The 7 Adventures of Sinbad
The 7 Adventures of Sinbad
PG-13 | 25 May 2010 (USA)
The 7 Adventures of Sinbad Trailers

Sinbad, the original Prince of Persia, must complete seven tasks in order to save the world from catastrophe.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Ivon Garcia This movie is so bad that I am forced to write this review so that others don't waste an hour and a half of their lives on this movie. Please don't rent it, don't see it, even if it's for free. The premise of the movie was a good one, and once the Island began to sink I thought 'hmm maybe this will be a good film'. But once Loa came in dressed with a bra made of belt straps with a broken English and then after 20 minutes, she could speak it properly... I knew that it was going to be downhill from there. Reasons why I think that this is a bad film. 1. Too much computer animations, and they didn't work well with live action. 2. Crabs don't walk forward 3. Girl with broken English cannot re-learn English in a day or so of movie time. 4. Graphics again got in the way of action. 5. When beasts die, they should bleed. 6.Dialogue was extremely blahI kind of saw the end of the movie, and it was very predictable. Maybe these are good actors, but this was bad. Maybe the writing was bad. Maybe the actors are bad. Something just didn't work with this movie. I am going to rent the old Sinbad movies so that my mind does not get a negative view of Sinbad. Remember, don't watch this movie.
nkotbfan1234 I watched this film when it was released into the DVD world.I have been searching for this film for ages. I promise you, the graphics are unbearable, so bad, so terrible, I found myself laughing so hard, I was rolling on the floor.I originally thought this film was action. It turned into a comedy. The acting made me sick. Haha. But it is worth watching as it is freaking hilarious how bad it is.the DVD cover doesn't even match the film. The crab scene was my favorite. I do recommend this film as a comedy.but based on the film as a whole, it gains no marks from me. But as I haven't laughed so hard in my life, I'm scoring it a ten.
mikemdp Here's a Sinbad clearly modeled after Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark; a wealthy corporate honcho, sans super armor suit, who finds himself lost on an island filled with giant creatures that really don't do much of anything.Then, later, it turns into a kind of military rebel movie, with some unexciting pit fighting overseen by a Dan Haggerty-looking dude who appears to have been pulled out of a crack house and given a few lines to read. He dies, but you won't care, because you really won't understand why he was in this thing in the first place.The creatures really don't do much more than Harryhausen's did 50 years ago, which is to blink their eyes and growl a lot. But they are occasionally impressive, especially the flying dragon-type things that eat one guy but are apparently frightened away by sharpened sticks and thrown pebbles. However, the devilish monster protecting some mystical volcano stones looks like a heavy metal LP cover come to badly animated life.Oh, and the stones: They hold the secret to escaping the island; which is to say, they can get really hot, for no apparent reason. So, Sinbad uses them to create steam and power a hot-air balloon and fly away. Why, I don't know, FIRE would have worked just as well demands a suspension of my disbelief this movie didn't work hard enough to accomplish.The last third of the movie is so incomprehensible, it's quite likely it was written and directed by someone who speaks no English at all, and who was sniffing glue. It has something to do with a giant squid, Sinbad in a submarine, a bad guy clearly inspired by Jeff Bridges' villain in "Iron Man," poorly rendered tornadoes, an earthquake scene the producers lifted from one of Asylum's dopey disaster movies, and, just for kicks and giggles, Armageddon.Worth the couple of bucks I paid for it, for the few laughs I got at its expense. Only fools and Dan Haggerty would pay more.
TheLittleSongbird To be honest I wasn't expecting much when I saw The 7 Adventures of Sinbad, but this was worse than expected. Granted it is not the worst SyFy has done, there is one decent special effect and that is the giant bird and Sarah Dessage breathes some life into her role. The rest though is atrocious. The rest of the graphics are best forgotten, a vast majority of them are crude particularly the cyclops and the cheap settings, costumes and photography don't fare much better. The story is also disjointed and predictable, the dialogue laughable and unintentionally funny, the pace sluggish, the soundtrack out of place and intrusive, the direction non-existent and the acting particularly the lead appalling. Overall, a big mess. 1/10 Bethany Cox