The Decoy Bride
The Decoy Bride
PG | 10 October 2011 (USA)
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A local woman is hired to draw paparazzi away from a Hollywood actress who has come to Scotland to get married.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Sweetigal85 I have to be honest, the only reason this movie caught my eye on netflix is because the main character is the voice of Disney's Merida! I am not sure I would have watched it otherwise but I am glad that I did. Very cute and uplifting movie.Her scottish accent is simply delightful throughout the entire film. Her character is very relatable and kind. I did not care for the male lead as much but I found myself liking him vicariously through her. It was fairly obvious that the male lead and the movie star did not belong together right from the start so we are able to excuse his blatant attraction to the quirky scottish girl he just met. It is interesting that the entire world wants Lara but he truly does not.It was definitely a little slow in some parts and some casting could have been better but it was overall very enjoyable. I would have liked to have seen more of her past and what happened to end her engagement. The scenes with Angus were kind of strange and made me feel badly for his new wife.Lara falling for the slimy paparazzi in the end was an interesting twist. I wish we would have seen more of that too. I loved that line in the end "a book can be just a chapter" and how she taught him how to be a better writer and person.She was so vulnerable in the end when she told him he didn't have to marry Lara, but that he could choose to stay there with her. My heart was in my throat for her! Such a brave, beautiful moment and it ends up working out for her!Perfect feel good, cutesy movie if you just want to laugh and smile.
wbewitched This is a gentle romantic comedy that has humor and light but doesn't hit you over the head with it.I suspect this movie is not rated higher generally because it does not have the laugh a minute ridiculousness of most modern day American rom-coms. It moves at the slow pace of the village were it takes place where time somewhat stands still and happiness is found in the familiar. The fact that it stars David Tennant is just icing on the cake; the supporting cast which includes Kelly MacDonald (Boardwalk Empire)and Alice Eve (Entourage)is just cherries on the icing on the cake.A movie in the vein of Four Weddings and a Funeral and Notting Hill (with some lovely scenery from the Isle of Man), I highly recommended spending an evening with it.
napierslogs A Scottish, independent romantic comedy is hard to come by. Usually when you find such a movie, it's really good. Unfortunately, "The Decoy Bride" isn't great. The premise of a Hollywood star running away from paparazzi and getting married on a remote Scottish island but with a stand-in bride for disguise has numerous routes to provide both romance and comedy.It was romantic enough, but only kind of funny, and certainly not laugh-out-loud funny. The main problems, all very minor, add up to a film that is desperately lacking a dust of perfection that it would require to be able to stand on its own two feet.The bride, Lara Tyler (Alice Eve), is desperate to find a wedding location for just herself and soul-mate. After reading a novel which describes, in beautiful romantic prose, a remote Scottish island with a castle standing proudly on a hillside, she sends her publicist, agent, and writer husband-to-be to stage her perfect wedding. The problems are this location was a writer's fantasy and the paparazzi are already on their way there.The town exists, but it's filled with typical quirky towns-folk, and worse, the castle is barely standing. The problem for me was that we quickly discover the writer of this location novel is her fiancé. He has never denied ever having been to this town and yet nobody questioned that his descriptions might not be accurate. At this point we no longer have a particularly likable protagonist.One would assume the towns-folk would welcome the bride and her entourage as all the inhabitants and their small businesses are in need of money, instead they take on a local air of snobbery and grunt and complain their way through the movie.But these are all just minor characters, even the bride herself is a fairly minor character. Our main girl is the decoy bride – Katie (Kelly Macdonald). All the men in her town are married and she hasn't found her own path in life yet. She gladly accepts the Hollywood proposal to pretend to be a movie star getting married. Of course things don't go as planned, and we get an only mildly amusing comedy of errors.However, it is during the comedy of errors where Katie and the husband-to-be James Arber (David Tennant) find themselves locked in a room and on the run together across the Scottish island. These scenes provide the romance and connection based on good acting and great casting. I'm not familiar with David Tennant but he was just so natural as the bumbling, awkward writer that the character was a good fit for this film. I am familiar with Kelly MacDonald. She is the actress who has quietly blown you away in "No Country for Old Men" and "Boardwalk Empire", but she is unrecognizable here and that's a good thing.I would have preferred it much more if the supporting characters weren't so unpleasant, and if they had made some choices that weren't quite so predictable. The beginning of the film is structured poorly and has some awkward sequences, but then they stumble right along into a cute romantic comedy. Since great ones are hard to come by, "The Decoy Bride" can fill that void for awhile.
Charles Coffey Sure it follows the standard formula of all romantic comedy films but, while I'm a fan of Romcoms and always hope they're going to be really good I find they almost never are. Unfortunately most of them score about a 3 (just watchable with a few good scenes or funny moments) down to -10 (complete waste of time). "The Decoy Bride" is a real treat. Especially if you're a Kelly MacDonald fan. Rest of cast is good too. Written by the wonderful comedian Sally Phillips who co-stars with Neil Jaworski and starring David Tennant. Excellent chick flick but a great in-home date night movie rental with your male significant other (unless he's a Vin Diesel fan in which case don't bother).You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll thank yourself for checking this movie out.
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