The Call
The Call
R | 14 March 2013 (USA)
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Jordan Turner is an experienced 911 operator but when she makes an error in judgment and a call ends badly, Jordan is rattled and unsure if she can continue. But when teenager Casey Welson is abducted in the back of a man's car and calls 911, Jordan is the one called upon to use all of her experience, insights and quick thinking to help Casey escape, and not just to save her, but to make sure the man is brought to justice.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Michael Ledo Halle Berry works at a major 911 call center. She is the queen bee in the hive. Someone (Michael Eklund) is kidnapping and killing young girls. Halle breaks the first rule: "Stay emotionally detached and never make promises" when she has to direct a young emotional girl (Abigail Breslin) in the trunk of a car. Halle pulls out all the stops and goes outside the box to assist the girl.The film had me on the edge of my seat, which is hard to do at my age. It had the intensity of "Dirty Harry." WARNING: The kidnapper tortures his victims by forcing them to listen to "Taco" and "Boy George." Well done. Worth the view.Parental Guide: F-bombs. No sex or nudity. Girl in bra.
Bob Holt The movie started off strong with a great premise, great characters, and a great story. It was all extremely tense and clever. The character was also extremly sympathetic and well developed. It was actually one of the best thrillers I've ever seen and with such a high concept idea. But the third act- it was awful. I have no idea what the writers were thinking. It went from a perfectly good thriller to a cliche gore fest. The third act completely made no sense, erased all previous characters and their development, and dragged on for way too long. The longer it went on the more I hated the entire story arc. Seriously, it gets more ridiculous and ridiculous by the second- as id it was written by two different people. The final line in the movie is so cringey and awful as well. I would have preferred just "the Hive" setting for the entire film. What a disappointment.
cmovies-99674 PROS: The best attribute that the movie has was it's ability to have amazing actors play difficult roles. In many horrors you get to see peoples true emotions when they are about to die, but you never get a zoomed in looked on what they look like; only a brief overview. THE CALL really dives into and analyzes the rawness of these emotions, and uses them as a platform to propel the other parts of the film, such as the build up of tension. The actors were able to showcase this quality in a way that I would say most others couldn't. Which was helped a lot, because the build up of tension relied heavily on the connections and emotions made previous in the film. These connections were clear and provocative.CONS: A mistake that could so vividly be seen was the amount of plot holes in the story. There were a bunch of times where I asked how or why that could even happen, and that frustrated me because it couldn't happen. The movie itself was very thrilling, but there was tons of things that left big question marks in my head after the movie ended. Oh, I also want there to be a sequel!
OllieSuave-007 The Call is an intriguing film about 911 operator Jordan Turner (Hally Berry) who takes a call from teenager Casey Welson (Abigail Breslin), kidnapped by a madman.This intensity of the 911 call between Jordan and the distressed Casey adds to the suspense and keeps the plot a fast-paced thriller - all leading to the creepy intentions of the antagonist and the semi-unpredictable climax.The film also takes an in-depth and exciting look at survival and judgment calls. The acting was pretty good and the direction of the flick is straight-forward and to-the-point, grabbing your attention right away and keeping out all the boring and unnecessary fillers. A pretty good movie for a Saturday night.Grade B