Steel Sharks
Steel Sharks
| 10 October 1997 (USA)
Steel Sharks Trailers

In this undersea thriller, a United States submarine is seized by terrorists. But a rescue attempt by an elite group of Navy Seals goes wrong when they are captured. Now they must wage a silent war beneath the waves.

SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
dunsuls-1 This film is more interesting today than when it was released in 1997.However it's still fighting WW11,not todays enemy as the script would like you to believe.Still a good sub film is hard to find.Add to it Navy Seals and its watchable one time.The plot is simple. Civilian scientist is kidnapped and the seals have to rescue him.Good stuff.The problem is that its Iran military not terrorists and the seal team sent to rescue him does but is captured itself and put on a Iranian sub which then plays "tag"with a US sub sent to extract the team after its mission.Some good navy footage as the Navy cooperated in the filming.Carriers,planes and subs,OH MY !!!! Still its good to boo the Iranians and cheer the seals even if it rings like fighting the "last"war instead of the one to come.Gary Busey plays Cmdr. Bill McKay,the USN subs captain with just enough aplomb to make you wonder if he's going to go off.Billy Dee Williams as Adm. Jim Perry head of the fleet, is really under-used and the rest of the cast is OK but not well known then or now,including the actors who played the seals.If you have nothing else to do, watch it.It's well made just not plausible.
Peter L. Petersen (KnatLouie) This movie started out very slow, but then picked up the pace, and started to become more exciting. I nearly fell asleep during the first half hour, but sort of woke up during the last parts of the film, when you got to know the characters a bit better, and their escape from the submarine began.I thought it was kind of funny that the foreigners couldn't decide on whether to speak in their native language, or to speak English, it just seemed like improvised play and/or poor planning.I liked most of the actors though, and especially thought that Gary Busey's portrayal of the bizarre captain (he always said something weird in critical moments) was amusing. Seeing him in navy clothes brought back some memories of "Under Siege", where he also appeared in the same kind of outfit, and also acted crazy throughout. Overall, I have to give this movie 5/10, because it wasn't completely bad, and some of the settings were kind of cool, but it was just unexciting, dull, and lacked genuine thrills and excitement..But to be honest, this movie just lacks the presence of Steven Seagal.. Billy Dee Williams and a crew of Navy Seals led by Billy Warlock doesn't quite cut it.
ragnarok-3 Steel Sharks may not the best or well acted movie ever made, but neither is it the worst. It is also not a rip off of "The Hunt for Red October". To say that it is, is like saying that "The Hunt for Red October" is a rip off of "Up Periscope". The films have nothing in common other than the fact that they have submarines in them. Steel Sharks is about a Seal Team rescue mission. It has nothing to do with stealing submarines from the Russians. It is a tight and fast paced story with little or no loose ends. "The Hunt for Red October" was a film with a message, Steel Sharks had no such lofty goals. It sought only to entertain, and it does. I was entertained.
JJN This has got to be one of the worst movies made in recent years. It's a low budget rip-off of "The Hunt for Red October" with acting so atrocious it's laughable. This is definitely one to miss. I have no idea how they got Gary Busey to do this film.