Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter
Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter
| 01 September 1970 (USA)
Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter Trailers

Mako and her girl friends enter a dispute with rival street gangsters The Eagles, a band of racist macho pigs led by the evil Baron, who hate half-breeds. When one of the girls start dating a half-breed, they start a terror campaign to take all of them out of town. Mako and her gang fight back, helping their new friend Kazuma find his long gone sister.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
random_avenger Even though Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter was only released third in the Nora-neko rokku series, it was actually filmed back to back with the second entry Wild Jumbo and marks Yasuharu Hasebe's return as director in the franchise after Toshiya Fujita who would also make the fifth and final movie besides the second one. After the light, even comedic Wild Jumbo, Sex Hunter is a step toward the darker mood of the original film and carries a strong anti-racism message despite the lurid title that makes the film seem sleazier than it really is.As with the previous movies, Sex Hunter deals with youth gangs in a big city in Japan. This time the story focuses on two gender-based gangs: the girl gang led by Mako (Meiko Kaji) and the guys' gang called the Eagles led by Baron (Tatsuya Fuji). The two gangs can somehow get along with each other, but tensions are created by the relationship of Mako and Baron and especially the latter's intense hatred for people of mixed race. The girls cannot accept the Eagles' assault campaign against their half-blooded friends, such as Kazuma (Rikiya Yasuoka) who has come to the city to look for his long-lost sister, and eventually things escalate with dramatic consequences.As already mentioned, the mood is significantly darker than in Wild Jumbo. There is more nudity, blood, drug use and sexualized violence (even an outright "rape party"), even though in general the title "Sex Hunter" can be called exaggerated. Nevertheless, the film is still a recognizable Stray Cat Rock movie as all the trademark elements are there: extremely groovy psychedelic rock and jazz music, lots of aggressive driving in roofless Jeeps and some camera trickery to heighten the intensity of certain scenes. The use special camera techniques has been toned down from Wild Jumbo though; this time the only specialties are some flashy editing and a diminished screen size that forces the mise en scène to seem very cramped and crowded but also starts to get annoying after a while. But as said, gimmicks are not used as extensively as before and most of the movie is conventionally good-looking and well shot.The story about the Eagles' racism adds a welcome societal touch to the plot, as does the tragic ending at an abandoned watchtower (why he fires those last shots is open to interpretation). The girls' friendship and the roots of Baron's racism in his childhood also belong among the more interesting plot lines and could have actually deserved more screen time at the expense of some of the action. On the other hand, stylized visuals are what these movies are known for, philosophical and plot-hole-free stories not as much. In any case, Meiko Kaji and Tatsuya Fuji, the staples of the franchise, are as fun to watch as always; in addition I especially liked the appearance of the girl pop group Golden Half in the psychedelic club scenes (keeping up with the movie's theme of racial acceptance, the group was known for its members being of mixed heritage themselves).I guess it largely depends on personal tastes if one prefers the serious Sex Hunter and Delinquent Girl Boss to the more lighthearted Wild Jumbo. As for myself, I like all of them but might ultimately give an edge to Toshiya Fujita's entertaining caper story. For anyone interested in Japanese tough girl gang cinema, all five films are recommended viewing though. Sex Hunter appears to be the most well known of the five based on the number of IMDb votes and reviews (perhaps the title attracts fans of Hasebe's rape-themed pink films?) but I maintain that the other four Nora-neko movies are cool too if you like this one. Good entertainment with a serious undercurrent.
