The Canterville Ghost
The Canterville Ghost
PG | 27 January 1996 (USA)
The Canterville Ghost Trailers

When a teenaged girl moves to England, with her brothers and parents into the ancient Canterville Hall, she's not at all happy. Especially as there's a ghost and a mysterious re-appearing bloodstain on the hearth. She campaigns to go back home, and her dad, believing the ghost's pranks are Ginny's, is ready to send her back. But then Ginny actually meets the elusive 17th-century Sir Simon de Canterville (not to mention the cute teenaged duke next door), and she sets her hand to the task of freeing Sir Simon from his curse.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
howsthings-590-473094 The Canterville Ghost (1996).The director made this too sappy a production. Maybe it's the generation, but I really liked the Charles Laughton version. There is a time and place for "emoting" and this production does not translate very well. Patrick Stewart, reciting Shakespeare was very good, but still inappropriate. Would neither recommend nor watch again. The close-ups and padded text and sub-plots were lost on me. Adding extraneous material and scenes takes away from a truly great work. The screenplay writer should find another profession in which to misplace his talent, maybe afternoon soap operas would be a better venue. Check out the really good version and pass on this one.
Peter Gruendler as yet. She is congenially to Patrick Steward in this made-for-TV movie, which might have had a good chance on the big screen too.As in so many hollywood movies the film would have been better off without the last sequence.
Mort-31 Some famous stories are prone to being moved to another epoch and, as such, becoming an embarrassing TV-movie. Oscar Wilde's Canterville Ghost is one of them. This TV movie for kids is utterly cheap, concerning acting, character work, credibility, directing and even concerning the modest special effects. As often, the question arises: what was this made for?
Stratyon Just the scenery alone makes this movie worth watching. the English landscapes and the castle it plays out in is breathtaking. But still the number one reason to watch the movie is becouse of Neve Campbell. This was the first movie I saw her in, and I fell in love instantly. Actually, I was just flicking through the channels, and suddenly got desperate to find out which channel that gorgeous girl was just on. I had read in the TVGuide that the movie was playing, and had actually planned to see it, but forgot. Strange how things turn out.Anyway. The if you have read the classic story before you know pretty much what you get. the movie follows it pretty close although making it a bit more modern which doesn't hurt the story at all.I would rate the movie 7 out of 10.