R | 14 January 2003 (USA)
Tangled Trailers

A young man is found bruised, beaten and stumbling down a secluded road. As the police try to piece together what happened, the convoluted relationship between a young woman and her two suitors gradually emerges.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Nonureva Really Surprised!
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
The_Void I have a habit of enjoying small scale thrillers, and figured Tangled looked good enough for me to spend some of my precious time on. Well, not only is this film not good enough to warrant using up ninety minutes of my time; it's arguably not even a thriller, seeing as the movie features nothing in the way of suspense; and doesn't make up for that with anything interesting about the characters or the situation. This is actually a real shame because the base of this movie is good and could easily have lead into something worthwhile; but the writers clearly weren't talented enough to capitalise on the promise. The plot focuses on a love triangle between three young people and as the film starts, one of the triangle has been admitted to hospital with plenty of bumps and bruises. He gets questioned by the police and the film then cuts to flashbacks which shows us what happened in the build up to him being beaten up and put in hospital. Turns out that there's a girl named Jenny at the bottom of it; and this starts a rivalry between two friends.The choice to have the film cutting back from flashbacks all the time was a big mistake; it's really annoying and means that the film doesn't flow very well, which certainly affects it in terms of tension and suspense. A film like this therefore really needs to have strong characters to work from; but it doesn't. None of the three central ones are really fleshed out and I didn't believe their relationships either. The three central cast members are not particularly good; they're not helped by the script, in fairness, but the performances are nothing special anyway. This is only the second time I've seen Rachael Leigh Cook in anything (Get Carter remake being the first) and I doubt I'll be seeking out anything else with her in it. Shawn Hatosy is as wooden as they come, while Jonathan Rhys Meyers does put some effort in but doesn't create a convincing character. The first hour is really quite dull and comes off as more of a drama than a thriller. The final third of the film is when the inevitable twist comes into play and while the finale is better than the rest of the film; it's really nothing to write home about. Overall, Tangled tries it's best to be clever but unfortunately fails and I wouldn't even recommend this as a decent timewaster.
asim34522-1 I mean talk about stealing ideas! I watched this movie a few months ago and I also happened to watch an Indian movie in 2005 and you would not believe how closely related they are! Three people in this movie- two men and one women and the same for that movie. Same plot, same twist in the end same pretty much fuc*ing everything! EVERYTHING IS THE SAME!!!!!!!!! I mean is the director of this movie so shallow he has to steal form other movies and that movie happens to be an Indian movie as well. For shame, for shame. At first I thought it was a coincidence but after watching this movie and watching that Idnian film form before I have to say that the 2005 Indian movie and Tangled are like identical twins but this is the older one. (The Indian film is something like this: Ashique Banayaa Apne or something like that)
vitaleralphlouis Just as Dimension Pictures provided Kirsten Dunst with her best and sexiest role in the spider-free "Crazy/Beautiful" -- now Rachael Leigh Cook with a part in "Tangled" that brings out the full range of her talent as an actress, and her magnetic sex appeal.Two young men are best friends, but one has Rachael Leigh Cook for his girl friend. A common problem in real life but seldom in non-comedy movies, the other guy likes Rachael but of course he keeps this buried and quietly accepts the fact that Rachael wants and belongs to the other guy. But things can change.......There is a 1 minute 43 second scene which I've lifted from the movie and show people as "Almost Two Minutes in Paradise" --- one man's dream is fulfilled after a 2 year effort including betrayal and literally stabbing his best friend in the back: Rachael wakes up and after kissing the guy on the cheek begins a ragging fit screeching about her not finding her cigarettes. When her Marlboro's are found after numerous 4 letter words and slamming around, the seizure stops and she coyly smiles in the young man's face. True happiness! Great moments are NOT romantic moonlit walks on the beach. Such ideas are for shallow losers. Great romantic moments are being with a 90 lb spitfire, full of life, overloading your heart, ragging on a guy at 8 AM before the coffee's had time to drip.
rpzowie I thought this was an extremely well-done suspense mystery that attempts to answer the question: what does a young man do when he's in love with his best friend, only to see someone else move in on her? Jonathan Rhys-Meyers' performance was well beyond convincing, to the point where it felt I was watching actual events transpire before me. Overall, I thought this was a very good story line with some good plot twists. Rachael Leigh Cook and Shawn Hatosy were also well cast. This is the type of film that will generate a lot of things to discuss regarding the plot, antagonists and so far. It might not be Heat (my favorite film), but it's good.