The Berlin File
The Berlin File
| 30 January 2013 (USA)
The Berlin File Trailers

When an illicit arms deal goes bad, North Korean spy Pyo Jong-seong finds himself targeted not just by the South Koreans but also his own bosses.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
alexhiro I really liked The Berlin File because of different reasons. First of all in the movie we can see agents from different countries such as North Korea, South Korea, the Israeli Mossad, German and American police(the CIA). The main characters are well developed and we can also understand why they behave in a certain way or not. Therefore I am looking forward to watch The Berlin File 2.
Derek Childs (totalovrdose) The cover of The Berlin File DVD I purchased depicts Jung-woo Ha in the center of a metropolis as explosions take place around him, choppers taking to the air as crippled vehicles block the roads. This particular image does not do the film justice, which is far subtler in its portrayal of spies in alien environments suffering the repercussions of being betrayed.Rather than providing the viewer with environments tourists would often venture towards (with the exception of a couple attractions), the Berlin File is often set in locations including backstreets, maintenance areas, government buildings, highrises, hotels and the countryside. There are very few flashing, gorgeous attractions because the world of espionage does not take place in the eye of the public, but covertly, and the film generates this feeling perfectly.Ha plays North Korean ghost Pyo, who, after a weapons deal goes inexplicably wrong, finds himself questioning the loyalties of those around him in an attempt to discover who could have possibly set him up. The list of suspects not only includes the North Korean Ambassador (Lee Geung-young), but Pyo's wife Ryeon (Jeon Ji-hyun), a translator at the North Korean Embassy. The lacking passion in their relationship is well portrayed, with Pyo's love and dedication been firmly placed with his country, unable to realize the strain living in another country is doing to Ryeon.Initially it proves difficult to ascertain the loyalties of even the most enjoyable characters, the feature efficaciously building a story of suspense and intrigue where nothing is ever as it seems. The situation quickly escalates as South Korean agent Jung (Suk-kyu Han) attempts to find out who was involved in the failed weapons deal, alongside investigations by Mossad and the CIA, all of which begin converging upon Pyo. As the tension mounts, North Korean agent Dong (Seung-beom Ryu), is sent to fix the situation, and offers Pyo a solution. His decision, to accept or refuse the proposal, shapes not only the directionality of the story, but will lead to ramifications even he cannot escape.Part The Suspect, the Bourne Films and Mission Impossible, The Berlin File is not heavily reliant on explosions, instead providing the audience with a number of excellent close quarter combat scenarios that are as well choreographed as they are entertaining. Unlike in some films where the action is incredibly quick, it is easy to gauge what is transpiring during the confrontations.Ji-hyun portrays the only lead female in the entire film, originally her screen presence been limited, the story focusing on other events. Although the feature begins to focus more on her as it progresses, and despite there been enough information to understand the history she and her husband share, I would have appreciated the opportunity to see more of her character. Furthermore, with the majority of the film occupied by male cast members, I believe that the few female characters should have had a larger role, with other South Korean spy thrillers, such as Iris, often providing men and women alike an equal presence on screen.Ha is a great lead to build a film around, his acting, alongside his professionally gifted co-stars, and the achievements of the fights, proving to be an entertaining experience. The final battle will potentially remind people of fights that transpired in the Bourne Identity, Mission Impossible 2 and Flashpoint, and though very enjoyable, occasionally the film could have pushed for far greater originality.The film's conclusion could provide the assumption that a sequel might possibly bless our screens, however I personally have my doubts. If this is not your first foray into South Korean cinema, then you will know that not all movies from this part of the world end conclusively. Often, this isn't achieved so a pointlessly unnecessary sequel, the kind America often churns out, is created, but so the audience will have something to ponder about after the credits, causing them to think long after about what may hypothetically occur.Entertaining, intelligent and constantly causing the audience's head to spin with the many twists and turns, The Berlin File blends action together with drama and thrills to create a very enjoyable spy film that emotionally demonstrates the hardships of living a double life.
petarmatic It is time for North Korea to abandon Communism and defect to the South! Just as DDR abandoned Communism and joined democracy, so should DPRK become part of the South. One Korea in capitalist heaven! As far as the film goes, it was made to ease that transition, just as the Gangham style conquered to world so will North give up Communism and become part of the united Korea.The film was just another film of action. Seen many like that in my past.I would love to add more lines of text but I am not sure what to add, because film was average.
Red-Barracuda The Berlin File is a combination of the serious and glamorised spy film strands. While on the one hand, its plot deals with contemporary issues and politics in a serious way, it also has several explosive action scenes. It's a terrific combination to be perfectly honest, both strands blend seamlessly into one and other. The plot-line is in fact pretty complex and convoluted so it is necessary to pay attention. In very brief summary it's about a botched arms deal that leads to civil strife between North Korean secret agents and ends up involving the South Koreans, the CIA, Mossad and the Arabs. That is of course a ludicrously simplified plot summary but there are too many twists and turns in this one to adequately describe without recourse to too much synopsis.The characters are well drawn, particularly the two North Korean agents and their South Korean equivalent. They are convincing and strong anchors to base this story on. In fact seeing as this is a South Korean film it's nice to note that the hero of the piece is a North Korean agent. This adds an unusual subversion of expectations. The location for the film too has been specifically chosen. Berlin is the one European city that historically most clearly mirrors Korea. It was divided East and West like Korea is North and South, with one half capitalist the other communist. The old East Germany was very similar to North Korea. But irrespective of the politics, it's just a good idea in general to use a modern European city as the setting for an Asian action flick. It gives the whole thing a more original feel. Seeing the German location used as the battleground for intense Korean action sequences works really well. Those scenes are well worth waiting for. They are a combination of martial arts, gun fights and chases. They are all extremely well controlled and exciting.The Berlin File is an excellent action flick with a lot in it that makes it feel fresh and vibrant. Definitely recommended.