Johnny Firecloud
Johnny Firecloud
R | 01 August 1975 (USA)
Johnny Firecloud Trailers

An American Indian war veteran avenges the hanging of his grandfather by local thugs.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
mfnmbessert-224-279128 *SPOILERS* Exploitation flick drags along sluggishly. The story is okay, I definitely feel like the production was a little shoddy and the acting is just plain huff at times. There are plenty of moments of awful dialogue, horrible stereotypes, points when the movie forgets where it was trying to go and ends up being repetitive to the point where certain scenes seem to be playing over and over again. The actors do the best with what they are working with here, but that's not saying much. Random nudity and some nice moments of violence save this tripe from being completely awful.I would say it is interesting on a campy cult level, enough to see at least once, but this is not something I will be revisiting anytime soon. I would recommend the 'Walking Tall' movies if you are looking for something with better production since that seems to be the kind of feel this flick was going for at times. I will give it a five out of ten to be fair.JOHNNY FIRECLOUD ----- 5/10.
blondiesguy2004 Johnny Firecloud is one of the more interesting features from David F. Friedman and company, mainly due to its cast... chances are, you're not going to find names like Ralph Meeker, David Canary, Frank DeKova, Sacheen Littlefeather, etc. in this kind of exploitation film, let alone one produced by the self-proclaimed "Mighty Monarch of the Exploitation Film World".This film is about the trials of the title character, a Native American who returns to his town, only to find it under siege by a controlling bigot portrayed by Mr. Meeker. Mr. Canary plays the sheriff sent by Meeker to capture Johnny, dead or alive (in Meeker's case, preferably dead. Johnny will have none of it, especially when his grandfather, played by Mr. DeKova, is a victim of the townspeople. Being the anti-hero, he takes the law in his own hands.Ms. Littlefeather. who plays a doomed friend of Johnny's, is best known as the young actress who Marlon Brando sent to the Oscars to refuse his Academy Award in protest of the treatment of Native Americans.The acting is adequate enough to keep this rather average "revenge film" from sinking. The conclusion is rather surprising given the weak script. I recommend it if you're into this kind of picture.
EyeAskance Johnny is a much picked-on Native American in a small desert town that is "owned" by a bigoted rancher. When Johnny is is pushed to his limit after the murder of his grandfather, he exacts a brutal and bloody vengeance...Red Man style! This exploitive vehicle doesn't approach its sensitive race issues with the greatest of tact or respectability, but it certainly provides some good trashy thrills in that distinct 1970s drive-in fashion. Production values are slightly above average for this type of fare, and most of the performances are surprisingly strong. Interesting to note the presence of lovely Sacheen Littlefeather(famous for controversially representing Marlon Brando at the '73 Academy Awards ceremony).Overall, quite enjoyable. 5.5/10
Robot Rancher I always saw David F. Friedman as basically a low budget Roger Corman. Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed many of the David Friedman classics (such as Two Thousand Maniacs and She Freak), but those films paled in comparison next to the wraith of Johnny Firecloud.The movie plays out like Charles Bronson's Deathwish, only more violent. The bad guys, a group of country fried bigots lead by head bigot Mr. Colby, are truly wicked. This wickedness, which includes rape, murder, and torturing of the elderly, is truly disturbing, but in the long run makes the bad guy's deaths even more enjoyable to watch. The good guys (Johnny Firecloud, the Sheriff, and Chief White Eagle), have qualities that make them likable as heroes, but also flaws that make them seem more human (like White Eagle's drinking problem, and the inner turmoil faced by the Sheriff caused by his "sexual secrete"). But with any David Friedman film, the main draw is the gore, and this film has it....boy does it have it.Granted, there are flaws, mainly in the acting. Sacheen Littlefeather gives a rather stiff performance and, at the opposite end of the spectrum, some of the bad guys tend to put on the southern act a little too thick.So with that said, Robot Rancher's Final Score is a big 7 points. A solid film with enough eye gouging, scalp lifting, crotch socking violence to keep any David Friedman fan happy.