R | 14 January 2002 (USA)
Taboo Trailers

Six young adults struggle with their personal demons while staying at a secluded mansion during a dark and stormy night where a seemingly innocent game of 'taboo' brings out their inter-most secrets which soon leads to murder.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
phdyr51 I won't argue with anyone who pronounces this film execrable, as is January Jones's performance, but please check her out, if you haven't already, in the AMC TV series 'Mad Men," starting later this month. She's excellent, as is the entire cast. I'll charitably assume she took on the "Taboo" role strictly for the money, and, realizing what a putrid mess it was going to be, turned in a minimal acting job to avoid starvation. Don't know if that's the case, but I (now) know for sure that she can act.At first, watching "Taboo," I was convinced her flat delivery was a shrewd choice that would later give rise to some significant revelation about her character or the plot. No such luck. Hard to believe the director didn't suggest to her at least once that not changing expression for 17 successive scenes could cause lockjaw.Ironically, her winning performance in "Mad Men" comes as a character who, at least in her early appearances, is very repressed, reserved, unsure of herself, and rather colorless, not unlike her "Taboo" role. But as the TV series progressed, she began to blossom into someone who questions her traditional early-60's whitebread Mom role. Can't wait to see where they take her character in the 2nd season.To sum up, avoid "Taboo" like leprosy, but definitely check out "Mad Men."
seanleblanc-1 I've seen my share of stinkers. There is no way this movie is in the same category as them, IMHO. Sit back and enjoy it for what it is. This is a moderately interesting whodunnit with a few twists. Some of the twists and turns may be predictable, some not.Not every movie can be Oscar material, folks. Sometimes a movie can entertain without a superb script, and without top-of-their game performances.I thought it was well-done to the point where it least held my interest.
LeChoriste ...And I never thought a movie deserved to be awarded a 1! But this one is honestly the worst movie I've ever watched. My wife picked it up because of the cast, but the storyline right since the DVD box seemed quite predictable. It is not a mystery, nor a juvenile-catching film. It does not include any sensuality, if that's what the title could remotely have suggest any of you. This is just a total no-no. Don't waste your time or money unless you feel like watching a bunch of youngsters in a as-grown-up kind of Gothic setting, where a killer is going after them. Nothing new, nothing interesting, nothing worth watching. Max Makowski makes the worst of Nick Stahl.
kimiekat76 I admit I rented this film with a friend of mine on a really bad weather day to see Amber Benson in something other than Buffy episodes. I also admit that I love this genre. Horror, sci-fi and thrillers are the back bone of my DVD collection. Now, stating that, she was wasted on this film. I don't know what the point was of this film. It was bad enough that we fast forwarded through any scenes Amber wasn't in. The writing, the acting (outside of Amber but I am bias) and the overall film, was slow, irritating. Maybe the poor writing is to blame for the lack of acting ability. Regardless of who is in it, there is only so much you can do with horrific material. It wasn't campy, enjoyable or even worth the fee to rent it.