Scarecrow-88 Goofy title aside, this is essentially another Japanese gang war carried out through racial turmoil orchestrated by Baron who targets "half-breeds" due to a past traumatic experience involving his sister's rape at the hands of black attackers. Meiko Kaji, her deep, penetrating eyes peering from between her long black hair, wearing a big-ass black hat which looks to weigh a ton, is Mako, representing a female group(..I've read them referenced as "The Alley-cats")who seem sexually aligned with a hostile clan of hellraisers known as The Eagles, directed by their sadistic brooding leader Baron(Tatsuya Fuji, under dark shades, wearing colorful shirts and white pants)and his obedient lieutenant Susumu(Jiro Okazaki). A handsome foreigner enters the city looking for his sister, a "half-breed", Kazuma(Rikiya Yasuoka), finding much trouble with Baron who wants him out of their turf. Kazuma works as a mechanic and strongly desires to find his sister no matter the cost to his well being, and Baron is determined, & hell-bent on ridding his city of all those who carry Negro characteristics. Mako, attached to Baron, falls in love with Kazuma while helping him find the sister he's searching for. When she's actually a member of Mako's own sisterhood, rejecting Kazuma, he takes the resentment especially hard. When she is gang-raped by Baron's hoods, Kazuma will have it out with him once and for all in a climactic shoot-out. Mako must endure a tragic conclusion, right up close-and-personal as Baron and Kazuma square off in a duel, western style.The film features the period psychedelic bubble gum pop music club scene of the 70's, the fashion styles, drug use, criminal activity and overall rebellious youthful atmosphere of Japan, an obvious cinematic concoction designed to appeal to the target demographic attracted to these themes at that time. STRAY CAT ROCK:SEX HUNTER started out seeming rather aimless, an inside look into the culture of defiant youth, the film startled me when the very topical theme of racism is injected into the story. Baron, upon first appearance, seems little more than the head of a group of males without an identity..they merely exist to smoke dope, lounge around clubs, and stir up some trouble with anyone who dares an attempt to date their women. When one of Mako's girls, Maki, leaves Susumu for a half-breed named Ichiro, Baron hearkens back to that painful childhood memory that has left an indelible scar, resulting in a systematic hunt for those for whom he looks at as "symbols" of those that raped his sister. Scenes that emerge include Baron's setting up Mako's girls for a rape party, his constant heinous attacks on Kazumi, the Molotov cocktail revenge which sets a hotel room ablaze, and a very bizarre shooting resulting in a brother killing his sister for some unexplainable reason. Early on you even had Mako in hand-to-hand combat with one of her own girls due to a roundabout challenge. The Eagles drive around the city in army jeeps, all(..or most)wearing dark shades, and certainly reveling in their violent actions towards innocents. Baron allows his boys to play, often laughing hysterically;you come to realize that Baron is a moody psychotic, often stewing quietly until something pushes him over the edge. Kaji always holds my attention and Fuji commands the screen as her one-time-lover and eventual adversary. Yasuharu Hasebe, thanks to the typically marvelous production values of Nikkatsu studio, brings a polished look to compliment his skills at maintaining a decent pace(..which can lag due to long drawn out camera set ups capturing the intensity or sadness of faces). I think the film's most interesting feature is how Hasebe captures that particular time in Japan, and the way he lenses characters. The unpredictability might just be another asset STRAY CAT ROCK:SEX HUNTER has in it's favor. Attractive cast with interesting faces;the story could be polarizing to some. Rather depressing ending.
bensonmum2 When one of the local girls starts dating a "half-breed", the local guy gang (The Eagles) doesn't think much of it. The Eagles start of campaign of terror directed at mixed race couples and individuals they deem to be not of "pure" Japanese heritage. It's up to the leader of the local girl gang and a "half breed" named Kazuma to stand up to The Eagles – even if they have to die for what's right.While Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter is a decent enough movie, it's not the movie I was hoping for. I'm relatively new to the Japanese exploit movies of the 70s having only recently watched three of the Female Prisoner #701 movies. Since Meiko Kaji stars in both and Yasuharu Hasebe directs in both, I was hoping Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter would be similar in tone to Female Prisoner #701. And while it has its moments (a couple of fight scenes, the rape party, and the jeep chase for example), the movie is far too serious in its focus to be as much fun as I hoped. More girl gang action and less racial tension would have gone a long way to making this one a real winner.The highlight of the movie for me has to be Meiko Kaji. I've now seen her in five different movies (this one, the three Female Prisoner #701 movies, and Lady Snowblood) and she never fails to impress me. She's an actress I hope to see more of in the future.
EVOL666 Yasuharu Hasebe, director of my personal favorite pinku film, ASSAULT! JACK THE RIPPER and the equally sleazy but less powerful RAPE! 13TH HOUR, helms this earlier Nikkatsu entry that is far less twisted then his later films. STRAY CAT ROCK: SEX HUNTER (the third in the STRAY CAT ROCK series) is a decent film for what it is, but the lower level of sleaze knocks it down a few notches for me...Mako and her girl-gang are in a constant state of flux with the local guy-gang, The Eagles - and things get rough when the guys start targeting local mixed-race citizens for violence. A side-story about a half-breed guy looking for his long-lost sister adds another layer to the plot...The SEX HUNTER title kinda throws this one off, as there's really not all that much sex, and really no "hunting" to be had in this one - but given the 1970 date, I didn't expect this one to be quite as "rough" as some of the later pinku material. This one reminded me a bit more of the more "mainstream" Toei productions which I also dig - just not as much as some of the latter, more "twisted" Nikkatsu productions. Worth checking out for hard-core pinku fans but definitely not one of the top of the genre...7/10