The Blue Lagoon
The Blue Lagoon
| 01 March 1949 (USA)
The Blue Lagoon Trailers

In the Victorian period, two British children survive a shipwreck in the South Pacific. After days afloat, they are marooned on a lush tropical island in the company of kindly old sailor. Together they survive solely on their resourcefulness and the bounty of their remote paradise.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
tavm Unlike most of the reviewers here, this version of The Blue Lagoon is one I just watched on YouTube for the first time ever. I knew it was on that site for years but I didn't decide to watch it until just now, having previously seen the Brooke Shields-Christopher Atkins from 1980 version some 37 years ago-when I was 13-when it was on a pay channel called Showcase. Nice to see an 18-year-old Jean Simmons here with her stunning beauty and nice figure complimenting her skimpy clothing she wore throughout. The addition of a couple of thieves before the end made this a little more exciting. The Shields version had some funny scenes concerning preferences in certain kinds of people one wants to socialize with but this one seems a little more serious about what to do when going back to civilization. So if I had to choose which version I'd prefer, I'd have to watch the other one again to make comparisons. Still, I rather enjoyed this version of The Blue Lagoon, so, yes, that's a recommendation.
howardmorley I rated this film 5/10 as just average.On the face of it this should have been an erotic experience with a healthy man and woman shipwrecked on a desert island.However the producer managed to take any sex out of the film.It was risible how Jean Simmons managed to produce a baby all on her own yet you never saw her pregnant or have help from Donald Houston with the delivery.It was almost as if she found it under one of the palm trees (substitute for gooseberry bush!).I know "the Code" was in force but even in 1949 the producer could have been a bit more explicit with the sex thing, all you saw was a rather chaste kiss from the stranded castaways - it was all rather "twee".I found Donald Houston very average with no sex appeal but there again, Jean Simmons had no choice of men!Other parts, such as they were, were just very average and rather two dimensional.Normally I like JS films but this one was not one of them.
sakliegel This movie appears to have been overlooked by everyone. Someone should bring it out on VHS and DVD. It is an excellent film and far superior to the one with Brooke Shields, which was terrible. Jean Simmons deserves more credit than she is getting now days. It would be nice if all her films were offered on VHS or DVD. Jean Simmons was, and still is, a very good actress. She certainly was a beauty. In fact, she is still a beauty. She also has done extremely well on T.V. She is so much better than many of the actors today.
Barepur I saw this movie years ago (on a snowy b/w portable before cable).The remake is true to this original with the exception of the ending. The fate of the trio was left in the air, unlike the promise of a "happy ending" of the remake. Nudity was not as blatant in this version. It was natural and more innocent than the remake.I loved it. A true classic original that I would love to see again! I was disappointed when I wrote to England to find out that this movie is indefinitely withdrawal from future viewing.