Sorry if I Love You
Sorry if I Love You
| 25 January 2008 (USA)
Sorry if I Love You Trailers

Alex Belli is a 37 year old advertising executive whose fiancée Elena has just left him, and who is having difficulty at work trying to think of a good advertising campaign for a new Japanese product. Niki is a bubbly 17 year old student. She has three best friends with whom she shares all her problems, and an annoying ex-boyfriend Fabio who is set on getting her back, but Niki's not interested. One day on his way to work, Alex collides with Niki on a city street. They soon begin a romance, despite their 20-year age gap.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Diana First of all this movie reminds me a real life situation and it's important to me when I need movie with details something like that. So in movie you can see many characters but just two persons stuck in my mind. Even if there is a difference in age, they fall in love with each other. It means that you can find love everywhere and it's very romantic. I loved this movie because here love overcomes everything. But it's just my opinion. For me it's very good movie but I don't know about other people's opinions. So that's all.
Luiz V I had a wonderful time watching this movie, although I can understand how other people, from a different age group or cultural background, could feel differently. I watched it on cable by pure accident, on a lazy Sunday morning, in bed, with my wife. We had never heard about it before.Although the story is thin, it echoed on us. The culture, ambiance and events, although caricatured, had a lot to do with our lives and our friends' lives. There are obvious silly moments but the movie talked to us. We ended up teasing each other, making analogies with things in our past, remembering our moments and our friends.All in all, it warmed our hearts and we had a great time watching it. Most other movies do not reward us in such a way. BTW, Michela Quattrociocche (Niki), probably 18 when the movie was made, is delicious to look at and worth watching. According to my wife, the guy (Raoul Bova) is great too, and better looking than the girl. I disagree.
RainDogJr I'm currently studying Italian and in yesterday's class we got to see a movie, an Italian one of course, for the very first time. The choice of my teacher was SCUSA MA TI CHIAMO AMORE, a completely unknown movie for me. Remember when some years ago filmmaker Quentin Tarantino said that "new Italian cinema is just depressing"? Well, I can't say I'm with Quentin since I don't know much about new Italian cinema (or Italian cinema in general, but hey, at least I recently got the Fernando Di Leo crime collection on Blu-Ray!), but I simply recalled what he said because this movie made me think something like this: "having tons of great Italian films, what was my teacher thinking when she decided to go with this one?" It was Italian class and the whole point of watching a film was just to hear people speaking in Italian, so obviously we could have some truly great and interesting stuff. I remember that when both my sister and my cousin were studying Italian they said to me that a Roberto Benigni film (I think it was IL MOSTRO) was shown at a class. So instead of having some Benigni, we watched this modern romantic film; it might be modern since it's from 2008, but its storyline is just the f****** same thing we all have seen countless times before. Criticizing a movie for its clichéd story is certainly a cliché itself, but I think it's necessary to point out how predictable SCUSA MA TI CHIAMO AMORE is. You are like 15 minutes into it and you just know each and every damn thing. It's also a cliché to say that this thing of having a tired storyline would really not matter if the movie gives you something else that's just great. As you can tell by my rating, with this there's nothing much that stand out. It tries to be funny, both in a straight and romantic way, but I didn't laugh nor find a memorable romantic side. It's simply ridiculous, with cheap stuff like having the two main characters meeting and getting along after being involved in a traffic collision. Or what about when the girl gets all of the sudden involved in the work issues of the guy (who is 20 years older than her)? It's soap opera stuff. Also, there's a problem with the minor characters; for instance, when the happy ending of an apparent subplot comes, out of nowhere, to the screen I was just like "who are these characters? And why should I care about them?" For me this is weak writing, and editing too; the film is full of phrases about love (by people like William Shakespeare and Pablo Neruda) and sometimes we have them on the screen out of nowhere as well. In few words: when the only thing that interests you of an Italian movie is that it is spoken in Italian, something is very wrong. *Watched it on March 24, 2012
Helen Kirkwood (helenkirkwood07) The Italians have a great reputation in the comedy department. I spend great part of the year in Italy and I've seen the work of Dino Risi, Pietro Germi and some other geniuses. This film doesn't belong to the same universe. Not for a long, long, long shot. Filmed indifferently, based on a popular teen age volume that one has to make an effort to imagine what the book was like. The film was directed by the author so I'm sure he was religiously faithful to the source. The dullness of this "romantic comedy" makes one wonder. The film is a top grossing box office champ in Italy. I keep wondering, why? There is nothing in it that would allure audiences anywhere. A 37 year old in a love relationship with a 17 year old. He looks over 37 and behaves like a teen ager. She looks older than 17 and behaves like a brat. What an unwholesome combination. He, Raoul Bova is in big star in his own country but his appeal eludes me completely. He is the most boring presence in the screen. So, the Los Angeles/Italia Festival at the Chinese Theater of Hollywood Boulevard started, as far as I'm concerned, with a dud of major proportions. Let's hope it improves.