The Diary of Preston Plummer
The Diary of Preston Plummer
| 05 March 2012 (USA)
The Diary of Preston Plummer Trailers

On the day of his college graduation, Preston Plummer cannot think of a single thing he really loves. Adrift, Preston follows a beautiful but troubled young woman to a small island town where he begins to fall for her, but it all threatens to fall apart when he uncovers her family’s dark past.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
michaelsdorey I'm still wondering how a movie that is seemingly small in scope, with a slow measured cadence could have been so exciting. Not exciting in the traditional blockbuster way, but with a tension filled plot that defies your assumptions of what will happen next, right up until the end. The acting is well done and the characters grow on you. As the movie progresses their welfare drives your interest in the plot.See this on the large screen if you can, to fully experience the feeling of solitude throughout the movie, in the landscape, the individuals and the relationships. With" less money than most movies spend on food", Sean Ackerman has made a film with as much value as anything you might see this season.
Ron Manganiello Excellent story - genuine characters; the somewhat gritty film and sound quality is totally understandable considering that the movie was created for about the price of a Tesla electric sports car. The writer, director, producer showed up after the opening in his scrubs fresh from his day job as an MD in the Burlington Vermont Hospital. Great guy - you want to take him home and make dinner for him. We had read a very negative review of the movie that almost scared us away. There is a sincerity about the script and acting that is rare in the typical, slick Hollywood productions. See the movie, tell your friends!
dantes15 An Excellent film! The Diary of Preston Plummer is very thoughtful and engaging movie that allows the viewer to enter into the complicated worlds of its characters. The movie drew me into that world from its opening scene and I found myself more and more curious about their lives as the movie progressed. Ultimately there is a parallel with the journey of discovery and decision that the chief characters encounter with the journey that we all take in our lives. How do we reconcile our past? Do we take the chances that the moment presents to us? Do we follow our rational or emotional side? Can time answer many questions that our intellect flounders at? These themes are raised with an elegant plot and translated with superb acting. Dr. Ackerman's (the director) cinematography is exquisite with an eye for framing scenes and long-shots that bears some comparison to Terrence Malick's works. Dr. Ackerman has a keen eye for observation and sense of feeling, and although he does a phenomenal job of capturing and conveying the subtle transition of land, ocean and sky in the outdoor shots of the marshes, shores, clouds and Sunsets of Florida (I honestly felt I was watching an episode of the BBC's Planet Earth), what is more exquisite is that these scenes speak a narrative of beauty that gives voice and credence to one of the character's visions of this land. In an age where an average indie movies cost millions, it is true genius to make this movie on a budget of (merely) $125,000. Bravo to Dr. Ackerman for his vision and for his artistic integrity. I look forward to his next film.
mhodonnell I was very pleased and impressed by this movie - made on a shoestring budget, it had all the elements that so many "major" movies lack: a good story line, strong filmography, unexpectedly solid acting. I would strongly recommend this. The backstory on the movie's writer, director and producer is almost as interesting -- he's currently a resident physician completing his training in child psychiatry in Burlington, Vermont. One can see why he was attracted to psychiatry, or perhaps it was his training in that discipline that allowed him to explore the nuances of relationships so well in this movie. I am hoping he continues his creative career even as he practices his profession.