Son of God
Son of God
PG-13 | 28 February 2014 (USA)
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In the Holy Land, the Roman occupation has produced a cauldron of oppression, anxiety and excessive taxes levied upon the Jewish people. Fearing the wrath of Roman governor Pontius Pilate , Jewish high priest Caiaphas tries to keep control of his people. That control is threatened when Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, performing miracles and spreading messages of love and hope. Those who fear that Jesus will inspire a revolution decide that he must die.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
rouzbehalm-30295 An awful with very poor acting! I wasted my time watching this movie!
MovieBuffMarine I am a fan of movies about Christ and like to see how the various takes on his life go. I grew up on 1977's Jesus of Nazareth, and saw 1961's King of Kings through TV airings and DVD. Unsurprisingly, they were pretty dramatic.Then comes 2014's Son of God, which I found too dramatic.What is the difference between 2014's take and the earlier depictions? For the latter, you feel the message of Christ and the New Testament, very powerful in my opinion. For Son of God, I felt they were trying to cater to a "modern" audience. While I didn't think the acting was bad, I didn't feel the Gospel in this depiction. While I also thought there were some good additions or takes (like expanding the role of Mary Magdalene), I thought they dramatized too much some events from Jesus' time.If you are an atheist or agnostic, this can be an enjoyable fare for you. If you become a believer afterwards, more power to you.If you are a believer in Christ and into his teachings and regularly worship him, I'm not so sure you will feel the message of the New Testament and Christ in this movie.I for one could not feel the message. Again, too dramatic for me.See it and form an opinion for yourself.
Python Hyena Son of God (2014): Dir: Christopher Spencer / Cast: Diogo Morgado, Darwin Shaw, Sebastian Knapp, Greg Hicks, Roma Downey: This is the definite form of authority. Jesus born in a manger in the most humble manner for which he descends upon his followers. This is based on the mini series The Bible, which was successful and director Christopher Spencer brings portions of it to the big screen. The ultimate Christ film is The Passion of the Christ. This film doesn't match it because it becomes disjointed with regards to what is included here and what isn't. We have a brief flashback of the death of John the Baptist that was likely more detailed and fully realized in the mini series. We witness the oppression of the Romans as well as a variety of miracles performed by Jesus. We meet the disciples and more importantly we witness the arrest, trial, death, and ultimately the resurrection. Diogo Morgado portrays the humble nature of Christ. Darwin Shaw plays Peter whose loyalty is obvious despite denying Christ three times when pressure builds up. Sebastian Knapp plays John who narrates from exile. He is the last living disciple. Greg Hicks plays Pilate who is more or less pressured and influenced to sentence Christ to death by crucifixion. Roma Downey plays virgin Mary who must witness the events as they unfold. The film is better made than perhaps it indicates coming from a mini series but The Passion of the Christ is artistically done with innovative shots and use of lighting. Son of God presents the gospel disjointedly but should open discussion for its target audience. Score: 9 / 10
brandonsullivan91 Lovers of Jesus, don't get upset. I don't like this movie. Why? Because I love Jesus! Just because you slap "Jesus" on the title doesn't make it perfect. The problems:We are given a mish mash jumble cluster of Bible sequence that seems like it went through a wood chipper. Most of the movie I was thinking "...wait a minute, that happened before/after/never" What audience is supposed to enjoy a jacked up sequence? People with limited knowledge will get wrong information and added confusion. Vets of the Bible will spend the whole time fact checking and finding out that the movie is WRONG.Near the beginning one of the disciples asks Jesus, "what are we going to do?" to which Jesus says, "Change the world!" Besides the fact that this exchange never happened in the Bible, Jesus came to SAVE the world. It wasn't a political movement, social movement, or self-help class. Jesus came, lived a perfect/sinless life so he could die in our place of punishment to cover our sins with His blood. Simple.The stoning scene was especially troubling to me. A group of leaders are gathered around the prostitute and want to execute her. They see this as a chance to test Jesus. Jesus gives the classic teaching "He who is without sin cast the first stone" to which we see all the stones drop from the crowd. The problem is they show Jesus like the rest of the crowd dropping His stone, implying that Jesus is guilty of sin. Either this is a terrible filming choice communicating the wrong message, OR an actual belief of the new age Downey... Jesus is blameless and without sin. This sinless life is critical to proving Jesus was God and also qualified Him to be the atonement for sin. Non biblical issue: SLOW MOTION ABUSE!!! Producers meeting: Guy 1 = Hmm, what is the best way to communicate that this moment is powerful/important... Guy 2 = I KNOW! Let's slow motion it. Guy 1 = I don't know, there are at least eleven important scenes. Guy 2 = Slow motion them all, it'll be great!!!