Tetsuo: The Bullet Man
Tetsuo: The Bullet Man
| 25 April 2010 (USA)
Tetsuo: The Bullet Man Trailers

When the son of an American man and a Japanese women is killed, the man transforms into Tetsuo.

Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Vincent Black On a positive note, this movie does not resort to using CGI or other crappy special effects. The costume did the job well enough for this movie.Sound was one of my first issues with this film. The background "music" was mostly someone beating the hell out of a metal trash can or banging a pipe wrench against a jungle gym at the park. There was some metal rifts that were pretty loud. Then the dialog would come in and either I was suffering from deafness or the actors would whisper their lines.I never have been a fan of shaky cam filming, but this goes way beyond shaky cam to earth quake cam. At no point can I remember any scene that didn't move and flash. If you are epileptic you may have a seizure prior to the credits. The noise, flashes, and bombarding images are just like some hardcore death metal videos.It takes forever for the origins to be discovered and then the last 20 minutes of the film the "bad guy" -with poor motive- gives the Bullet Man just 60 seconds to kill him... some how 20 minutes = 60 seconds doesn't seem to fit.Overall a poor movie, I have watched worse. Maybe it would be better as an anime or if I was a big fan of the creator of this film.
jbfisherkingdotcom I always wondered what happened to those who were at "The Blair Witch Project", they worked as the camera crew in this movie. The action/fight scenes in this movie is too shaky for something to register on screen as if the camera man is being chased by the Blair Witch.I never heard of the director before but may have a very promising career. The accent of the Japanese actors in this film is in a way difficult to understand at times.I totally agree with the two other reviewers that says "you probably have to be a fan to enjoy this" and "For Die-Hard fans only". The story is weird and confusing at times but still in a way entertaining.Overall, the movie is watchable.
King-Grim After two decades of moving further and further away cyberpunk and into a much more contemplative style, a return to his earlier themes and style – and in English! - struck me as a rather mercenary move by Tsukamoto when I first heard about it, and as the first film is so important to me (being what opened my eyes to cinema beyond Hollywood, and remaining in my all time top 20 to this day) I approached this with slight trepidation. Fortunately, this is very much a Tetsuo movie through and through, largely uncompromised by commercial thoughts, and as frenetic, fast paced and blistering as ever. The basic plot – a man mutates into metal after a traumatic incident – remains, but the movie still throws up fresh and unexpected ideas throughout. The decision to have it in English does lead to the occasional stilted feeling in the dialogue, but this is a minor point. Overall, while nowhere near the heights of the first film, it's comfortably about equal to Tetsuo II: Body Hammer, which is far more than I expected.
dave arthur I was recommended this movie from a friend as he loved it but I didn't I'm afraid, I can't really give a true review of this movie due to fact that I haven't seen any of the previous movies or any of tsukamoto's previous work, so I will not comment on the story itself but tell you the truth I watched it as I thought it was going to be an action flick with many body parts flying around but this wasn't the case and the camera work was very shaky and it was very difficult to know what was going on, If like me you have not seen any of tsukamoto's previous work don't waste your time, but if you really feel the need to watch it all I can suggest is watch the previous movies first to give you at least a certain incl-in of what is going on.