Strip Search
Strip Search
| 27 April 2004 (USA)
Strip Search Trailers

Strip Search follows several parallel stories examining personal freedoms vs. national security in the aftermath of 9/11; two main subplots involve an American woman detained in China and an Arab man detained in New York City.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Greatornot This movie was exceptional. I do believe that it was a fair film. It did point out , constitutional violations from past times in our history. This movie was not out to attack GWB. The parallel story was right on the money. Unlike some other people. I did have sympathy for both characters. The illustration basically brought out the naivety of the average American , thinking these things can not happen in our homeland. Where as the stories were parallel to a tee on purpose. It brought out the point that vogue leadership is real and perhaps a perception at the same time. I liked that they pointed out other people looking at us from thousands of miles away , do not see us as a democracy. Very intelligent film . One very important fact though , is that in our nation there is the freedom to air this film where as in China there is not.
Destinationcritical-1 The short film itself was an interesting concept. Unlike normal films that are meant to tell a story this was a well constructed film to ask very basic fundamental question. Security or Liberty. It's Nothing new, "The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either." - Benjamin FranklinThis isn't some crackpot theory that conspiracy theorist are trying to pull on anyone. These are the same rights that Americans fought and died for this is there Consitution, laws that over the years citizens have taken for granted. This film might not be realistic but the idea behind the way it trys to show the viewer exactly what one can loose by giving up ones rights for freedom. If you were arrested today for any crime you could use the rigths that were given to you as citizen of your country with the exception of terrorists. Terrorists? what are they? you might come up with an image of a Muslim man as viewed in the film. But this is mistaken perception "the patriot act" doesn't say inclusive to only Muslims it says Anyone who is against the government plan.If you don't believe me then just goggle "The Patriot Act" actually read it, they don't hide anything truly Orwell would be rolling in his grave at this bill. Also if you can get a hold of a German History Text book, and read the laws in acted during pre-WW2 Nazi Germany Era, they created there own Patriot Act, and finally introduced the gestapo. Secret Police to arrest anyone who was Ploting against there own government. We are all in a world of trouble and the players involved at the highest levels are never what they seem. I suggest for anyone who is interested in learning somewhat of the real truth visit they won't show any of this in the media.
Mark Bowen I just watched this film (on European television), but didn't see from the very beginning what it was called. So I looked it up here on IMDb. "Strip Search" is a terrible title. What were they thinking? That I think is an example of what is wrong with the film. They have a story with a very interesting political premise, but they gave it some crap title more appropriate for a straight-to-video Shannon Tweed flick.Well, it IS an interesting premise, that the U.S. domestic response to 9/11 has brought the country closer in some respects to the police states it still publicly condemns. It is a premise with which I strongly agree. And the plot vehicle of playing the same dialogue in a U.S. and a Chinese prison was a very good idea. But it is all really poorly done.The biggest problem is the dialogue itself, which is clichéd. It really could have used a few rewrites. Surprising that it came from Tom Fontana, of the great "Homicide: Life On the Streets" TV series.The other problem is that except for Glenn Close and Maggie Gyllenhaal, the other actors are unable to rise above the hack dialogue. Ken Leung I thought was particularly bad. And in movies, the ultimate blame for poor performances has to be laid at the feet of the director, in this case the legendary Sidney Lumet. (But let's face it, Lumet hasn't made a truly great film since 1976's "Network" (1976), and not even a good film since 1988's "Running On Empty.") With the exception of the acting of Close and Gyllenhaal, the whole film feels like a hack job. The political message is hammered home with all the subtlety of a German jazz band, complete with inter-cut speeches about freedom and democracy from U.S. presidents, and a fadeout with statistics about U.S. detainees. Sheesh.Too bad, this could have been a thought-provoking film. It's so poorly done and overwrought that it just won't change anyone's mind.
cjmbabsc The format, writing and direction of this docudrama could be improved, but the premise is too important to ignore. Two people, in opposite parts of the world, seem cavalier about their rights and freedoms, until they are violated, then dumbfounded about what authorities do to them. We'd all like to feel safe in our home, community and Country. However, to what extent would we give up our rights and freedoms, to be more secure and safe? And... If our rights and freedoms are lost, how safe and secure would we be? You may find this film boring. It lacks gratuitous violence, obscenity and other things, one might proclaim, makes for entertainment, but the valuable message it portrays, makes it a, "Must See!". If this show peeks your interest, try a, "Star Trek", (The Next Generation), Episode called, "Drumhead", in which mankind has ventured hundreds of years, into the future, into space and evolution, yet still succumbs to fear, created by the potential for terrorism...