The Accidental Spy
The Accidental Spy
PG-13 | 01 January 2002 (USA)
The Accidental Spy Trailers

A fun-filled story about an ordinary guy about to kick into an action-packed adventure. Jackie Chan plays a bored and unsuccessful salesman who never thought his life would amount to anything. All that changes one day when he becomes an instant hero by foiling an attempted bank robbery.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Wordiezett So much average
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
leonblackwood Review: This movie sees Chan, Buck Yuen, play an over enthusiastic salesman who struggles to get sales in a fitness store and is constantly pushed around by his boss. Whilst going out for lunch in the shopping complex were he works, he witnesses a robbery and all of a sudden, he becomes an action hero by recovering the money from the robbers and getting the culprits captured by the police. His name is then plastered all of over the media and he is tracked down by a private investigator who is looking for a rich man son whose last wish, on his death bed, is to reunite with him. After his father passes away, he is left with these random clues which point to a lot of money and a priceless formula for liquid opium. He then follows the clues which lead him to Turkey but he is hunted down by various spies who also want the priceless formula. With the help of undercover agents, he tackles through the various hit men that want to kill him for the formula and, as usual, he manages the stop the baddies and saves the day. I liked the first half of this movie because you get to see a normal side to Chan, without all of the superhero abilities but when he switches to a Bond type character, it just ends up to be your everyday action movie which we have seen Chan star in, many times before. Half of the time, he did look a bit dazed and confused through the film and it really amazed me how he had the ability to fight off the baddies after being such an average salesman in a shop. Anyway, there are some good stunts throughout the film and Chan really does push the action to the limit by running through a market naked whilst fighting off the baddies. The showdown at the end was quite impressive but when I found out that the whole film was based around a agent who wanted to catch the top dog, it all seemed a bit pointless. Anyway, it's worth a watch just to see the action scenes and a everyday Chan but it's nothing that we haven't seen before. Watchable!Round-Up: This movie was directed by Teddy Chan whose known for the 2014 movie, Kung Fu Killer starring Donnie Yen. This is the first movie that he has made with Chan and you can see that he didn't really give this movie his all by the way that he is acting throughout the film. After watching some of the movies that Chan has directed himself, like the Police Story franchise, I really did notice a difference between the two movies and the glum look on Chans face proves that he doesn't like to be directed by people who he hasn't worked with before. Don't get me wrong, he does show some true emotion through the film and the attention to detail in the action scenes were spot on but he just seemed a bit distant throughout the film. Chan was 48 when this movie was released and he still was able to pull of those amazing stunts with ease. You wouldn't believe that he was pushing towards 50 whilst watching it. Now at 61 there's no sign of him slowing down and with another Rush Hour and Karate Kid in the pipeline along with the recent release of Dragon Blade with John Cusack and Adrien Brody, he really is a true action hero.I recommend this movie to people who are into their action/thriller/martial arts/comedies starring Jackie Chan, Eric Tsang. Vivian Hsu and Min Kim. 4/10
The Grand Master I always enjoy watching Jackie Chan on the screen. He is a very spectacular martial artist who also utilises slapstick in all of of his movies which is a throwback to the Charlie Chaplin-era. Look no further than movies such as Rumble in the Bronx (1995), Rush Hour (1998), and Shanghai Noon (2000) as his career highlights. Like all actors/actresses they all have a lot of movies that can be divided in the hit and miss category and The Accidental Spy is certainly a movie to forget for Jackie Chan.The comedy seems to be forced and I just couldn't get engaged in this movie. The entire story was just pathetic. In fact this movie was woefully bad, that it put me to sleep after 30 minutes.Unless you are a die hard Jackie Chan fan, look elsewhere.1/10.
Arlis Fuson I would like to tell you what this movie was about, but I quit paying attention so quick that I really don't know. Jackie Chan who plays a character named Jackie Chan, I mean come on even Tony Danza used a different last name, Finds out his real father wants to meet him. He goes to meet his father on his death bed and then is given clues to a lot of money and he finds the money and he fights a lot and I wasn't paying attention to the story, so sue me - it sucked horribly bad.I love martial arts and even like some of Chans work, but lets face it his stuff is mainly all the same in the 90's. They kept exploiting him and making dozens of these b-movies from his fame.The directing sucked here too and all that was good about this movie was a few fight scenes that were choreographed by the great Tung Wai and also a pretty cool little scene at the end that involved a high speed chase and a truck. There's way too much comedy involved as usual with Chans stuff.If you are a huge fan of Chan maybe you can tolerate it, if you like action films that are cheesy and bring nothing new to the table then you might like it, me I will never watch this garbage again - horrible movie. 1/10 stars
p-stepien Scripts to Jackie Chan movies are almost never anything to write home about. Sometimes however he has a story that is actually engrossing. This time around the script is horrid and the dialogue hits new lows. The most ridiculous plot-hole is the finale, where for some absurd reason Jackie with the unanimous applause of the whole international secret service and local police service decides to engage in a high-speed truck ride, where the truck's cargo is petrol and on fire. The logical thing to do would be to stop the truck and run the hell out of there.But a Jackie Chan movie is never about script, plot holes or dialogue. Its about the action. And this time its un-CGI-ied Jackie Chan, the guy we've grown to know and love. The fights are some of Jackie's best yet and are never boring, especially when Jackie is trying to escape from the spa. And no matter how idiotic the reasoning of the action is in the end you really just don't care.In the end even though you feel like fast forwarding the filler and getting to the action I absolutely enjoyed watching this movie, but honestly can't rate it higher than 5. It really wouldn't hurt to actually hire a good script doctor to check out the story before you film it.To all the ladies: If you ever wanted to see Jackie Chan's butt cheeks this is the movie to rent! Absolutely hilarious.Script, dialogue: 1/10 Action: 9/10