Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage
Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage
PG-13 | 07 February 2014 (USA)
Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage Trailers

When the Sultan's first born is taken by an evil sorcerer, Sinbad is tasked with traveling to a desert of magic and creatures to save her.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
DipitySkillful an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Aryana Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
maphy775 I cannot describe my disappointment by watching this movie. It is not that I expected advanced version of an old 70s Sinbad movie and got a bad surprise of this move falling behind in past like it is made during 40s (if that is possible). Acting is terrible. Looks like cheap theatre show. Special effects... hard to be called special effects as kids movies of class "Shaun the Sheep" looks better. Considering said above, you can't see a story goes anywhere but down below everything. And as someone put it good while saying about dull movies "If you have 2 hours to waste, better watch paint dry on a wall rather than seeing this movie!" Feel bad seeing a great name behind Narrator is in this movie :-(
schwicked There are several fake reviews for this movie, attempting to counter the 1 stars with a bunch of 10/10 reviews. Be warned, this movie is one of the worst ever made. It's not subjective, it's just a fact. There have been worse movies but they were all made in the 70's about workplace safety.There are several aspects of this movie that are terrible.The acting is on par with that which you might find in a play put on hastily by teenagers, who forget to make a script... or a plot. The script, if one exists, is the kind of thing that makes the likes of 10,000 BC or Cats & Dogs look like masterworks. It mostly consists of one character telling everyone what is happening then another saying "oh yes, that is happening", to which a third character will exclaim that "I have also noticed it happening, and this is how I feel about it." Which may or may not be accompanied by an expression, which is supposed to convey an emotion but somehow doesn't.The story was clearly not story boarded. That's the only conclusion I can come up with as to why giant swathes of the plot are skipped over from scene to scene. I have actually advised several film students to watch the movie as a warning, to illustrate what happens if you try and make a movie without properly planning it beforehand. You end up with missing scenes. In the case of Sinbad, you are missing at least 20 minutes, since the movie purports to be 89 minutes long but is actually only 69.Editing. It's one of those jobs that is utterly thankless. If you do a good job, nobody notices but if you do a bad job, you ruin everything. As an illustration of what you can expect, we have a scene in the movie where, not once but twice, the camera has a slow, lingering shot of what we're told is a honey comb (people who have seen a honey comb know that they rarely look so much like a throbbing member though), the shot is accompanied by tense, combat style music. It is surreal. As if to compliment that, we have combat scenes, scored by gentle, Sunday strolling music. Effects. Much has been made of the effects by the fake reviews but they really, really shouldn't. The effects are just plain bad. They are bad, to the extent, that the 1958 Sinbad movie, which featured the stunning work of Ray Harryhausen, is leagues ahead, not 50+ years behind. The idea of paying homage is fantastic and certainly stop-motion, with the modern tools available can really be brought to the next level, it just hasn't been here. It has dramatically missed the next level, fallen short and landed in a vat of angry alligators.In short, the movie is a disaster, the likes of which most will be lucky to never see. For everyone else, watch this movie, only so that you might warn others.Please insert your own sign-off pun, based on movie quality, containing the words 'sin' and 'bad'.................................
Shane Ball If i could use three words to describe Sinbad fifth voyage, it would have to be: Retro, Fun, and Uniquely's a total blast from the past. it moves right along, it's never boring, and the acting was good enough for me to sink my teeth into. This type of film uses the stop motion animation, although some people might find it crude and out dated by today's standards, but I am so sick of the over the top CGI in most movies that I found this very cool to see again. I thought the story was well plotted and well executed , and it's a timeless classic, so i guess it's no surprise it has just been remade.I thought the director shahin solimon did very well considering he was the lead as well. That can not be easy. i would say three thumbs up...great family fun. See it when you get a chance.
alicegreen622 I ignored this film when it first came out in February at theaters. I Read some mixed reviews. There were just too many cool films to see this year. Friends who saw it told me it was cute. Despite it's pretty sincerer cast and attempt to cash in on the mythic quest themes of the old Sinbad movies, it rapidly sunk from sight. But just before it went out of theaters, I decided to check it out, looking for a film appropriate for my 10 year old son. The critics are right. The F/X are clunky, but thats what this film is all about. Don't you people get it? Its fun times with an old friend... Sinbad!! Shahin Sean Solimon was a nice look for Sinbad, he is actually the first one to look the part correctly. ...IT ALL WORKS! The sets? perfectly capture the feelings of a retro Sinbad. There isn't a drop of contemporary thought or commercialism into irony & cynicism. It is a simple GOOD vs EVIL movie, lovingly given to us by the traditional effects made popular by Harryhausen. whats not to love?Form your own opinion, but me as a single mom?? Loved it, and so did little Joey!