R | 04 June 2010 (USA)
Splice Trailers

Elsa and Clive, two young rebellious scientists, defy legal and ethical boundaries and forge ahead with a dangerous experiment: splicing together human and animal DNA to create a new organism. Named "Dren", the creature rapidly develops from a deformed female infant into a beautiful but dangerous winged human-chimera, who forges a bond with both of her creators - only to have that bond turn deadly.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Jeffrey Burton This is a very well constructed Sci-Fi movie. I've read it was sold as horror and actually the horror elements sort of bog it down. What it is a study of people playing god, bad parenting, social irresponsibility and killing the things you love. Adrian Brody and Sarah Polley are both great and Delphine Chanéac is wonderful as Dren. The special effects are very good in this and Dren seems very real. You totally accept her as this quasi-human creature and feel sorry for her situation, while still being afraid of what she might do. This story could've really gone in a different direction and the ending seems forced to bring about a climax. It's a very engaging and entertaining movie as it is and well worth the view.
Coventry As hinted at via the lead characters' names (inspired by Colin CLIVE and ELSA Lanchester), "Splice" is basically just a 21st century update of the legendary "Frankenstein" tale. It's about scientists playing God and attempting to create new life without thinking about the possible consequences. The difference is of course that science and laboratories have evolved quite tremendously since Mary Shelley invented the immortal premise, and thus Boris Karloff's corpse has been replaced by microscopic bits of DNA and the resurrection process via lighting & thunderstorms has been replaced with a complicated splicing process that I don't even bother to understand. Call me old-fashioned, but this advanced and pseudo-intellectual kind of Sci-Fi is quite unappealing, pretentious and mostly boring. Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley – their mediocre performances are undoubtedly still the best thing about the whole film – form a brilliant couple of scientists specialized in DNA research. For their employer, a massive pharmaceutical company called N.E.R.D (ha ha!), they are supposed to mix and merge DNA from various animal species and create a brand new organism. They do this quite successfully; with the creation of a pair of blobby critters they name Fred and Ginger, But Elsa wants to go even further. She persuades Clive to continue their experiments and even add human DNA into the cocktail, with as result the "birth" of a humanoid that looks like a rodent with amphibious lungs and a split forehead. Dren, as they name her, rapidly grows into a curious female and it soon becomes very difficult to keep her under control and hidden for the outside world. In spite of the intellectual and relevant subject matter, "Splice" is a surprisingly dumb and highly implausible film. The first half is still absorbing and eventful, with a disastrous press conference as gory highlight, but then it suddenly turns into a stupid, tedious and inconceivable mess. I fail to believe that a vivid and boisterous creature like Dren can possibly be kept hidden in the basement of a mastodon company without being noticed, and that's just the least annoying thing of everything that doesn't make sense! The script suddenly comes up with a sub plot about Elsa's troubled childhood, but that remains vague and random. The couple also constantly changes their minds and roles. At first Clive is reluctant and wants to destroy Dren while Elsa treats her lovingly like she nurtured it in her own womb. Later on, however, it's Clive who protects Dren from Elsa who wants to kill it with a shovel. Make up your damn minds! If all this isn't laughable enough yet, Clive naturally also copulates with his hamster-faced abomination. Pretty much like Dren herself, "Splice" is quite an abomination and I can't say I'm too surprised because even his more acclaimed movies "Cube" and "Cypher" were terribly overrated.
jwilshu Look, I never ever write reviews of movies and I won't here, however I have just finished watching 'Splice' and am compelled to to plead with you, the movie-going public to take heed of the following dire warning. Watching this movie will cause you to severely question your judgment, that of your friends and/or family, of the movie industry in general, the movie theaters that ran it and the DVD company that pressed it. Furthermore, upon enduring this complete train wreck a highly trained psychiatrist will absolutely be required to avert suicidal and/or homicidal tendencies and more dire, the Baker Act may have to be enforced.I have to admit that I was leery of "Splice" from the start as 1.) I had never heard of it, having been around awhile and watch plenty of movies and 2.) A friend of mine said that he had a DVD from a friend of his, given to him to, "Watch and then tell me what you think". Hmm. So we dutifully watched, painfully endured and WOW are we sorry we did, for now my friend has go go back to his friend and say what, "You just played the joke of the century on me?!" Throughout the entire movie I kept asking my friend the following, "Your friend is toying with you, right? This is a joke, right?! What did you do to incur this kind of wrath?!!" The entire enterprise is a complete disaster of the utmost proportions from start to finish and a rating of 0 would be far more appropriate. With just deplorable directing, absolutely thoughtless writing, God awful acting, nonexistent plot development, ridiculous pacing and the most offensively tasteless movie scene I have ever had the displeasure to witness, this bomb is truly of the anti-matter variety. As such, Vincenzo Natali and Antoinette Terry Bryant should be shamed into irrelevance, Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley should consider their Equity cards revoked for life and Michele Conroy should willingly relinquish her 2 Canadian editing awards as she face planted here by not splicing 'Splice' in its entirety into the void.No spoilers here as the true spoiler was the movie itself. Other than to say that it is by far and above the most absurd waste of time and money that I have ever seen AND an utter disservice to celluloid and digital, to engage in dissecting it in any way would only cause me to indulge in the second biggest waste of time of all time. Therefore, I will attempt to move forward with the solace that I have just witnessed the nadir of film making such that nothing, NOTHING in the whole of life itself can be as shockingly deplorable as this total piece of garbage. Do yourself the biggest of favors and avoid 'Splice' at all costs. Now where is my in-network Psychiatry directory...
Liju James Splice is one of the best science fiction movies I have seen. Although being more a fan of space expeditions and this movie belongs to the advanced genetic engineering genre, it indeed captivated me for the full duration of the movie. The story is brilliant, but personally I feel the climax could have been much better. The last five minutes changed the flow of the story and took it to another level, a notch below where it should have actually gone. I was really confused about what actually happened. Though Elsa tells in a few words about what had happened, it was hard for me to digest it for some time. The movie raised more questions than answers by the time I completed watching. May be that itself was the purpose of the film. Then again, the closing scene was a relief. Overall I give 8/10 for the story, the flow, the effects and the characters - especially Dren!