See You In Valhalla
See You In Valhalla
R | 24 April 2015 (USA)
See You In Valhalla Trailers

After the bizarre death of her brother, Johana Burwood must return home after four years, to face her strange siblings, her out of touch father and her very touchy past.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Kirpianuscus eccentric could be the first word about this film. but it is not more eccentric than life. because this is its purpose - to examine a dysfunctional family and the way to build again the links between its members. and the work is far to have a disappointed result. but a special form of seduction, interesting characters, poetic end, realistic fights , inspired definitions of success and love and solitude, many challenges and the flavor of indie film who remains, in strange manner, comfortable refuge. short, portrait of a family. and a touching end.
mregor532 This movie is a remake of Rocket Gibraltar. Not a literal, scene by scene remake, but a remake nonetheless. The central concept of both movies is the Viking funeral. In this movie we have the mystic Hawaiian. In Rocket Gibraltar there are the children. In this movie there is alienation from the father, though for reasons that are really unclear. I mean really, in the explanatory speech of Don, the father did not go to see his son play baseball? In Rocket Gibraltar it is the natural distance that grows between parents and children, who grow up to be parents themselves and have to live lives of their own. This is not a bad movie. Rocket Gibraltar is better.
lurid1984 OK, so i'm not a movie reviewer, but someone's gotta set the record straight here. This is a solid movie, bordering on very good.I watched two times and enjoyed it both times. A lot of reviewers and raters apparently came in with a very narrow, shallow and pre- conditioned view of what this movie is supposed to be. No. Valhalla doesn't fit easily into any particular genre bucket. It's not a pure comedy, it's not "Darker Modern Family", it's not drama, etc. It is, however, a great piece of writing with fantastic, tight, highly committed crew of actors. And that's, what i think, makes this such a pleasurable experience. It is pure joy to watch every single actor here. There is tremendous depth and substance to every character. They play sincerely, with no holding back or emotional hedging. They embrace the characters and the story and go all out. I know I said earlier that it wasn't comedy, but I did find it absolutely hilarious at times. Sometimes it was funny but the kind of funny when everything is so wrong that any additional wrong just becomes funny because of being so comedically and narratively predictable.Here is my advice, let go of any preconceived notions of story and especially actors and just enjoy it. This movie is a labour of love with a lot of effort put in by everyone - give it a chance.
Bjørn Larsen As soon as I finished the movie, I went in here to see what people was saying about it. The reason for this, was that I really liked this movie and I don't know why. As I read on metacritic, I would agree it has all been seen and done before, but for some reason, this just felt right and believable. Especially one scene which seems to re-live childhood brotherly shenanigans (totally saw my brother and me back then - and some time we still do it ;) )The viking angle was something I found enjoyable, perhaps because I'm a dane - I don't know. But what he said, could have been said by friend of mine who practice Asa-faith (The believe of the vikings).To sum it up; Good movie. Been done before but somehow, this one is different.