The Demon
The Demon
R | 01 March 1981 (USA)
The Demon Trailers

Random people are terrorized by a malevolent man who brings their worst fears to life.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
d_m_s When I started watching The Demon (on a poor quality VHS rip on youtube) I was initially surprised at how enjoyable I found it, considering the IMDb score is so low. As the film went on and I was still enjoying it, I began to think it could only have such a low score if it all went terribly downhill towards the end.Well, it does.The first hour is pretty interesting and engaging. I found the desperate couple employing an ex-soldier with ESP to help find their daughter and the killer and intriguing set up and I equally liked the 2 female school teachers when the story switched over to them. There were, of course, many flaws in this low budget affair but for the first hour it was a good watch. Some freaky suffocation scenes and a mysterious, almost supernatural, killer also added to the entertainment level.However, the last 30 minutes or so ruins the whole thing. Firstly, for some reason there were 2 parallel story lines in this film. One was the parents of a missing girl who hired the guy with ESP to find the daughter and killer. The other was about a schoolteacher who keeps seeing the killer hanging around outside her school. Now, I thought the 2 story lines were going to tie up somehow but they didn't. They were just 2 separate story lines only liked by the killer. This gave the film a completely unfocused feel – who was the main character supposed to be? Who was the film about? Towards the end, when the father finds the killer but gets killed, and the mother – completely randomly and illogically – shoots the ESP guy they hired, it all starts to fall apart. You suddenly realise that these 3 characters were completely unnecessary to the plot as they did nothing! The fact that the film introduces this ESP guy early on, then has him killed when he's not even done anything, reveals poor writing, a lack of focus and just a completely pointless character and subplot.Then for the rest of the end sequences, it's the killer in the house of the school teacher, chasing her around. It ends with a ridiculous scenario that results in the woman killing the killer, involving her spraying a shower in his face. The she stabs him, he dies and the credits roll. No idea why he went after her or who he was or anything. Odd.
dbborroughs Cameron Mitchel is listed as starring in, but in fact barely appears in this story of a maniac stalking and killing women.Confused and confusing story kind of builds a little bit of suspense but to me, at the late hour I was watching it, found it more fragments of a film then something that holds together. This is the sort of film that would have been a direct to video release if it were made now. Then again I picked this up in the dollar bin so its even lower than that. I don't know what else to say other than its just sort of there. For Cameron Mitchell fans only.3 out of 10
sb88 The Demon really doesn't have much going for it. The lighting is awful, dialogue is ridiculous in some spots, and some things in it just make no sense (you've got to love the random shots of waves crashing onto rocks).At least at the beginning there's something slightly different going on. The killer kidnaps a family's daughter and so they enlist the help of a psychic gifted with ESP (Cameron Mitchell). Now, I'd like to think that Mitchell is a good actor but it's really hard to judge when he's given ridiculous things to do and say ("I get feelings sometimes. Vibes, as the kids might say.")Sure, it's not very good at all, but the least they could have done was not abandon this part of the story. Cameron and the kidnapping plot end up almost being dropped completely, leading us to the story that takes over the rest of the film.Ever hear the one about the guy in the white mask who stalks some girls?Yeah, that happens here too. To be fair, this portion isn't as bad despite being a blatant ripoff. The girls are decent at acting and serve the dual purpose of being easy on the eyes. There's a few suspenseful scenes and the climax isn't all that bad despite being completely wacky. That doesn't make up for everything else, though. In the end, The Demon mostly just provides moments of boredom and stupidity.
Michael_Elliott DEMON, THE (1979) 1/2 (out of four) A small town is terrorized by a monster who appears to be killing people so that he can suck their blood out. Poor Cameron Mitchell plays some sort of psychic but there isn't a single thing in this movie that makes sense. I've read a couple reviews on the film and even they don't make any sense out of this "horror" movie, which forgot the horror, the scares and the gore. Off topic but poor Mitchell would spend the rest of the decade appearing in this low budget films. Others of interest is FRANKENSTEIN ISLAND, MEMORIAL DAY MASSACRE and JACK-O.