India's Daughter
India's Daughter
| 08 March 2015 (USA)
India's Daughter Trailers

The story of the short life, and brutal gang rape and murder in Delhi in December 2012 of an exceptional and inspiring young woman. The rape of the 23 year old medical student by 6 men on a moving bus, and her death, sparked unprecedented protests and riots throughout India and led to the first glimmers of a change of mindset. Interwoven into the story line are the lives, values and mindsets of the rapists whom the film makers have had exclusive and unprecedented access to interview before they hang. The film examines the society and values which spawn such violent acts, and makes an optimistic and impassioned plea for change.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
vishalwadje (1)Why the movie is non - sense ? -- Because, (i) It talks nothing about 'India's daughter', film spews trash & lies about life of Indian men/women & society as whole. (ii) Its moral duty of documentary producer & maker to tell a complete story! its very un-ethical to show selective/skewed clips , scripted dialogs & use anecdotes to make unfair generalizations & more over claims through this movie that - most Indian men mentality & society in general keeps women at feet & have pervert attitude towards women (which i think is absolute non-sense).How many of you male Indians (reading this review right now) share same chauvinist behaviour towards women around you ?(as shone in movie by convicts / 1 of lawyers?) film-maker (2) Now let's talk about legality of movie, its impact on society & agenda of BBC / film-maker. i) Impact- BBC & film maker is reflecting only 1 thing on society - 'NEGATIVITY' Film gives an international platform to rape convicts to share their sexual chauvinist views towards women & this in turn may inspire other perverts/prospective future rapists to do same.ii) Agenda-BBC & film-maker have been quite successful in selling- 1 spicy Indian rape story to earn TV rated points (TRP) for BBC channel & converting it into- money/fame by defaming Indians & fooling its audiences (Indians are only species on earth who self pity & applaud white film-maker for her criminal act, Indian mindset is full of inferiority complex. Non-stop Indian TV adverts of fairness creams are best example, whats wrong with brown skin ? stop praising white skin people for no reason, stop taking selfie photos with white foreigner tourists because they are not aliens from Jupiter! Stop applauding & giving special treatments to white skin British film- maker - everything white westerners does/says is 'NOT' gospel truth). How about making a movie on black under-age girl raped by bunch of whites in London tubes? well , that does not earn BBC 1 Billion fans nor can you manage to bring millions of Britisher's to protest on streets against 1 rape/crime activity, also you cannot make an illegal movie within U.K.itself & its quite hard to sell 1 rape story to Britisher's & claim London as rape capital of world. Inferiority complex filled Indians would never believe that story anyway. HAHALegality - Leslee udwin & BBC are cheaters-who broke Indian laws by making ill-legal film, went further to broadcast it without getting it certified by Indian motion pictures censor board, & thus - insulted Indian society/people & have falsely painted India as rape capital of world. Film-maker has also betrayed her Indian crew who helped her make this film, Mukesh (one of convict movie character) has filed police complaint where he claimed that he was compelled to "speak the written script", parents of victim also have filed police complaint because they never gave permission to show real name of their victim daughter & the graphic images in movie, Film-maker is 'WANTED' by Indian law court. she may have got away with her criminal act but no one can deny that she is a fraud & fugitive & it saddens me to see many Indians applauding her movie/criminal acts, mis-deeds. BBC needs self-introspection, because they broadcasted an ill-legal movie which was made by breaking laws of other countries.
MartinHafer India's Daughter is a very difficult film to watch. And hearing quotes like the one listed above during the course of the film is definitely unsettling. Now I am not saying you shouldn't see India's Daughter, you really should, but the film is difficult because it's about a horrible case where a young woman was gang raped and very brutally murdered. The details are very unsettling and what's more unsettling are many of the interviews--interviews which reveal a sad rape culture in which the victims are traditionally blamed for these vicious crimes. But I am glad the interviews are in this documentary because instead of a narrator talking about the incidence of rape and violence against women in India, it's the people themselves who talk--and that makes for a stronger, more impactful film.The story begins back in 2012. A medical student, Jyoti Singh, took some time from her very difficult schedule to go out with a male friend and enjoy a movie. On the bus ride back home in the early evening, the friend was beaten and Singh was gang raped by five men while their friend, the driver, drove them about town during this long and horrible ordeal. When they were finished with her, the men literally tore her to pieces and threw her and her friend from the vehicle. Miraculously, she survived several painful days--long enough to give testimony which helped authorities find the men responsible. Fortunately, this case was not ignored or swept away. The Delhi police quickly began investigating and capturing suspects. At the same time, students from the nearby university took to the streets to protest this assault as well as to raise awareness of the prevalence of assaults in the country and the devalued role of women. In this country, the UN has estimated that there have been 50,000,000 cases of recent infanticide of females because folks often have so little regard for women. Likewise, violence against women of all types is largely condoned. As for the police, though they appropriately investigated the case, they also attempted to violently squash the protests. But, despite this, protests continued and occurred in other major cities in the country. The government was forced to do something.The story both outlines the series of events and allows many of the folks involved in the case to talk and give their side. Singh's parents, one of the perpetrators, several defense attorneys, government officials and rape activists all talked about the crime as well as the prevailing pro-rape culture...or, in some cases, made excuses to justify these rapes. In the case of Jyoti, she wasn't able to speak because of her death. One of the convicted men, however, blamed her as she was out late at night and said he and his friends were 'teaching her a lesson'! This is sick, but the lawyers were often even worse in the film, as one defense attorneys stated on two occasions that had Jyoti been a member of his family, he would have poured petrol on her and set her ablaze for being out at night...even if she was with a male escort! It's hard to watch and hear this sort of stuff and you'll likely be filled with anger as well as tears. However this is what makes this a great film--as exceptional documentaries are often great because they cause such a strong affective reaction within the viewer. You are angry and should be angry...and with anger, change is more likely to occur. A truly remarkable and important film, very well made and with an incredibly strong impact. Leslee Udwin has written and directed one of the strongest films of its type I have ever seen and even more remarkable is that this is the first time she ever directed a project!
Bhu Vis What was the intention of the documentary? Was it to understand the mindset that leads to a violent crime? Then one incident and the views of a single victimizer from a single country does not depict it. How is it relevant to any other country? Statistically India has far fewer rapes per 100000 as compiled by the United Nations in 2012- just 1.8 compared to England at 28.8, US at 26.6, South Africa at 132.4. Even Germany where an Indian student was denied recently stating the 'rape problem in India' has 9.7. So obviously India is not the only country with the problem. Was it as Leslee claims a gift to India for the incredible active response of the people? Then why was it telecast elsewhere before it was in India in spite of the opposition? There was no new information or analysis psychological or otherwise. No mention of the high positions women have held and continue to hold in Indian society or the actual challenges of bringing speedy justice for the victims. Everything there is already known to Indians. In any hostage situation it is always advised that the hostage cooperate until he /she can escape, be alert and not anger the offender. It was a poorly researched emotional saga based on opinions of a few people not a documentary worth wasting time on.
Shubham Verma It Is Being Banned As Government Flushed Our Mind With Lies Now This Provides us With Truth It Tells Us What Was The Reason For This Incident And Also The mentality of Rapist without the Boundaries Of Censorship Great Work Hats Off! PS: Now I Don't Feel That Bad About The Rapists (I Don't Know Why) The Documentary Shows Us that The Girl Was Not "Doodh Ki Dhuli" As We Say in India. She had Her share in the crime she can not be roaming in the streets with boyfriends Late at Night She Also Was Involved In This Crime. This Documentary has Excellent Direction And Is One Of the Best Work By BBC It truly Captures The Image Of India And Mindset Of rapist.