The Dreamlife of Angels
The Dreamlife of Angels
R | 02 April 1999 (USA)
The Dreamlife of Angels Trailers

Isa and Marie bond while working in a French sweatshop and soon begin sharing an apartment that Marie is watching for a hospitalized mother and daughter. Marie, hoping to avoid a life of struggle and poverty, takes up with Chriss, a nightclub owner whose most attractive asset is his money. Isa recognizes the ultimate futility of the relationship and tries to keep Marie away from him, but her interference puts their friendship at risk.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
elivbg1 This is not a bad movie; there is some real good and honest acting. There is an interesting human angle to the stories. But to me it was not a great movie. Both female characters were sympathetic in their own way but there was a feeling of gloom and desperation in the movie, which seemed to overpower the positive message of the movie. There is a tendency in European cinema drama to really go for what may be called a realistic sense of despair in the characters or the story lines. And that film is no exception. You can choose to focus on everything that can go wrong in life; and this movie sort of does that in its own way and to at least several of its characters. On the other hand, it also offers some positive turns and twists. There is some fruit for thought, some hope and some sense of joy but there was not enough optimism in the movie to really make it a great movie for me.
Jordiuly There are people who have not the lot to be born in a good family, with enough income to give to their children a life without difficulties and guarantee them a promising future. The people without this lot pass their days dreaming about a better life, a life in which don't have the need to search every night a bed to sleep, a life with a permanent job that assure enough income to don't care about the basic needs, a life to live not to suffer. But there are people able to keep going ahead, optimist people who can wake up every day with a smile, who are able to enjoy every little moment. But other people cannot take out from their mind the life that they want to have, the life with which they dream about every day. They do everything to reach that life, but they don't get it and they sink in a deeper pessimism that makes them live with sadness and disillusion. "La vie rêvée des anges" shows us the day by day of two young women in this situation. They either try to reach their dreamed life either try to enjoy the life they got. It is an excellent human drama, highly recommended to those who like the genre. Just the brilliant interpretation of both actresses makes the movie a must-see. In addition, the soundtrack is amazing; you must wait until the end of the movie to hear the unique song but it worth the wait.
ikanboy Isa is a French girl who comes to Lille - with backpack - hunting for a man she bedded, who had invited her, perhaps, to stay. He isn't there so she gets a job in a sewing mill and meets Marie. Isa is lousy at sewing and loses her job, so Marie resigns in protest. Isa moves into an apartment with Marie, an apartment owned by a woman who has been in a car accident with her daughter. Marie is living there in the mean time.The girls become close friends, or at least they seem to. Isa is slower than Marie, and more gullible. Marie is tense and angry, and thinks that Isa is naive. They go out together and end up meeting some men who are bouncers at a nightclub. Marie beds one, while Isa stays uninvolved sexually, but remains friendly with them. The girls go to a Mall and play an annoying game with attractive men who pass by. They follow them and proposition them - playfully, but cynically. In the end they follow one guy outside as he gets in his SUV, and when he drives off Marie breaks his headlight. They run.Marie's mother arrives for a visit, and it is clear Marie despises her. She ends up giving her mother money. She hasn't seen her father in 4 years, and there is obviously something dark in their past. Perhaps incest? Perhaps rejection from a cold father? It is evident that Marie hates men. She sleeps with them but believes herself to be immune to their charms.Isa snoops into the private things in the apartment and comes across a diary written by the daughter, who is in a coma. Isa is entranced by it, and starts to live through it vicariously. She goes to the hospital and pretends to be a "relative" and visits the girl: Sandine. As she continues to do this we see that Isa wears her heart on her sleeve. Marie, on the other hand, hides hers in the pit of her being.Marie is caught shoplifting an expensive leather jacket. A passerby offers to pay for it in order to get her from being charged. It turns out he is the man whose headlight she smashed, but he doesn't recognize her. He owns the nightclub where her boyfriend is a bouncer. He takes her out for a drink, but far from being grateful to him she spews hatred at him. We now begin to see Marie as someone who attacks when she feels vulnerable. He is intrigued. He is rich, used to getting his way. He tries to kiss her and she attacks him physically and throws her drink at him. In spite of this he takes her home.Isa is amused that Marie has brought home the man whose car they vandalized, and thinks that Marie is taking the opportunity to spit in the face of the upper class.Instead Marie begins an affair with him. She shows up in a bar he owns and when one of his woman friends talks down to her she attacks her! He takes her to a hotel and has sex with her. She fights him off for awhile, but he becomes more aroused and eventually they have sex - like cats! When Isa realizes that Marie is involved she becomes despondent. Is she jealous? Perhaps! More likely she knows where it's going to end and she wants to save Marie from the pain. But Marie, as is her defensive style, attacks her verbally and then threatens her with a knife. Isa moves out. Now we know that Isa is the stable one and that Marie is quite likely a borderline personality, incapable of intimacy without demanding ownership! In the end they go their separate ways. Isa finds out that, quite possibly, her visits to Sandrine have helped her. In a telling scene at the hospital she approaches the door of Sandrine's room, after hearing the nurse tell her that she needs her continued support, but balks at going in, and turns her back and leaves. We see her in the streets laughing, clearly overjoyed at having accomplished something, but equally clearly incapable of following through with the commitment. Marie ends her life by jumping from her bedroom window just as Isa looks in on her for the last time.The movie sucks us in to these women's lives. We see how differently equipped they are for life as lower class single women. Isa, who initially seems to be dull witted, has a soul. Marie has an empty hole which is filled with venom, self hatred projected outwards, at the world she is estranged from. There is no preaching here, no heavy messages, just a profound telling of a tale of lives lived in quiet desperation.
MartinHafer I really didn't like this movie much at all. Much of it was because I didn't like either main character much at all--particularly Marie, as she's mostly a self-involved and hateful person. So, because of this and the generally gloomy and awful mood of the film, I can't see the average viewer liking this film.However, this is a rare film that is actually well-written but probably doesn't have a large audience. Those who will like it are either those who like depressing and awful films (fans of Bergman's most depressing films, this is probably for you) OR someone who watches it for the psychological studies. I was a therapist before my mid-life crisis and now I teach psychology in high school. If it weren't for all the nudity in the film, it would be a great film to show the kids when we discuss personality disorders. Isa is a pretty good example of an immature person who MIGHT be diagnosed with a Schizotypal Personality Disorder because she is just plain weird, though not apparently mentally ill. The connection she creates with the girl in the coma is just bizarre as are many of her other behaviors. Marie, though, is the more unlikable character and is a more clearly defined demonstration of a personality disorder. She actually shifts from an apparent Avoidant Personality Disorder (a person who acts like they need no one and may be quite surly to prove it) to a Dependent Personality Disorder (she MUST have one particular man, even though he mistreats her and is a bad person).Once again, this is not a fun movie to watch and the ending is depressing as can be, so don't rush out to see this movie unless you are a person looking for this specific type film.