R | 23 April 2001 (USA)
Tart Trailers

A student will do anything to become part of the "in-crowd" at the exclusive school she attends in New York.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Lawbolisted Powerful
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
CarrieSpicoli If you're like me, a lover of the cast and/or indie films themselves, you might be able to sit through this film. But if you aren't a fan of either, and take an interest in this movie based on the cover and description, you'll most likely be disappointed. Even I wasn't exactly blown away, which is one of the first time's I can say that after viewing a film with Brad Renfro in it.Tart tries to add some interesting sub-plots to the otherwise overused plot (awkward, unpopular teenager wants to change her life, joins new crowd, falls in love, new crowd and new boyfriend turn out to be bad people etc.) with things like Cat, the main characters (played by Dominique Swain), younger brother being a 9 year-old hypochondriac, Cat's father being Jewish (one of Cat's "new friends" is anti-semantic, another thing that just pops up out of nowhere then goes away) and all these other new girls among the popular crowd just kind of come on to the scene without a really good introduction (with the possible exception of Eloise, played by Lacey Chabert). Another problem is the lack of character development. One minute Cat is shy and set against doing any of the "bad stuff" the popular kids do, another she is at a ball with her love interest, William (Brad Renfro) suddenly getting, high, drunk, and losing her virginity. Everything after that film is sped up and not very thoroughly explained, like William suddenly starts rumors about her and leaves her, all the girls (who are basically all clones of each other, plus Mischa Barton with a British accent) stop talking to her, and suddenly there's about twenty minutes left of this film. How is everything going to be explained by then, you may wonder. well, it's not.Instead, it just ends with Cat rekindling her friendship with Delilah (Bijou Phillips) her jagged, but one true friend who she ditched at the beginning of the film for the popular crowd, then it follows Delilah catching William in a compromising position with a man in the woods, and is soon after murdered for her remarks. I guess this was the director, Christina Wayne's attempt at a big "twist" ending, but instead it's just frustrating that the entire movie is wrapped up on that note, and the ending is just Cat having a loving moment with her mom, who she had spent the entire movie arguing with.That being said, I could still bear to sit through this film again, but if you've seen just about any other works of Renfro, Phillips, or Swain, this doesn't compare.
jhspence-1 I only wish that I had the good sense to turn this movie off in the beginning when I knew it was terrible. Instead I gave it the benefit of the doubt and waited for it to get better. Don't make the same mistake I did. The title has nothing to do with the movie. The movie has nothing to do with the real world. The plot has nothing to do with a plot. The acting consists of a guy who wants to be John Cusack, but can't pull it off. The lead is a girl who tries to be Claire Daines. Sadly, she can't pull that off either. They are in love, although god only knows why. And by the end I was hoping that they would all kill each other off just so I could believe none of these kids would ever taint the world again.
VanityKills SPOILERS!I gave this film 2 out of 10 for 2 scenes that I will never forget.....by the way, my husband rented this surprising non-blow 'em up almost chick looking flick...but I guessed why when I saw the cover....girls in school uniforms....duh....lol....ah well, men if ya can't beat 'em join 'em.....;-)Bijou Philips, one of my favorites on the indie screen...too cute......not only gets into bestiality (her toy dog is the best lesbian in town according to her bubbly outrageous character)..that would be the first worthwhile scene..Then she enters a restroom in a lovely gown & goes into a stall....after a bit she gets up, goes out to the party she & the pathetically sad 'Cat' character are at,& hands a shiny silver ice bucket to the host of the party...the host looks in her precious silver ice bucket and says, "oh my god it's poo."I love Bijou Phillips myself for her creativity and unusual movie choices, this would definitely be one of them....and um, I would rent it for the poo scene if I were you.....I am not a big poo jokes fan, but it definitely puts the 'party people' in their place (they didn't look like they were having a good time anyway.....lol)...You will never forget these two scenes...hmm, but is that what we want in our databanks?....Maybe you shouldn't follow my advice at all....lolDominique Swain is kind of squirrelly & sad in her confusing nonsensical role in 'Tart'. I don't know, I can't decide if I like her because she is so into indie films?? Indie films are awesome & all but couldn't she pick a few good ones? I am going to check out a few more of her movies and reserve judgment.... but this one was, (pardon the reference to beasts) a dog.....
rockstar7276 Spoiler i loved this movie, i taped it before i went to work, because i thought that i would watch something when i got home, seeing as how it sounded interesting. when i got back from work, i turned on the television and pushed play, and for the next hour and a half, i was blown away. i loved this move. it was incredible. i noticed how most of you seemed to think that it was quiet lame, but i fail to understand why. this movie is for everyone. it expresses the facet that we all as people go through changes, trying to find where we fit in and how our life is. i thought that this movie did a very good job of portraying that. i especially liked the fact that cat's best friend was murdered by her lover. she was so interested in having better friends, but then she realizes that she wants to be friends with delilah, and she cant, and now her lover is in jail for murdering her. you only want something when it's gone, and then it's too late.