Strike Commando 2
Strike Commando 2
| 17 August 1988 (USA)
Strike Commando 2 Trailers

A commando rescues his squad leader from heroin smugglers in Burma.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
PodBill Just what I expected
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Leofwine_draca STRIKE COMMANDO 2 is another crazy jungle adventure film from Bruno Mattei, the undisputed king of Italian trash cinema. This one was shot in the Philippines like its predecessor, so you see folk like Vic Diaz turn up in minor roles. The film sees the wooden Stallone impersonator Brent Huff struggling to rescue a colleague from sinister terrorists, but there are twists and turns in store as well as a whole lot of cheesy and repetitive action sequences.Yep, this is another RAMBO rip-off from the late 1980s, with the addition of a scene or two outrageously stolen from RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK; there's even a Nazi guy impersonating Ronald Lacey from that film. The most bizarre thing about this sequel is the presence of Richard Harris in support, certainly the biggest star I've seen appearing in Italian trash cinema. No wonder he gave up acting for a while afterwards.
Bloodwank Well, I would have hoped a director as mighty as Bruno Mattei might be one to break the curse of inferior sequels. Sadly not, but he does his best here with the odds stacked against him. This time around he doesn't have the incomparable Reb Brown, massive amounts of firepower and corresponding bodycount nor hysterical emoting, and his various "inspirations", tend to be lighter (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Romancing the Stone, Lethal Weapon as well as Rambo 2 and other jungle actioners), so really the ultimate product was bound to be flawed, and it is, but it still pretty much rocks so its all good. Brent Huff takes over the Mike Ransom role, and while he lacks the stately magnificence of Reb Brown does a solid job, a smart, rough and tumble tough guy who can come into his own when the going gets hard. Mary Stavin plays a bar owning partner and love interest of sorts, bold, brassy, badass and not to mention beautiful she proves an ideal counterweight to the macho end of the scale. Italian schlock regulars Massimo Vanni and Ottaviano dell'Acqua (Rats: Night of Terror) appear as well, but the most plaudits go to the great Richard Harris. The cosmos only knows what strange wheels turned to put Richard Harris in a Bruno Mattei film but he gives it his all, a turn of authority and dignity forged in total commitment, he plays the material as if it were Oscar worthy and the effect his marvellous, his scenes tremendously entertaining. The star power can't entirely distract from the fact that the film is a bit too light hearted, and doesn't have quite enough action, explosions, wannabe gruelling violence or deranged tilts at pathos to be truly great, there are certainly classy bits (often involving useless ninjas) but overall there's a slightly underpowered feel to things. Still, I can't say as this isn't pretty solid entertainment. You'll laugh, you'll roll your eyes, you may in some small moments feel your pulse start to quicken but most importantly, you'll likely won't feel bored. So worth a watch for fans of this sort of thing.
HaemovoreRex Brent Huff takes over the role of Michael Ransom, formerly played by Reb Brown, in this light hearted sequel to the original film. It's basically more of the same i.e BIG and beautiful explosions (a staple in Bruno Mattei action flicks), lots of macho posturing, our hero screaming his lungs out whenever he fires off a few rounds from his favoured M-60 and especially in the case of the film in question, some absolutely awful and inappropriate 'comedy' music! In fact, as regards the comedic value, the film plays out more overtly like a deliberate comedy throughout than its prequel which seemed to start out with serious intention before descending into an out and out hilarious laugh fest (with some possible debate as to if it was entirely intentional or not)Added to the mix this time around we have a sadistic panama wearing Russian who has a curious predilection to garrote his victims, a small army of ninja (!) and the presence of Richard Harris (!!!!) – Yes THE Richard Harris! It's a real credit to him that even considering the material he found himself lumbered with here he still gives a great performance without hamming it up and actually lends a touch of genuine class to a film that certainly doesn't deserve it. This is not to say that the film is bad however, far from it, for although this is a HUGELY derivative movie (more about this in a moment) it's certainly never dull and more than achieves what it sets out to accomplish i.e simply to entertain.Now, as to the aforementioned derivative nature of this, well put it this way, whilst these films are very usually shall we say politely, 'heavily influenced' by bigger budgeted American fodder, the movie in question, directly rips off amongst the most scenes (scene for scene) from other films that I think I have ever ever witnessed. As examples, obviously Rambo being a big influence here, we have a few direct re-enactments of moments from that movie in addition to and more shockingly, a number of scenes directly from Lethal Weapon including the electrocution torture scene and the staff/tonfa combat climatic fight sequence. Hell, there's even the drinking game from Raiders Of The Lost Ark lifted here! When I say 'lifted' I really do mean DIRECTLY lifted! For instance, in the previously mentioned Lethal Weapon torture scene, even the exact method of our hero's escape is copied i.e. by breaking his tormentor's neck with his legs!Back to the more positive points of the movie now though, there's some great stunt work on display throughout the film and the action sequences are competently handled (although the final showdown being so obviously sped up does come across as odd to say the very least)I particularly liked the macho slow mo shots of our man firing off his weapon towards the end of the film with the obligatory close ups of the spent rounds flying out and bouncing onto the floor whilst our hero hollers at the top of his lungs – cool stuff!I must say that overall, for me at least, this movie wasn't nearly as much fun as the original but that I would still nonetheless recommend it as well worth a watch if you wish to see a lighthearted take on the genre.Now, any chance of Strike Commando 3 Mr. Mattei?
William The first one was a black comedy starring Reb Brown and Christopher Connelly, and it had numerous scenes that was lifted from RAMBO 2. But now, the sequel is more serious and headlines action star Brent Huff as a commando who is in search of his old old Vietnam buddy Richard Harris (!). Harris, a very masterful actor looks puzzled why he is even in this film (he said once in a interview he retired until they offered him THE FIELD, so this movie must have motivated his retirement!). Harris looks very ill in the film, and suprisingly he is most of the film unlike Mary Starvin who is second bills (Harris is 3rd billed) who seems to have little to do. Not bad action scenes, and even has Harris killing a giant fake bug. Huff is good as usual, but this film steals the ending of RAMBO 2 just like first STRIKE COMMANDO film. The film does looks depressing, and it's kind of sad to see Harris in a Philipeno shot cheap film, and on a role that Bo Svenson to Henry Silva usual does.