The Abductors
The Abductors
R | 28 January 1972 (USA)
The Abductors Trailers

Someone is stealing cheerleaders and other pretty girls and selling them to the highest bidder. Female super sexy spy Ginger is soon employed to investigate the disappearances. She does so by going undercover with a fellow agent and doing whatever is necessary to put an end to the operation and take down the leaders.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Uriah43 In this second film of the "Ginger Trilogy" the detective known as "Ginger" (Cheri Caffaro) is called back into action to investigate the disappearance of four beautiful young women. Since the abductions appear to have been planned well in advance and all of the ladies disappeared in the same general area both Ginger and her boss "Jason Varone" (William Grannel) suspect that this is the work of a local sex slave operation. So in order to break the case a beautiful woman has to volunteer to be bait and hope that everything goes according to plan. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this film was better in some areas than its predecessor ("Ginger") but lacking in a couple of others. For starters I thought the acting and camera work were slightly better. However, some of the scenes lacked passion and the script could have used some improvement. In short, I rate this film about the same as I did the previous movie. Average.
JoeKarlosi As soon as this movie started it was like a breath of fresh air from the non-PC days where anything went! A fun, down and dirty flick like this wouldn't stand a chance in today's climate, which is why I seldom bother with modern action films anymore, unless Quentin Tarantino has a hand in them. Anyway -- I learned later that this is the second movie in the so-called "Ginger Trilogy", starring the sexy and mouth-watering blonde Cheri Caffaro as Ginger, a female James Bond of sorts. An organization of seedy white guys are kidnapping young women, forcing them to strip from top (none of the girls here are well endowed there, if that's your primary interest) to bottom, and then selling them off to rich men who'll do with them what they like. Ginger steps in undercover to crack the ring, and is not beyond teasing her men to extract what she needs from them. Miss Caffaro is alluring enough to keep me interested, and this is just one of those wild and enjoyable sexploitation romps with lots of skin plus funny dialogue and acting that will entertain anyone in the mood for such outlandish smut. I'm going to try and see Cheri's other Ginger films. **1/2 out of ****
julian kennedy The Abductors: 8 out of 10: Lets face it some bad movies age better than others. From the wonderfully horrible fashion and hair worn by the leads to décor including shag carpets (that they actually shag on) and chintzy coconuts holding push pins. (in the bank presidents office no less) the Abductors is filled with seventies kitsch. It also has an attitude towards woman so politically incorrect they would burn down the theater today. (Great film to show during a Take Back the Night meeting just make sure you park away from the ensuing riot.) The Abductors is a bit like a feminist raison de ere. Like any good exploitation film there is a ton of nubile flesh on display. The Ginger films add bondage, rape and generally cruelty that separates it from the cheerleader and nurse pictures that were its competition at the seventies drive-in. In addition the girls are silicone free with tan lines to boot which I admit I find more appealing than the cookie cutter Playboy models of today's exploitation.Downsides include remarkably incompetent gunfights (the prop guns don't fire on cue) and the state police (who look Canadian for some reason) are out of a thirties gangster movie (Complete with a Tommy gun that smokes like a Cheech and Chong extra.) Strange pacing including a gratuitous drum solo and maraca-shaking scene. (No really Ginger brought her own maracas to the disco) and a lead actress Cheri Caffro who looks like a hooker a few years past her prime complete with pancake make-up (The other lead actress Jennifer Brooks is so hopelessly nubile Caffro looks like her mom.). Great flick to watch while the significant other is out of the house (preferably safely out of town.) The Ginger films like that other exploitation classic I Spit on Your Grave is a viewing pleasure best kept close to the vest.
swingbobswing It's funny that while it has virtually no fowl language, which floods movies today, the minimal sex in the movie is quite graphic (i.e., Rape Scenes) and would definitely get an NC-17 in today's world and most surely be picketed by anti-violence groups. This movie offers poor acting, editing and scripting, yet it's corn is somehow quite enjoyable. Maybe it's the over the top canned dialog, the B&D nature, or lack of silicone implants. I liked it much better than the original "Ginger." If you like to laugh at "Bad Cinema" or enjoy mainstream B&D, watch this movie.