Sweet Karma
Sweet Karma
R | 04 August 2009 (USA)
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A mute Russian girl infiltrates Toronto's underground sex trade to avenge the death of her sister.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
PeterMitchell-506-564364 This is one shoddy movie, that plays off like some really bad z grade movies I've seen of past. It has been shot like a pure bottom grade movie. We have hottie sensation, Sheri Berchard here, probably the only's film's asset, amidst some strip scenes, private nude dancing, and some younger honeys. She's nicknamed, get this, Karma, a mute 20's woman who infiltrates an underground sex trade, in search of her sister, who's supposedly dead. This business is led by the usual scum you expect to see, characters that are now so stereotypical of so many other films, of past, set around this subject, most of them bad too. The nastiest of the baddies is Stefan, this actor obviously reveling in his fifteen minutes, driving a new girl, a much averse party, to suicide. Yeah, cheap blood here too guys. But sexy Berchard is someone you don't want to mess with. She's got her s**t together. She can put you under an hypnotic spell with her sexiness, Stefan falling for her like candy, and paying dearly for it, but he too is no idiot. About every actor in this movie is terrible, they all deserve a clubbing. I've only seen this movie once through, a couple of twists near it's end, one that came as quite a surprise, with quite a backfiring consequence for it's innocent party, but beside that, Sweet Karma is just sheer garbage, it's pimp characters, one a woman, all so reminded me of the ones in that much better movie, Freight, with damn much better actors. No, this one I'm afraid, earns it's place alongside Ladies Of The Lotus.
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) A femme fatale who will stop at nothing to avenge the one she loves. Cold, silent, and ruthless as she is. That's Karma (Shera Bechard), a mute Russian woman who has gotten the information about her sister. Shred travels to Toronto, Canada to infiltrate the underworld. That way she get the people responsible for her sister's death. During that night, she did her dance, and went to confront the sex trafficker by luring him in a bathroom, and she gives him some of the leftover laundry detergent as drugs. Boy, did he get a burn! Karma made a lot of kills, including the one who raped her. She does however, get some help from a policeman who is hot on their trails. He does not approve of Karma's actions, but when got put in a corner, he told her to do it! She does, however, there was a bit of a surprise for Karma. Her sister was all right! The real question is, "Who did the Russian mafia kill?" She cries when saw the cop slumped, but was relieved that he was all right. This movie puts "Ms. .45 " to shame. And it's one of the best femme fatale movies I have ever seen. I would definitely recommend this movie a lot. It has received a lot of awards, and it got a lot of approvals as well. It's a keeper. 5 stars!
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Sweet Karma" have, what sounded like, an interesting storyline. Karma's sister Anna travels from Russia to Canada under the impression to work there as a housemaid. Karma never hears from her sister, never receives any money, and decides to go to Canada and look for her sister. Signing up with the same company that sent Anna to Canada, Karma discovers that it is in fact a human trafficking ring supplying prostitutes and erotic dancers. Bent on revenge, Karma takes down the ones responsible, one by one, and with every weapon at her disposal.Sounded great, didn't it? Yeah, unfortunately there was nothing new or innovating to be seen in "Sweet Karma". It had all been seen in movies before; a woman out for revenge, an undercover cop in too deep with the bad guys, the woman bringing down an entire cartel all by her lonely self, and women being suppressed and forced into shady work. With those things lined up, "Sweet Karma" didn't really rise above mediocrity.Don't get me wrong, the movie is actually quite good and manages to keep you riveted to the seat until the very end. But lacking new ideas and execution in movie style, then "Sweet Karma" was a bit tame.The people in the movie were actually doing good jobs with their roles. And the lead role of Karma was played by Shera Bechard was particularly well performed, especially because she didn't speak a single word throughout the entire movie.One of the things that I really liked about "Sweet Karma" was the feel you got from the scenes and scenery. It was gritty, dirty and foreboding. And that worked really well, because you had the sensation of being in a bad and low place; which the women also were. So thumbs up on the way they used that to the movie's advantage.Personally, I just didn't fully buy into the story, that a woman singlehandedly could manage to unwrap the human trafficking ring all by herself and take them down the way she did. Some of the violence scenes were actually quite well executed, though, I will give them that. But in general, I just didn't see the storyline as that plausible."Sweet Karma" is good entertaining for an evening of movies where you don't have to use your brain. This movie invites you to just disable and sit back in the couch and watch it for being entertained. Now, I know that things like what was portrayed in the movie actually does occur all around the world, but still, the movie didn't leave me with any lingering afterthoughts in any regards.
mauvemoonlight I was very surprised that this film has such a low rating. I think it is excellent for what it is - a tough action film.What I especially liked about this film was that the main character is a woman, with a hint of lesbianism about her, who knows how to take care of business. Realistic? Heck no - but how many action films are? Could Karma really physically overpower the various thugs she comes up against - I seriously doubt it - but it doesn't matter. The fun in this film is that these guys are total scumbags and you know she's going to get them - you look forward with eager anticipation to the moment when she does.I felt beautiful Shera Bechard did an excellent job as Karma Balint, a mute Russian woman, I was also quite taken with the handsome and talented John Tokatlidis as William and thought Christian Bako, who played Tomas, made him an interesting character as well.I also thought the twist just before the end of the film was quite creative; I certainly wasn't expecting it.The only two things that I have minor quibbles with is the fact I think they would've had more dimension with their heroine if she had not been mute and I definitely would've liked more background information on Karma. Why was she able to handle herself so well when it came to dealing with these thugs? What did she do in Russia? Had she been trained in fighting skills? Had she been a secret assassin in Russia? What was her background and history? We are told that she was mute from birth, and we understand her motivation for being in Toronto but beyond that we know virtually nothing.The lack of background on the main character is why I gave this 9 stars rather than 10.