The Star Wars Holiday Special
The Star Wars Holiday Special
PG | 17 November 1978 (USA)
The Star Wars Holiday Special Trailers

Luke Skywalker and Han Solo battle evil Imperial forces to help Chewbacca reach his imperiled family on the Wookiee planet - in time for Life Day, their most important day of the year!

IslandGuru Who payed the critics
Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
sheriffduncanflynn I watched this film with my friend Gunner and, wow it was bad. So bad, that as George Lucas said and I quote "If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I'd track down every copy of that thing and smash it." Not only does it have nothing to do with Star Wars, but what it does is even more insulting. A terrible dance routine that preceded Jedi Rocks, a wookiee watching a tutorial video, and don't get me started on the awkward scene where Itchy watches... well, it's better not to mention it, honestly.What's even sadder is that this was the introduction of Boba Fett, and while he does more than what he did in the movies, he's still not a major threat to the rebellion heroes. Also, this film feels the need to bring in the main Star Wars cast, but if you look into their faces, not even trying, you can see how bored they are. They know what they're in. The only thing that saves the film from anything lower is that the B. Arthur scene, as pointless as it was, wasn't horrible. It brought back the cantina from A New Hope with some cool creatures and an emotional song. But that can't save this movie from being terrible.That being said, and, if you want to see a film so bad and awkward, this is for you. But if you actually expect something related to Star Wars, look elsewhere. To end this review off, I'll quote what I said when I and Gunner finished watching the film. "It's one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen, but at the same time, it's one of the worst ones I've ever seen!"
brian_m_hass In this made-for-TV holiday special, Han Solo is trying to evade Imperial forces to get Chewbacca home to his family in time for Life Day. Most of the main cast members of "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope" appear as their "Star Wars" characters in this program. The TV special features musical numbers as well as a few well known comedy stars.People watching this holiday special will have ambivalent feelings. As a holiday special (setting aside the fact that this production has any link to "Star Wars"), it is cute enough to where young children might enjoy it. As a "Star Wars" spin-off, hardcore "Star Wars" fans are certain to be disappointed. On one hand, it features the original main "Star Wars" characters from the time when the actors were in their prime; and for that reason alone, "Star Wars" fans are going to want to see this special out of curiosity (if for no other reason). On the other hand, no "Star Wars" fan would ever take this special seriously and would not consider it to be a part of the "Star Wars" canon. However, it cannot be dismissed entirely; because as surprising as it may sound, it was this holiday special (not "The Empire Strikes Back") which introduced the "Star Wars" character, Boba Fett.Some "Star Wars" fans may wonder, "Why was this holiday special made?" First, it was the 1970's (an era of ugly clothes, bad-looking hair styles, and disco music). This special was just one of the many things from the 1970's which were difficult to understand unless you lived through that time period. Second, only one "Star Wars" film had been released before this special was made; and, the first "Star Wars" film would not be shown on television until four years after this special was broadcast. Third, VCR technology was still too expensive to be common in most homes. The second and third points were the most important in explaining this holiday special; because, people were not able rent or buy copies of the original "Star Wars" film to watch in their own homes. For those reasons, some fans of the first film were probably thrilled to be able to see anything related to "Star Wars" on television in 1978.Is this holiday special as bad as some people say that it is? Once again, "Star Wars" fans will be disappointed with much of it. There isn't a lot of story in this special; and, much of it seems too silly and frivolous to be taken seriously. Many of the special effects scenes were nothing more than clips taken from the first "Star Wars" film. Compared to the original "Star Wars" film, the production quality of this special looks pretty cheesy; and, watching this special will probably cause fans of the first film to cringe. Some of the special's live action sequences bear a resemblance to the live action Saturday morning shows of the 1970's. Much of the special is musical; and, some people simply do not like any kind of musical. Many will not like this special for all of these reasons as well as others. On the other hand, if you do not take it too seriously, you might think that it is cute enough to enjoy during the holidays.The bottom line is this. Many hardcore "Star Wars" fans are not going to like this special at all. On the other hand, it is a gentle holiday special which some families and their children might enjoy. The best advice which can be offered is that if a hardcore "Star Wars" fan is watching this program with small children in the room, the fan should refrain from expressing opinions about the show in order to allow the children to enjoy it. If anyone has kids who like "Star Wars," the kids might enjoy this special as well
Johnny H. The Star Wars Holiday Special was the first production to be released after 'A New Hope''s 1977 release; this special was released the year after. What can I say that nobody else has already said about this televised monstrosity? I don't know; George Lucas, the big cheese himself, disowned this film after witnessing the guest-star-ridden variety-horror show unraveling before his eyes. This is probably one of the only things Lucas and Star Wars fans mutually agree on: that The Holiday Special is an unmitigated disaster.The film starts off okay, as we see Han Solo and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon, although filmed on late 70s video-tape; after the two outrun a pair of Star Destroyers (using stock footage from the original Star Wars film), we get the Star Wars theme playing, then the title-card and then... "The Star Wars Holiday Special!": a crappy voice-over, announcing the cast names and guest stars. Off to a good start I see.If that wasn't enough of a bad sign that this film is easily the worst thing to be branded with the 'Star Wars' name, the rest of the film after that opening comprises ALMOST ENTIRELY OF CHEWBACCA'S FAMILY, and NO English translation to interpret what they're growling! Even when there's an occasional break from the Wookiees 'speaking', the segments are painful to watch, except the one redeeming factor in this steaming pile of Bantha-poodoo: the animated segment where we see Boba Fett for the very first time.The Star Wars Holiday Special is full of inconsistencies, out-of-place appearances of Art Carney, Bea Arthur, Jefferson Starship, Harvey Korman, and lastly Wookiee-heartthrob/jerk-off: Diahann Carroll.If you're a Star Wars fan who was heart-broken by The Prequel Trilogy's disappointment, then stay the hell away from this because this just might kill you with its awfulness. AVOID IT LIKE THE DARK SIDE!
AllNewSux I agree that those first 20 minutes within the Wookiee household are 20 of the worst and most ridiculous moments in cinematic history. However, as a Star Wars fan I did find the rest of the film quite entertaining. Just like the Ewok Adventures or some Star Wars fan films, it's an extension of the Star Wars universe that we all know and love. You get to see many characters from the first film in Bea Arthur's cantina which is always cool because as a kid I loved the brief appearances by the hammerhead, devil and walrus looking guys. You get a better understanding for how the Wookiees actually live (no matter how stupid that may be) and you also get even more indications of just how evil the Empire is. Between the ransacking of homes and the constant presence on Wookiee television screens you get the idea that Lucas created the Empire as a mix between the Nazi SS and a George Orwell 1984 type of government. Because the Wookiees don't speak English and there's no translation available this really doesn't come across as a holiday special. The strange interspecies sexual overtones and the ultra evil imperials also don't add to any kind of holiday special feel either. Using the resources they had they could have made a pretty good Star Wars special, but Lucas was apparently too focused on wanting to show Wookiee home life. Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill turn in the best performances they can with the script they are given and Art Carney does a good job even if Bea Arthur and Harvey Korman do feel a bit out of place. I think most people judge this special simply from those tedious first 20 minutes. I watched the whole thing and in the end found that I'd like to watch it again even if I have to fast forward through the long opening scene in Chewbacca's home. Any person who is a fanatic for the original trilogy (the TRUE Star Wars) should find something to enjoy about this show. Granted, I couldn't give it more than 5 stars because there are so many flaws and it's just so goofy most of the time, but in the end I found it far more entertaining than any Star Wars related thing made in the 21st century...