The Double
The Double
PG-13 | 28 October 2011 (USA)
The Double Trailers

The mysterious murder of a US senator bearing the distinctive trademark of the legendary Soviet assassin 'Cassius', forces retired CIA operative, Paul Shepherson to team with rookie FBI agent, Ben Geary to solve the crime. Having spent his career chasing Cassius, Shepherdson is convinced his nemesis is long dead, but is pushed to take on the case by his former supervisor, Tom Highland. Geary, who wrote his Master's thesis on Shepherdson's pursuit of the Soviet killer, is certain that Cassius has resurfaced.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
mfrost71w Probably the worst film I've seen in over a decade. Completely pointless it being madeIts a cold war thriller brought up to date, clumsily constructed around a double twist.It is appallingly written - the plot makes little sense and has plot hole after plot hole. Characters make correct conclussions from almost no evidence and seem to stumble from one leap of faith to another. Sometimes new storylines just pop into existence with no, or almost no, origin. Dialogue is cliche after cliche, lifted from cold war thrillers made when the cold war was still on 30 years ago. The storyline is confused and muddiedIt has no redeeming features - the writing is poor, the directing is poor, the acting is poorOn a personal level, I found the pronunciation of 'Cash-us' really annoying. Is it an Americanism? I think the rest of the world says 'Kass-eus'
bowmanblue One of the major problems with 'The Double' is the trailer advertising it. If you've seen it, it tells you most of the story (and one of the twists). However, I only found that out by reading the internet forums about this movie. I suppose I fortunate enough not to see the trailer, hence I quite enjoyed finding out what was happening as it went along.It's nothing too revolutionary - old dog spy (Gere) paired with up and coming spy (Grace) - it's effectively a mismatch/buddy-cop film but with spies. It flits between action and talking, with a few surprises thrown into the mix. Plus it isn't too long, so it fits everything in and quite nicely.But, although it's a decent watch, it probably could have been better. It gives away one of the surprises too early, which may lead some to lose interest. However, at least there are a few more twists to come which I'm guessing the writer hoped would make up for it.In short, it's not bad, but not a classic. Plus, avoid watching its trailer at all costs. Long gone are the days when a trailer is made to tease and draw you to a movie without revealing anything. I decided to watch the trailer AFTER I'd seen the film and I can see what people meant about it. I really don't know what the film-makers were doing with the trailer - it's effectively a ninety minute film condensed into a couple of minutes.Overall this is a decent and entertaining production for which you have to keep expectations low on all levels in order to enjoy it.
grandmastersik I watched this with a family member the other night and she was bored after 10 minutes. I figured that the pace would pick up and with the screenwriters' previous credits, had much higher hopes for it, but come the 30 minute mark, I was incredibly bored too.Making a decent spy film, to me, seems to hinge on one - or a combination of - three things: great action, intelligent suspense and/or dramatic characters. The problem with this film is that the characters (or actors - take your pick) didn't bring us into their world and the action was clearly held back to play on the suspense, which, unfortunately, was pretty much void.We're expected to believe that with all of today's crime scene nous and technology, nobody can tell the difference between a wire and knife cut, as the film's resident expert, Topher Grace, tells of how the killer doesn't cut from left-to-right, but upwards, and the reveal of Gere's real identity so early in seemed to make watching the remainder kind of pointless.Maybe I missed something? Perhaps this big reveal was part of a mega twist near the end? Unfortunately, with 6 film channels to choose from, something this dull won't see two people in a room together reach the conclusion, and where I may go back later (having recorded it) to see if the film got any better, flicking over to the news on another station did prove vastly superior viewing.
truiz1 A spy thriller in a line of spy thrillers that manages to captivate and entertain its audience, if not thrill. Following a formula to the letter, The Double is predictable to the last plot point, and the pretty packaging of this movie is tied up with a bow, not in the least surprising though it attempts one surprise after another. You'll quickly understand the intent of the plot, and the identity of the characters, but Gere and Grace are strong enough actors that they can turn predictable characters into interesting performances.Russian spies in the U.S., but for how long? According to FBI Agent Ben Geary, they have been for as long as you can imagine. He is hot on the trail of long-ghosted assassin Cassius, a man never identified and never caught when the Russians were the worst threat the CIA could imagine, back in the 80's and 90's. According to CIA Agent Paul Shepherdson, though, those days are over. Begin sparring between agencies to get to the bottom of a mystery, or perhaps begin re-looking at what everyone thinks they know. You won't have to watch long to understand the true story behind the story, but you'll want to watch to see just how it all plays out.