The Silent City
The Silent City
| 01 October 2006 (USA)
The Silent City Trailers

The story revolves around 3 soldiers who are on the outskirts of a war torn city. They are patrolling an area when a bomb is accidentally set off and they have to wait for help.

Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Horst in Translation ( "The Silent City" is a 7-minute science fiction short film from Ireland written and directed by Oscar nominee Ruairi Robinson. Interestingly enough, he switched from animation (that's what his Oscar nomination was for) to live action, but still stayed in the short film genre. I personally wasn't impressed by what I have seen from him so far, this one here probably even less than his Oscar-nominated short. It is really all style over substance acting as if this was something heroic, something significant, but this movie here has nothing to offer beyond decent special effects and costumes. A really forgettable watch that does not make me one bit more curious about Robinson's works. I do not recommend checking it out, especially unimpressive as he had been in film for a long time already when he shot this movie 10 years ago.
marathon_man I feel the majority of the people leaving views on this short film (in the message boards) are missing the point. Projects like this are not made so much to entertain an audience (though it's an advantage to do so), but to showcase a director or film-making team's talents and abilities in the hope of being signed up to a full scale project.As with so many such short films we are shown on the UK's Channel 4, I am left disappointed at the resolution of the film, thinking, "Is that all there is?". But as a showcase of what the writer/director can do (and that he can interest a known actor such as Cillian Murphy into working with him), I'd say it was a success.I often feel cheated when there's no resolution to a short like this, even though I have seen many great movies where the viewer is left to ponder what the final result or outcome was, but I realise it was intended to interest a production company or perhaps a more established director looking for someone to handle second unit duties.In short (excuse the pun) this was an advert for Robinson, not necessarily entertainment for a regular audience, and in that sense it was successful in leaving people wanting more.I certainly wanted to know what the threat was to the soldiers, what was going to happen to them in the minutes following the end credits, but (even assuming Robinson himself knew) it was better for his purposes to leave things open-ended so that the aforementioned companies and directors would be intrigued enough to see what else Robinson can do.All the elements were well executed, assuming this was relatively low budget, from the opening moment where you wonder who the character is going to be, to the end where you wonder what is approaching, the lighting, decent CGI and SFX, and good camera work. this is one short where, although I am annoyed that I am left unsatisfied - confused even - I can appreciate it succeeded in its ultimate task - to create interest in the director.My score is based on what I believe the film's target was, rather than how much it satisfied me personally (for which it would have scored lower due to the "Is that it?" factor).
Stephane Gregory Dan I've seen this movie today for the first time and I never heard of it before, probably because of it's poor message. First of all, the directing itself is quite good, the actors played well and the CGI (I'm not a fan of CGI) is magnificent. But that alone doesn't make a movie. No story at all, no message behind beautiful exploited talents.Or do I have to make people remember, the art of a director is not only your vision but to know how to tell a story. And this is what's missing the whole 7 minutes.There for a simple 4 rating.
sheldonvh The story revolves around 3 soldiers who are on the outskirts of a war torn city. They are patrolling an area when a bomb is accidentally set off and they have to wait for help. The short is, well, pretty short. Clocking in at just around 5 minutes, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot you can do in that amount of time but the imagery was certainly there. Well done cinematography and CG make for what could possibly be a full length ordeal if done by the same people.It took a bit, but while watching it I couldn't help but think that one of the soldiers looked a lot like Cillian Murphy. When the credits rolled, sure enough up came his name.Would definitely like to see more from this team.
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