| 14 January 1977 (USA)
Sweeney! Trailers

When one of Regan's snouts complains that his girlfriend's recent suicide was murder, the flying squad detective feels compelled to investigate. He uncovers a conspiracy that reaches the heart of the government, and finds himself fitted up, suspended and under the scrutiny of Special Branch.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Jamesfilmfan905 Sweeney was made in 1977 where television shows of that decade in the 70s where being made into big screen adaptations e.g man about the house , George and Mildred they are two examples of what where good shows which failed massively to capture the essence of what made them so popular to view every week in the thatcherised Britain of the 70s . Anyway Sweeney is one of those rare spin-off movies which actually works simply because it delivers the 3 elements that made the series so popular drama , action , excitement , for an interesting 90 minutes in which when an informants girlfriend is murdered he asks Reagan to investigate and he ends up finding himself knee deep in corruption and murder when various connections of a political cabinet leader Elliot mcqueen played by Barry foster start being murdered and Reagan must rely on his wits to evade deadly hit-men and corrupt police officials when he is suspended from the force and is on his own without his skipper George carter played by the excellent if somewhat underused Dennis waterman who insists to jack he cant get involved . What it boils down to is Sweeney is one of the best big screen adaptations of any show sprawned from the 70s cause it delivers the various concoction of elements which made the show a joy to view every- week as mentioned in the paragraph above . Certified x for Violence and brief nudity
Dandy_Desmond As a recent fan of the series the movie came with the box set I purchased. Of course it is different to the series, Haskins being the main omission and the focus is definitely on John Thaw's excellent Jack Regan character. This feels different to the series, the violence level is upped, the stakes are raised and the action is more intense. Particularly one part when Thaw just manages to save a high class hooker and himself from being assassinated and they go on the run through the streets while shooting and mayhem ensues, including a graphic scene of a copper being shot in the head! I did find the violence level shocking but I liked it - I get the feeling they really went for it and the result was exiting. Its a great slice of 70s hard boiled cop action check it out.
Spikeopath Detectives Regan & Carter investigate the suspected murder of a prostitute and find that there is major corruption, blackmail and murder bubbling under the surface.Sweeney! is a TV spin-off that further pushes the grit and grime that had been established in the hugely popular series. Boasting call girls, blood, automatic weapon carnage, more blood and lots of shouting, it does in short have most things fans of the series could want. It also serves as a interesting snap-shot of mid to late 70s London as various sequences operate in and around the old smoke. Yet in spite of its guts and gusto and nicely woven plot {incorporating the oil slant}, it ultimately sags too often and criminally under uses Dennis Waterman's Carter. This is really about John Thaw's Reagan. Fine for fans of the always excellent Thaw, but this was a dynamite duo, and somewhere along the way somebody made a poor decision to focus on one part of the team.The cast is filled out with notable British actors as the story unfolds. Barry Foster {Frenzy}, Ian Bannen {Too Late the Hero}, Colin Welland {Straw Dogs}, Brian Glover {Kes} and Diane Keen; who was a star of many a British TV production. It's pretty much one for fans only, because you get the feeling that newcomers, although sure to be impressed with its toughness, will wonder just what all the fuss was about back in the sweary Sweeney 70s. 6/10
Duckmaster Ahh, to revisit the halcyon days of 1970's London policing! Anyone watching this film will probably be aware of the infamous TV series, so introductions are not needed. Free from the restrictions of television guidelines and budgets, the makers of Sweeney! show us what a sleazy and violent world 1976 London can be. D.I. Reagan promises an old friend he will investigate further the death of a high class escort (yes, the oxo mum herself going topless) and slowly uncovers a high level conspiracy involving a naive politician and his crooked press relations man, who wants to lower oil prices for a year and make the oil companies billions in the process. With me so far? It matters not, forget the plot and enjoy the fistfights, shootings and the wonderful teamwork of John thaw and Dennis waterman. Altogether now..."You're nicked, son!"