So Proudly We Hail
So Proudly We Hail
NR | 09 September 1943 (USA)
So Proudly We Hail Trailers

During the start of the Pacific campaign in World War II, Lieutenant Janet Davidson is the head of a group of U.S. military nurses who are trapped behind enemy lines in the Philippines. Davidson tries to keep up the spirits of her staff, which includes Lieutenants Joan O'Doul and Olivia D'Arcy. They all seek to maintain a sense of normal life, including dating, while under constant danger as they tend to wounded soldiers.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Maddyclassicfilms So Proudly We Hail! is directed by Marc Sandrich and written by Allan Scott. The film stars Claudette Colbert, Paulette Goddard, Veronica Lake, Barbara Britton and George Reeves.This powerful film set and made during the Second World War focuses on army nurses. Soldiers get a lot of attention in real life and in films but the services and courage of frontline medical personal often gets overlooked. These doctors and nurses also put their lives at risk and try to save lives, mend broken bodies and try and heal the broken minds of wounded soldiers. They see horror just like the soldiers do and work so hard to bring comfort to the injured and dying.This film made at the height of the Second World War focuses on a group of American nurses lead by the strong Lt. Davison(Claudette Colbert). They are aboard ship on their way to Pearl Harbour when news of the attack there comes through, they are transferred to Bataan in the Philippines. The group of very different women become friends as they work together to try and do what they can to help the wounded and dying in the Philippines.For the time there's some very graphic scenes in this including the attack on the hospital in which a nurse is killed and the unforgettable moment where another nurse sacrifices herself so that her trapped colleagues get a chance to escape to safety.The film also shows how difficult it is for the nurses to deal with the horrors they face and how uncertain the safety of medical personal was just like that of the soldiers.The entire cast are superb but the standout performances for me are Paulette Goddard as the fun loving Joan, Claudette Colbert as the head nurse trying to look after her girls and the glamorous Veronica Lake as the traumatised Olivia, her storyline is very dark and truly unforgettable and Lake proves here what a good actress she was. George Reeves (the TV Superman)is good as a soldier who falls in love with Lt. Davison.
Jimmy L. SO PROUDLY WE HAIL! (1943) has hard-hitting battleground action while telling a story about women (U.S. Army nurses) and women's issues. It's very well-done. The nurses struggle with their duty and their personal lives (romances, etc.) while facing the horrors of war. The special effects are surprisingly effective, rocking the camera with brutal explosions, and the war-zone drama is sure to bring a tear to one's eye.The setting of the action is the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines, where U.S. forces were hopelessly outnumbered and cut off from relief early in WWII. The film was made in the middle of the war when the outcome was anything but certain. It's a bit unusual in Hollywood films to see the U.S. losing battles. Seeing the Americans routed by the Japanese in the Philippines almost makes one wonder if the U.S. had a chance in the Pacific. The film has a patriotic flavor and seems to say that Americans have the courage and the spirit to overcome the early setbacks and get the job done (in the name of freedom, etc.). Claudette Colbert is solid as always in the lead, playing the selfless officer looking after the other girls. Paulette Goddard gives a great performance, earning an Oscar nomination. She's all personality. She's funny, but not overly so, and has some touching dramatic moments. Viewers will also see a side to Veronica Lake they'd never expect. Dark and serious.George Reeves plays the soldier who falls in love with Colbert, giving her someone to worry about while she works to keep the hospital base running despite short supplies and occasional Japanese air raids. Marine Sonny Tufts pairs off with Goddard in a sweet, but more comical relationship.Directed by Astaire-Rogers musical-comedy veteran Mark Sandrich, SO PROUDLY WE HAIL! is a very effective war drama. Even though it focuses on the nurses and not the soldiers, the depiction of war is gritty and tough. The action scenes pull no punches. Viewers sympathize with the characters in their personal struggles, but also with the greater American forces in the context of the war. It's interesting to see a film like this made during WWII when things could've gone either way for the "good guys". Sonny Tufts can't believe the U.S. is on the losing side of the Battle of Bataan. Claudette Colbert gives a speech about the reality of war, with Americans being killed in places Americans used to think of as exotic and far away. It's a global affair and the U.S. was in it now, for keeps.7.5/10
Debbie Thus movie is based on a true story taken from the book, "I Served On Bataan," written by nurse Juanita Hipps, a WWII nurse. She served in Bataan and Corrigedor during the time when McArthur withdrew to Australia. This unprecedented American withdrawal was a huge temporary defeat for our forces and ultimately led to the surrender of US and Philippine troops to Japan. Those prisoners of that surrender were the ones subjected to the infamous Bataan Death March.The action and pathos of this film feel real because they are based on real human beings faced with critical issues of life, death, hatred, love and courage in the face of fire.So worth your viewing time!
pluto-11 As a film goes, this one is rather dated, saccharin sweet romance (way - way over-the-top in the romance part). However, it is one of the few films that bothered to show the sacrifices that Red Cross Nurses, Doctors, and medical staff made during World War II. Because of that, it is an important film to see so that we can all appreciate their important contribution.I just got done seeing it and I entered "World War II Corregidor" into Google and read several web pages that go into detail about the role Red Cross Nurses played in World War II. In it explains what actually happened on Corregidor and the part the nurses played. So, if you see this film - take a moment and educate yourself. If you are an American or affiliated with the Red Cross - you can take a moment and feel pride in their accomplishments. My late mother was a Registered Nurse who worked with the Red Cross after she "retired", so in my heart I paid homage to her and her generation by watching this film and reading the history behind it.Anyway, pretty decent film except for the romance. Worth viewing.