Star Trek: Horizon
Star Trek: Horizon
PG | 25 February 2016 (USA)
Star Trek: Horizon Trailers

The Coalition of Planets, a young alliance of worlds led by Earth, is at war with the Romulan Empire. Desperate for a chance to gain the upper hand in the war, the Coalition forms an alliance with T’mar, a Romulan deserter, in the hopes that she can provide valuable intelligence on her former masters.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
milly903md Poorly written, poorly performed. While it's trying to present a close bond between crew members, the scenes are superficial and don't do a good job making you believe and feel that they actually care about each other, especially since most of the dialog is basically them putting each other down and being sarcastic. Or maybe that's a failed attempt at teasing banter between friends. Although with an ok-ish mildly captivating plot that could have been spinned into something much better, it fails to convince. I can't believe it's a 2016 release!
simonpcpearson I suppose that it is unfair to judge Star Trek: Horizon by professional standards. Perhaps we have been spoiled by the excellence of Prelude To Axanar, Star Trek New Voyages and Star Trek Continues but I have begun to have high expectations for Trek fan films, perhaps unrealistically so.Those involved in the making of Star Trek: Horizon are , I assume, amateurs and probably cannot attain the professional standards of the aforementioned productions.Excuses can be made for the poor acting and the fact that the film looks as though it was filmed through a dense fog, but there is no excuse for the completely unoriginal script. A good script should cost no more than a bad one. Horizon ( or should that be STH?) has a script that feels like a blatant rip off of previous Trek scripts with the elements put together in some semblance of order. That is simply not good enough. We loved Prelude To Axanar ( like the original Star Trek TV series) for their innovation. We adored Star Trek New Voyages and Star Trek Continues for their attention to atmosphere, tone and detail.Mayve I'm being harsh but Star Trek:Horizon fails short in all these areas 3/10
humaki @@@ What a great film!, well done everyone who took part in making it, thank you, brilliant! @@@ I know its a fan film, but its up there with some of the best Original Star Trek productions... the story is good and special effects are awesome.On a down side (not mentioning names) but one of the actors was a bit wooden for me... but all in all the casts acting abilities was excellent. I especially like the captain, who was sincere, grounded.Id love to see more of these if thats possible. Expand on the their journey. There's a whole chapter missing about the temporal cold war that needs expanding on and explained.If there's more funds available - please make another one. All the best.
KathyL59 I am so amazed at all the work that goes into making a fan film. This is one of the best I've seen. This film was made to tie up some loose ends caused by the cancellation of Enterprise. It was very well done and made to look very professional. The special effects and story line complemented each other and it seemed like most of the characters played off each other very nicely. Some people seem to go above and beyond to critique the acting, story, cgi, etc... for those of you who do, why bother watching at all? Me, I am happy to no end that people give their time, talent and money to put together a quality film that could have actually been made into an episode.