R | 13 November 2014 (USA)
Redirected Trailers

Four friends become stranded in Eastern Europe and have to become hit men, prostitutes, corrupt cops, smugglers and more to make it home.

Bereamic Awesome Movie
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Cissy Évelyne It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
pauly_c This is a violent movie, true, with plenty of four-letter expletives, but the violence is a little bit cartoon-like really. If you can forgive that, then the movie is worth watching for the humour, because it is very funny in places. Vinny Jones is his normal menacing self. Jolly good fun.
kasi722 The movie is about a mishap of events in the life of four friends who eludes after a planned robbery. And it looks more messier and the good part is that the crew delivered it perfectly to the core...definitely its not a favorite movie for everyone....first time a movie in Lithuania. The fun part which everyone would doubt is how the guy could carry an attachment for almost a day.England flicks are of an entirely different state either it is totally disturbing or totally provoking. The movie hadn't garnered much attention thanks to the negative reviews. Maybe down the years this would be regarded of a good comedy gangster flick.
Dusan Luigi Indjic British humor was always the best around! This time it took the criminals for the Eastern European ride. Ever since the titles like "Two Smoking Barrels...", "Everybody Loves the Sunshine", "Snatch" or "51st State", they showed how funny the cultural, financial, genetic compilation, esp. "in the hands" of urban rough guys, can be Honestly, this time I wasn't dying laughing or scratching nervously, 'cause most of the things I've already seen the tricks. Even though this time it took me to a ride with the literally biggest east-Europeans around (there are also Montenegrians to count in in the "sizey" manner!) So, it all gets more interesting when confronted, with Mr Vinnie Jones in front! Anyway still loads of funny moments typical for the type of movie...
Tim Little This appeared under the category 'comedy' so let's be clear from the outset - this film is in no way even slightly amusing. It seems to be aiming for the Snatch, Lock Stock crowd but has arrived 15 years too late. It also lacks the charm, clever dialogue, acting ability and original direction. It does however, contain lots of swearing for those who find that funny in itself and lots of snarling, posturing and grimacing.It features a cast of largely unknowns - unknown not because they're newcomers or Lithuanians .... but because they're crap. It's this that enables Vinnie Jones to, relatively, shine. That's about it really. I have no theories on how it has managed to achieve such a high review rating and I'm not going to judge whether it is a fair reflection of the London criminal fraternity or indeed life in Lithuania.... although this films' portrayal of both is far from flattering. I will say, however, that is one of the more crass, witless and incompetent offerings I've sat through for some time.