The Corridor
The Corridor
NR | 30 March 2012 (USA)
The Corridor Trailers

Friends on a weekend excursion take a path into a forest that leads to death and destruction.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
bowmanblue Otherwise you might start watching The Corridor. The front cover looks genuinely well-made, with a real creepy atmosphere. How wrong it can be. Despite the intriguing visual art, the film is pretty dull.It plays out like Stephen King's 'Dreamcatcher,' only not as good (and Dreamcatcher was pretty maligned!). Four (or was if five?) friends go to a mountain cabin to bond (or something, it doesn't really matter). There, one of them starts finding a wibbly-wobbly area of the surrounding woods that looks nothing like a corridor, yet that's what they call it. This wibbly-wobbly bit gives them all nosebleeds. Carnage follows.However, what little carnage there is (and one particularly impressive gore scene) comes woefully too late. The characters are simply too dull to care about, which is a shame, as the actors do a decent job of portraying them (if you can excuse the worst 'bald' man's head ever to hit the screen).The acting is not the problem, it's just the flow. The first two thirds are basically the guys sitting around discussing their problems. Most people will have already condemned the film before it kicks off. Then, when it finally gets going, you may enjoy the final third, but it's a hell of a long road to travel just for the pay-off.If you liked Dreamcatcher, stick to it. If you didn't, you probably won't like this either!
Matt Kracht The plot: A group of friends come upon a mysterious corridor in the woods that has strange effects on them.I don't understand why The Corridor has so many rave reviews. For one thing, the score is really rather low (4.5 or so) and the majority of comments are negative. And, yet, there's a long string of reviews calling it awesome, voted as being extremely helpful. It's basically a slow-paced pastiche of Stephen King stories. I don't understand how anyone could call this fresh, different, or original, if they've ever read a single Stephen King book. It strongly reminded me of Dreamcatcher and Tommyknockers, but there's elements of others, as well.There are many things wrong with this movie, but the biggest is that it's boring for the first half. When it starts getting more interesting, it's derivative. Its like they randomly threw in plot elements of all their favorite Stephen King novels, without any real attempt at cohesion or making sense. Some of the scenes did work, but many of them just annoyed me. The characters were generally unlikable and annoying, which just made the whole experience that much worse.I guess you might like this movie if you're big into low budget, Canadian horror movies. I usually am, but this one really didn't do much for me.
davidjp-2 Some mentioned The Corridor along with Steven King's Dreamcatcher. The similarities were limited. What did they have in common? Childhood friends went to a snowy mountain, stayed for a few days, talked about feelings, strange things happened, people died. The difference, was it supernatural or monster? The acting were decent. The characters were the problem. If you switch roles among actors, you don't really see the difference. None of them was more likable, none of them stood out; some of them even looked alike, dressed alike and talked alike. After subtle plots unfolded, half way through the movie, I didn't care any of them, what might happen to them.It was a fine little movie, if you can sit through the first half. Although the last half was not very exciting, somethings did happen, it was enjoyable.
jocelynjgol From the first frame I was struck by how well it was shot and how spot on the actors are in their performances. It was then that I knew I was in for a good ride. The premise is a classic horror "in the woods" scenario with a believable otherworldly twist. Set in a beautiful snow bound location the Cinematographer's images drip, or better, chill you with their beauty. The film cleverly keeps you guessing and lets you actually do some work as a viewer. No spoon-feeding here. It is a clever, smart script with astute direction and solid acting. You won't be disappointed. Jocelyn O'Neil