The Bewitched Inn
The Bewitched Inn
| 01 January 1897 (USA)
The Bewitched Inn Trailers

A weary traveler stops at an inn along the way to get a good night's sleep, but his rest is interrupted by odd happenings when he gets to his room--beds vanishing and re-appearing, candles exploding, pants flying through the air and his shoes walking away by themselves.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Horst in Translation ( And here he does it even in the truest sense of the word. Even if it runs over 100 seconds and is pretty long for that era back then, this short film is packed with an amount of action that is almost too much for its running-time. A man enters an inn and from the moment he undresses things get awkward. Everything appears, reappears or moves with no logical explanation behind it. Every time he focuses on a new object, you could be certain something was about to happen with it. That includes primarily his clothes: coats, boots and pants, but also a chair keeps changing his position and the highlight is the big bed disappearing. No rest for him, it seems. Only his massive beard stays exactly where it is. Solid work from Méliès, neither among his best nor worst.
Red-Barracuda A traveller experiences strange paranormal activity in a room at an inn where he stops to stay the night. Clothes fly around, a chair vanishes and his boots walk off; all to the consternation of the spooked out man.This little comic short from Georges Méliès is a very early showcase for his cinematic trickery and visual invention. Just as significantly it illustrates his sense of humour. Méliès made many funny films which incredibly are still amusing even now, over a century down the line. The effects remain impressive even though we all know how they are done. There is always a loving care in Méliès work. This one is no exception and shows why he is the first cinematic genius.
MartinHafer This is a simple but highly appealing short film--and one of the very best from Georges Méliès' early work. Méliès was a stage magician who decided to incorporate magic into films and used a variety of techniques that were novel for the time to make his movie seem magical. Often, just by stopping and restarting the camera, he could make it appear as if things vanish or reappear! Nowadays, folks can easily see how this is done, but at the time it was hot stuff--so hot, other filmmakers started stealing his tricks and even made films that you swear were made by Georges Méliès himself! "The Bewitched Inn" stands out because although it uses the standard sorts of camera tricks, it also has a wonderful sense of humor. So, not only do things appear and disappear, but the room appears to be deliberately antagonizing the poor man (as usual, played by the director himself). You really have to feel sorry for the guy, as again and again the room gets the better of him! Cute and well worth seeing.
Michael_Elliott Bewitched Inn, The (1897) *** 1/2 (out of 4) aka L'Auberge ensorceleeMelies plays a man who shows up at his motel room where ghostly things start happening right from the start. We get to witness all sorts of magic tricks throughout this film including his clothes flying through the air, his boots walking off and of course a scene where he goes to sit in a chair only to have the chair move on him. The special effects are, needless to say, terrific and it's amazing at how well they hold up today. The magic Melies brings to the screen is certainly something very special and this film contains plenty of laughs to keep you entertained. The highlight of the film has to be the exploding candle.