Jumpin' Jack Flash
Jumpin' Jack Flash
R | 09 October 1986 (USA)
Jumpin' Jack Flash Trailers

Terry works for a bank, and uses computers to communicate with clients all over the world. One day, she gets a strange coded message from an unknown source. After decoding the message, Terry becomes embroiled in an espionage ring. People are killed, and Terry is chased. Throughout, she remains in contact with this mysterious person, who needs Terry's help save his life.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Spikeopath It was a production beset with problems, a change of director (Penny Marshall replacing the jettisoned Howard Zieff) and enough script writers used to fill out a hockey team. So it's unsurprising to find that Jumpin' Jack Flash is a bit muddled, not fully formed as it were.Plot finds Whoopi Goldberg as a computer programmer thrust into a world of espionage when a plea for help appears on her monitor. Cue Whoopi following instructions from a guy claiming to be trapped in Eastern Europe, which of course leads to a number of fun scenes as she bluffs her way around the crooked underworld she now finds herself in. Will she stay alive long enough? Who are the undercover guys? Is the mysterious man on the computer screen really all he proclaims to be?It will all be answered in rank and file 1980s action comedy time, which as it happens is OK here because Goldberg is a good enough comedy actress to hold the attention. Nothing remotely smart or genre defining exists, but it's a fun snapshot of the burgeoning computer age in the 80s and it's a good time waster if stuck for something light to watch one night. 6/10
no-skyline In my humble opinion at 5.3 this movie is horribly underrated it's a fun, colourful, exciting hour and a half of a movie. Whoopi Goldberg plays the quirky and livewire Terri Doolitle a low level bank employee who gets involved in a dangerous spy game involving the CIA, British Secret Service and the KGB (made in the 80's the cold war was still in full swing).Contacted via her computer (the computer geeks out there will love seeing this earlier version of the internet) by a secret agent codename 'Jumping Jack Flash' (Jonathan Pryce) Terri must use her street smarts and attitude to save the day against rogue agents, KGB the police and while not being fired from her own job.The only drawback to this movie is it is quite profane those adverse to the occasional swear word should probably steer clear. It's similar in the level of language used to Beverley Hills Cop, so probably not one for the small kids. But fun for everyone else.7/10 - Good honest fun probably Whoopi Goldbergs funniest movie and certainly no Sister Act thank god!!!
edwagreen Poorly scripted film where heroine Whoopi Goldberg works diligently on her computer at a bank only to get involved with spies when her computer connects with them.Carol Kane is totally wasted in a small role as an office worker. Miss Kane, who has the ability to be hilarious with that foolish Brooklyn accent, would have been far better had she been allowed to appear in the caper scenes. As for Stephen Collins, he appears in so many important scenes that it's just a simple matter to figure out if he is with the good guys or bad guys.The scenes where Goldberg's dress is caught in a shredding machine and where she is locked inside a moving telephone booth could have been hilarious but end too quickly. Another scene at the British embassy is also wasted.This apparent spoof of spy movies just doesn't cut it.
grahamsj3 This film, starring Whoopi Goldberg, is an absolute HOOT. Whoopi is her usual non-stop self and the film moves along nicely with her. There are several memorable moments in the film, all hilarious. Whoopi doing her Stevie Wonder imitation "Blind Terri Doolittle". Whoopi trying to walk elegantly in a ripped skirt and high heeled shoes. Whoopi, doped by a villain, describing a teen with multicolored hair as "a tropical fish and it's mate". The plot it that Terri, who works in a bank on a computer all day, receives a mysterious message from a stranger asking for help. Turns out its someone in great danger. Terri ends up in danger, too, and the results are highly enjoyable. This is worth a watch!