. Yack! And this chef, touched food and combed his hairs and wiped his neck at the same time. His greatness in food never showed clearly only showed that he could do some magical "Trifle", in other words, a pastry chef? Lot of scenes in this lukewarm romance comedy are just pretentious and stupid. Highly unlikely realistic.Watchable, but not great at all.