The Burning Moon
The Burning Moon
NR | 26 February 1992 (USA)
The Burning Moon Trailers

A delinquent brother reads his kid sister two bedtime stories after injecting himself with herion. These disturbingly morbid stories focus on a serial killing blind date and a murderous, psychotic priest.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
chribren "The Burning Moon" is an underground horror film made by Olaf Ittenbach. According to the end credits and the DVD cover I have, this film was made in 1992. This is my first review for any film being made in Germany.Basic plot: After a fight with several thugs, as well as his parents, delinquent teenager Peter (played by Olaf Ittenbach himself) is made to take care of his little sister. So he decides to read two bloody goodnight stories to her.In the first story "Julia's Love", pretty woman named Julia falls in love with a guy, only to find out that guy is actually an escapist psychopath who later brutally kills off her family.In the second story "The Purity", a priest goes on killing people at night, while serving God at day. This is the longest and the goriest segment of the film's two stories. This is also my favorite segment as well.For an amateurish film, this underground film is pretty gory whenever a killing takes place. The somewhat spectacular "hell sequence" which appears very late in the second story somehow reminds me about a similar scene which took place in "Black Past" from 1989.It is also interesting to know that Olaf Ittenbach wrote, directed and even acted in this movie as well. He did so to say the same for his directional debut film "Black Past", which I also have on DVD.This film has been released in a 98-minute uncut/unrated version on Scandinavian DVD through Another World Entertainment. In Norway this film has been rated 18, even the Danish DVD copy I have says so.Overall, I call this film a must see for any people who like to watch underground horror movies coming from Germany in general. My overall rating has to be 8/10.
zombietackle really, i am only giving this video a 10 out of 10 because of the gore. the splatter scenes and insane. a man getting his eye ripped out, his guts ripped out, his teeth getting drilled to dust, and then getting ripped in half for good measure. seriously, if it's not the gore, it's the visual effects that fill in the rest of the film, you see a burning moon on screen, really. the story centers around a drugged up junkie who, after a fight with his parents and shooting up, must tell two fairy tales to his younger sister. you might think the stories will be parodies of real fairy tales, but no, these are straight forward horror stories, and i liked it. it makes it so funny to be cringing at the gory and horrific stories, and then thinking that this is being told to a 6 year old girl. the first story is about a mad slasher who breaks out of a mental hospital to find true love on a blind date, but the date goes sour when his date hears about him and his stolen car on the radio. gore and total massacring proceeds. the second story centers around a rapist Satan worshiping priest who murders people in a small town, but forget about him, a man gets murdered by a sledge hammer, and comes back from the dead to bring his murderer to hell. red proceeds. check this one out if your a fan of gore and shot-on-video murder fests. 10 out of 10.
trashgang Germany, it still will be a weird country. Most of the movies coming from there are the real gory splatter ones. Weird, because the German authorities doesn't allow those kind of movies. Bethmann and Ittenbach are the best know directors of the genre with Bethmann having his own label, X Rated Kult. Do I need to say more. This movie belongs to Ittenbach's first attempts in the genre. Still unavailable on DVD it conquered the earth on VHS, but still some versions were only 88 minutes long. My copy was uncut, so 99 minutes long. The flick is about a guy who has to babysit his little sister. Fed up with his parents and the situation, he's in his puberty, he tells his sister some horror stories. The stories itself those are the one we see in the movie. Two stories it is, the first one not that original, and not that gory too, some stupid effects, watch out for the collision with a car and a person! But the second story is the best, and there you will find the gore. like Premutos it's full of entrails and torture. This is for the geeks out there, one of Ittenbach better ones.
guitarkelly I rented this because of the hell sequence. This infamous scene was filmed in a basement or an abandoned school! Why comments don't say this is bull. I did not know hell was made of white concrete walls and shower stalls, yes shower stalls! Ittenbach plays the lead role, and is dressed like he's in a Winger video. There is a gang fight with fake punching, and kicking. Dialog that make no sense, bad lighting.It appears that Olaf even used a blank Wal-Mart VHS cassette to record on instead of spending the extra 2 dollars for a TDK VHS tape Good gore in last 10 minutes, that is it. Bad acting and shot on video.Stick to good gore like Alexander Aja, Savini, or the Italian masters.Burning moon should be burned.
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