The Concert for Bangladesh
The Concert for Bangladesh
G | 23 March 1972 (USA)
The Concert for Bangladesh Trailers

A film about the first benefit rock concert when major musicians performed to raise relief funds for the poor of Bangladesh. The Concert for Bangladesh was a pair of benefit concerts organised by former Beatles guitarist George Harrison and Indian sitar player Ravi Shankar. The shows were held at 2:30 and 8:00 pm on Sunday, 1 August 1971, at Madison Square Garden in New York City, to raise international awareness of, and fund relief for refugees from East Pakistan, following the Bangladesh Liberation War-related genocide.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
disinterested_spectator This movie starts off with a real downer. Ravi Shankar and three other Indian musicians get set to play on their weird Indian musical instruments. But first, Shankar informs the audience that they must be quiet while he is playing, because this is the kind of music you have to concentrate on. And then he tells everyone not to smoke while he is playing. The audience is quite chastened, and they clap politely after the first number. But it wasn't a number. The musicians were only tuning up their instruments. But with that kind of music, who can tell? They could have played the wrong notes on instruments out of tune, and nobody would have known the difference. Once that is over, and the Western musicians start playing normal music, things get a lot better, especially when half the musicians start smoking, letting the audience know that Mrs. Grundy has left the stage, and everyone can loosen up.
sherlock-17 I thought all the entertainers were excellent. Bob Dylan was good, but really George Harrison was the best of all by along shot. His persona, his songs, his sincerity was by far the highlight of Bangladesh. George will always be remembered as a wonderful entertainer who cared more than most. Yes George Harrison in my view stole the show(it wasn't even close).
bondy-4 As one who was watching this event unfold, if only from Australia, it's a great disappointment that this outstanding rock concert is no longer available on video. Bring on the DVD too! I have been to a cinema on my own to watch a movie only twice. The first time was to watch the Concert For BanglaDesh. I didn't regret it. I bought the triple album for $A17 . . . . it was a long time ago remember . . . . and just had to see it as well. It took an ex-Beatle to gather together so much rock muscle for this benefit concert. The names alone should be enough to sell this movie: George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Leon Russell, Jim Keltner, Badfinger to name a few. Don't forget the Ravi Shankar warm-up either, just to get you in the mood. From the comfortable vantage point of 2001, it's rather pleasant to see a much younger George Harrison in his white suit and long hair playing for the benefit of those who suffered so much in BanglaDesh thirty years ago. Surely the anniversary is enough to warrant the concert's re-release on video and DVD?!
Brian W. Fairbanks George Harrison organized this 1972 Madison Square Garden concert, but Bob Dylan steals the show. Clad in a faded blue jean jacket, his pudgy face surrounded by a halo of tangled curls, Dylan looks like an Oakie and sings like one, too, warbling "A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall," "Blowin' in the Wind," and "It Takes a Lot to Laugh" with a definite twang in his nasal voice. Watching him, I was reminded of the critics who insist that Dylan is always reinventing himself. In this film, it's hard to recognize him as the possessor of the contemptuous voice that rode "Like a Rolling Stone" to the top of the charts in 1965. Here he has reverted back to his pre-electric, pre-polka dot shirt days, and once again inhabits a persona reminiscent of Woody Guthrie. His appearance makes this otherwise grainy, unattractive looking film (shot in 16mm and blown up to 35), a cut above the usual rock concert film, although the finest moment is when George Harrison and Leon Russell join Dylan on the chorus of "Just Like a Woman."