Search and Destroy
Search and Destroy
R | 23 April 1995 (USA)
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A self-help guru's televised teachings inspire a down-and-out businessman to pursue his dream of making a movie.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
mrbusyb You know, if we all accepted ourselves playfully as the planet of hypocrits we truly are by never taking ourselves too seriously, then the only bad actors in our dramas about life would be those intolerant audience members in the movie who get up to storm off in a huffy right before the true meaning of it is revealed! Back in 1995, I guess that included just about everyone. This movie is really misunderstood and who can blame the audience as the flick was meant to ridicule about everyone, but mainly the sophisticated talksie dialog movies that were being shown at the art movie houses and on the big commercial screens as well. This movie doesn't suck while it isn't about movies that suck, but it's actually more about why movies will one day suck, which, as we can plainly see nowadays, most of them do. Back during this absurd age of making lots of movies with dialog, we are talking the likes of Pulp Fiction (1994) here, in comparison, the nonsense written in this movie flows along gorgeously! And, speaking of gorgeous, check out the inward beauty that pretty Illeana Douglas so wonderfully expresses in this movie. Indeed, there are three beautiful women altogether in this movie, but she really takes the cake! I think her performance is masterful. Especially when one juxtaposes her against the unexpected appearance of the nude blond model. When she blazed on the screen, I had a difficult time focusing in on her. At first, I didn't even know what I was looking at. As her breasts began to come into focus, my first thoughts were, "Well, her nipples seem rather small and her breasts look kind of saggy." But then, being a typical male, as I started connected the whole of her nudeful body parts together into a uniform flow of form, function, tecture, tone, and all those other artsy sophistications the crowd at Starbucks likes tossing about, well, the blond simply looked smashing. Griffin Dunne plays a Woody Allen part so brilliantly that he out Woody Allens the great Woody Allen himself. In my opinion, this movie is better than any produced and directed by Woody Allen. In fact, if the comedian actor had written, directed, and starred in it, the movie would have gone down as an all time classic. And did I mention how gorgeous Rosanna Arquette was in her performance? Her blend of bite and bustiness is surely the kind of woman I desire, you know, the kind who is always nibbling on the ear lobe complaining about having been born cheated into this world. Once again, the quality of the acting in this movie is quite useful in keeping ones attention fixed on the potential that there just might be something meaningful hidden deep in the script. I really liked this movie. For the $2.99 I paid, it was a bargain. I would have even considered paying $10.00 for this movie which is a lot in my world. Well, maybe $9.99. All toes point upward on this movie.
Rodrigo Amaro Griffin Dunne plays a out of luck businessman filled with debts and no money at all who has the brilliant idea of become a film producer in Hollywood and finally do something that will last, to do something that people will remember him. His dream project is to adapt a famous book written by a guru (Dennis Hopper) into the screen. While on his way to adapt the book he'll meet the potential investors that includes Kim a friendly but suspect businessman (Christopher Walken) and another strange guy (John Turturro), some drug dealers and work with Marie (Illeanna Douglas) former secretary of the guru who wants to write and direct her own film, a bizarre horror story.In "Search and Destroy" things move like a Coen's brother movie but without the cleverness and the sinister side of one of them. It drags the viewers for an hour and half only with dialogs and dialogs (sometimes it gets very repetitive, the actor talks the same line twice), and then in the last half hour the story grows hysterically funnier and darker, frightening if you prefer. Turturro made the film funnier with his fast talking character and Walken made the story more and more tense, funny sometimes. And because of this moments and the great cast I'll give a positive review for this film, the only directed by the famous artist David Salle. To many people out there it might seen a boring film where almost nothing happens, looks like empty but it's not. It tells a story of overcoming bad things and creating another crazy situations, the whole thing mentioned by the guru about the rules of life, things that he included on the book and are mentioned over and over by the characters are very sarcastic (things such as "the past is meaningless" and "never say you're sorry"). 8/10For movie comments, talks and etc follow me on Twitter at @wortzik and reply at me about some of the reviews I'm writing here.
merklekranz Rarely has such an amazing cast been wasted so badly. Griffin Dunne, Rosanna Arquette, Illeana Douglas, Ethan Hawke, Dennis Hopper, Christopher Walken, and John Turturro, all jumped on board, only to be torpedoed by a script that seems like nothing more than a Hollywood in joke. Attaching Martin Scorsese's name to this was probably the draw, but the end result is way less than the sum of it's parts. Resembling a nightmare gone horribly wrong, each scene seems more contrived than the next. "Search and Destroy" is nothing more than abstract, stylish, self indulgent nonsense, and the entire film is decidedly dull.......... MERK
mug88 This movie is in the realm of genius. Turturro's performance is outstandingly quirky; Walken is frighteningly strange and unhinged. A classic if you would like to see something a bit different.
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