The Big Tease
The Big Tease
R | 24 December 1999 (USA)
The Big Tease Trailers

Thinking he's competing in Los Angeles' hot Platinum Scissors contest, Scottish hairstylist Crawford (Craig Ferguson) leaves Glasgow with a film crew to capture the event. When he learns he's a mere audience member, Crawford must find a way to become the mane event.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Poseidon-3 Unjustly obscure, this mock-umentary is certainly not revolutionary film making or Oscar material, but it does offer gentle laughs and some amusing performances and visuals. Ferguson stars (and appears in virtually every scene) as a Scottish hairdresser who gets a letter inviting him to an international hair styling competition in Los Angeles. This is cause for Langham to film a BBC documentary on him and much of the film is from that perspective (although Ferguson also narrates in blurbs filmed after the event.) Falling somewhere in between the lame "Drop Dead Gorgeous" and the sublime "Best in Show", the film is full of odd situations and the infectious charm of Ferguson as he sets out to win top honors. Needless to say, if Ferguson weren't entertaining the film would be sunk. Thankfully, he is delightful throughout. Fisher, though less endearing, also provides nice support for him. Several excellent comedic performers pop up along the way, notably the bizarre and side-splitting Miller as a harried hotel manager. Rasche sinks humorously into his role as Ferguson's chief competitor. McCormack, a very attractive young lady, perfectly captures the phony, insincere aspects of the contest organizer. And any film that even briefly utilizes the untapped charms of McGinley can't be all bad. Home video viewers may need to use subtitles to catch all of the remarks as the authentic Scottish accents are sometimes hard to completely understand. Some real life hair professionals appear, but star cameos are minimal. Carey inexplicably shows up as himself, but with a full head of hair. Hasselhoff comes off amusingly as himself. Crosby, an actress who always could have used a good stylist, appears briefly as a demonstration assistant. One quibble: If the film was going to be rated R anyway, why not show more of the lead's physical assets. What's shown is great, but all too brief. On it's own little terms, this is a charming and fun movie.
Mike Carroll There's something indefinable about this movie that I adore... I don't know whether it's the superb performances by Ferguson and Langham, or the great script, or the wonderful camoes (Larry Miller is a genius)...Whatever it is, this is a great movie - one of those movies that you want to watch over and over. Why isn't Craig Ferguson a bigger star? Just comparing his role in this movie with his "Mr Wick" character on the Drew Carey show proves that he's one of the most versatile and engaging actors around.
Ally Morgan Very funny film, well written and acted by Craig Ferguson. Chris Langham shows that he is a very underrated and under-used comedy actor, the character he portrays being like a template for Roy Mallard his unseen interviewer in the BBC series 'People Like Us'. Made better in my opinion by the fact that the Indian restaurant that they go to in Glasgow is just around the corner from my flat.
jfinch This was a great movie - we picked it off the shelf, never having heard of it before, and loved it! Reminiscent of "This Is Spinal Tap" and "Waiting for Guffman". Complete with cameos from Drew Carey and David Hasselhoff, this film is great fun! You won't be disappointed.