R | 29 July 2016 (USA)
Equity Trailers

Senior investment banker Naomi Bishop’s world of high-power big money is brutal and fierce, and one she thrives in. When a controversial IPO threatens the fragile balance of power and confidentiality, Naomi finds herself entangled in a web of politics and deception.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Tony Heck "Don't let money be a dirty word. We can like that too." Naomi Bishop (Gunn) is an investment banker who is bucking for a promotion. All she has to do is prove herself with her newest project and its hers. She promises the team she is working with nothing but success and everything is lining up her way, until she begins to hear rumors about the company. The more she digs the more worried she becomes. Investigator Samantha (Reiner) is trying to uncover the same thing and both want to do the right thing, but for different reasons. This is a movie that I was looking forward to. I really love movies like Wall Street and was hoping for something like that. On one hand the movie was tense and exciting. A movie that makes you feel anger and wonder who to root for. On the other hand, there was just something missing to make it as good as I wanted. I'm not sure what it was but it just felt like it needed a little extra to put it over the top. Overall, a very good movie that tried to break through to greatness but never quite made it. This is still worth watching though. I give this a B.
eurofreeman Not sure why this movie was so bad. Perhaps the slow pace and the enforced slow dialogue. Perhaps the bad acting. In either or both cases this movie should be given a wide berth. I loved Anna Gunn in Breaking bad, in fact she was instrumental in it's popularity but I watched a different actress here. Her interpretation in this 'Wall St' type movie was simply awful. Totally unbelievable. I always turn off movies when the leading lady has either Botoxed lips or stupidly unreal white teeth, for some reason I can't take it serious from that point on. So many women in the industry feel the need to wreck their natural looks. Anyhow, back to the movie, I dare anyone to watch Gunn's on-screen divorced husband acting out a serious scene and avoid breaking out into laughter at his facial expressions. Again terrible acting. This movie could have been interesting but the casting director had lost his marbles. The writing was drawn out and laboured with far too many close up 'still life' moments. Take heed, it's valuable time you are wasting if you labour through this stuff.
Vincent Romero This movie was terrible, first and foremost. I can't begin to cover all the reasons, but I'll go over a few. Anna Gunn's character is absolutely horrendous. I believe that the writers tried to make her this strong, independent, taking on the boy's club type. But ultimately just gave us scene after scene where your hatred for her grows. She treats her subordinates like absolute trash. It's embarrassing to watch. There's actually one scene (I swear I'm not making this up) where she screams at the top of her lungs at one of her underlings that "there's only 3 mother f@+king chocolate chips in my cookie!". It gets worse than that. She refuses to pay one employee her much deserved salary. She debates firing an employee for being pregnant. She's just awful. I felt like the writers wanted you to somehow look at her abominable behavior as being a tough, go gutter of a woman. This movie was LITERALLY anti- feminist. Another one of this movie's many issues was the ridiculous way people just trick other people into saying things they know they'd go to jail for saying. One scene consists of a district attorney using her "feminine whiles" to trick an educated man into believing that they'd met before and exchanged illegal information. She uses alcohol to get further information out of him. Anyone who's seen 2 or more episodes of law & order knows that's illegal (I looked up the law just to be sure, yep, it's illegal). This isn't the only time a brief conversation is used to convince someone into committing a crime. Finally, for the sake of "cutting to the chase". Every man in this movie is either a user of women, incompetent, or a douche-bag. At the start of the movie it does give you the impression that it would be a film about a strong woman but just ends up being a step backwards for women. Oh and Anna Gunn's acting is far removed from her performances in Deadwood and Breaking Bad.In short, skip it. I didn't like this movie. If I were a woman, I'd despise this movie and actively try to get it removed from existence.
Sharan S This movie was just the one we needed! A female-driven drama about life in Wall Street. The third act is where everything fell flat. If Meera Menon was looking to film the fictional exploits of women in the corporate world, I would have no problem. But, that's not what she wants. She's reaching for something higher. Something like Margin Call. And that's where she falters. Before I continue, let me just put it out there that I'm a male and a feminist. I love movies with female-oriented roles, because it's about freaking time it happened. Equity however wasn't a step forward. Nobody's moving. Everything is stiff. I will however appreciate the crew's efforts in developing this slick film. And now, the drawbacks: - The dialogues seemed forced and in many cases, acting too. The closing monologue features Sam (Alysia Reiner) repeating something she heard her former friend, Naomi (Anna Gunn) had said before. When Naomi said it, there was a punch. Alysia just does a verbatim impression with no vigor.As mentioned earlier, the performances weren't up to the mark. Anna Gunn steals the show with her ballsy performance. Alysia Reiner on the other hand doesn't really do her role any justice. She just looks like a determined agent in the first 80 minutes and then falls back. That mean stare is absent in the last 20-25 minutes of the movie. Her delivery lacks the punch. - The stereotypical career woman who's deciding between work and family: played by Sarah Megan Thomas in the film, this career woman, oh let's call her "Liberty", not only is confused with the imbalance but is also pregnant and carries out an affair. - All men are evil. First, Ghostbusters. Now, Equity. Men are evil people. And this also includes Naomi's boyfriend, Michael, played by James Purefoy, who isn't sure of what accent to choose from. First, he sounds like a New Yorker. Then, he's Irish, and somehow he goes Canadian (I swear I heard him say "aboot"). Purefoy was brilliant in The Following, but this just shouldn't be in his resume. Want a reason to watch Equity? Anna Gunn and a good attempt by the team. Or just watch Margin Call and imagine Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany and Jeremy Irons have two x chromosomes.