NR | 28 April 1977 (USA)
Snowbeast Trailers

A skier and his wife visit a friend's ski resort during a man beast's rampage, and must hide from the impending danger.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
soulexpress SNOWBEAST has a good-looking cast and majestic scenery, but is nothing more than a JAWS retread. Instead of the ocean, we're in the Colorado mountains. Instead of beach season, it's Winter Carnival. Instead of a shark, there's a homicidal Yeti. Instead of Roy Scheider, there's Clint Walker. Instead of a boat, they're gonna need a bigger snowmobile.The cast includes Bo Svensson as a retired Olympic skier who's afraid to return to the slopes, Yvette Mimieux as his estranged wife, Robert Logan as a family friend who's also in love with Mimieux's character (the sub-plot goes nowhere), Clint Walker as the beleaguered sheriff, and Sylvia Sidney as a ski-resort owner who doesn't want the slopes shut down just because a monster is tearing people to shreds with its big-ass claws. The only decent performance is Mimieux's, though Svensson at least appeared to enjoy playing his role.Since this was a TV movie, the killings are implied rather than seen. (Remember, this was the age of the Family Hour.) In fact, we barely see the creature at all. SNOWBEAST primarily consists of endless scenes of skiing, snowmobiling, and the uninteresting cast of characters baring their souls between Yeti murders.Life hack: if a snowbeast is charging at you and you're out of bullets, stab the monster with your ski pole. This will knock it backward into a conveniently located gully, where the creature will drop to the bottom and passively wait to die. At least, that's what happens here.
Rainey Dawn This is in the Drive-In 50-pack Collection. I remember seeing this one on TV a long time ago. I watched recently and the film is adequately good. One of the better films in the Drive-in pack to me.The film is not your top-notch Hollywood Horror film but it is worth watching if you are a fan of horror and Bigfoot / Yeti (Abominable Snowman). Just keep in mind when watching the movie is was made for TV in the 1970s.The story is mediocre, nothing extraordinary, but the film does have a story. It's not overrun by a Yeti just out killing people which is good to me. I like a good horror story not a monster on film just mindlessly killing throughout the film.I would say worth watching if you ever catch it on TV or acquire it in a film pack.6.5/10
Red-Barracuda It may seem hard for younger people to believe this now but back in the 1970's a lot of people believed in the existence of Bigfoot, so much so that there were even documentaries made on the subject that seem quaintly ridiculous now, such as The Legend of Bigfoot (1976). For this reason it's hardly surprising that creature features of the day were also sometimes about the legendary Sasquatch. Snowbeast is a TV movie of this ilk that plays upon the fact that a lot of folks still thought these creatures could be out there.Its writer is Joseph Stefano the man responsible for the screenplay of Alfred Hitchcock's classic thriller Psycho (1960). With this movie Stefano's writing skills are somewhat more derivative in that the plot-line to Snowbeast is essentially a copy Jaws (1975), a film that had been released a couple of years earlier and one that had been astronomically successful at the box office. There are various ways this flick mimics that Spielberg classic - it opens with an unseen beast killing an unsuspecting young woman, there is a carnival that is so commercially important to the community that the town leader insists on ignoring the grim warning signs, there is an everyman who alerts the authorities of the danger but is ignored until more unnecessary deaths occur, a small group eventually get the go ahead to go out to seek and kill the creature in a vehicle that the monster easily destroys. Also like Jaws the monster here is only seen sporadically, mainly it's powerful arm and a couple of flashes of the head but hardly anything really. It would probably have been better if we were to have seen more but it's not really a deal breaker for me. I actually though the most effective moment when the snowbeast is seen was when it's glimpsed from afar half hidden by trees way up a hill. It's quite a nicely creepy moment.I've got to be honest and say I kind of like this movie and think it gets a bit of an unfair wrap. Admittedly I have a soft spot immediately for any film set in the snow. And the Colorado ski resort is a great location for me. The snowy expanses are kind of nice and I enjoy watching folks ski. So for this reason I am immediately on board with this one. But not only this, I also think it works pretty effectively as a creature feature. The story and characters are solid enough; while there are some effective enough tense scenes involving the Bigfoot. Overall, this one is a little under-rated I reckon; you could do a lot worse.
arfdawg-1 In this made for TV film, an enormous and angry bigfoot creature begins to terrorize a Colorado Ski Resort during a winter carnival, by eating several skiers. At first everyone insists it is just a bear.Until ski patrolman Tony Rill sees a white shadowy beastly shape disappearing into the woods. Although Tony's grandmother Mrs. Carrie Rill, who owns the Ski Resort and the town sheriff, Sheriff Paraday disagree, it soon becomes clear when the creature finally attacks the town. This is a tedious slow moving TV film.Not worth the watch at all.